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Political cartoons

Dixiecrat Political Cartoon by Clifford Berryman

Political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in which J. Howard McGrath (left) holds a gun and says to Harry S. Truman "I'm going to run those Dixiecrats out of here." Truman replied "I'm afraid they've already gone, Howard." An inscription from the cartoonist to Senator McGrath says "My Dear Senator, with my best wishes, be sure that gun doesn't kick back, some of them do. C. K. Berryman, Washington Star, September 5, 1948."

Cartoon from The New Yorker

In this political cartoon by Mischa Richter, a hostess at an elegant dinner party seats two men next to each other. The caption of the cartoon says, "I'm putting you next to Senator Teaman, Mr. Armstrong; he's investigating you and your company." This cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.

Taking Office Political Cartoon by Clifford Berryman

This photograph of a political cartoon depicts President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) speaks with several media microphones in front of him. The ghosts of former presidents watch over him: (from left to right, top row to bottom) Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Andrew Jackson. Clifford Berryman created this political cartoon which appeared in the Evening Star on April 15, 1945. This political cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.