
  1. Harry S. Truman
  2. Library Collections
  3. President Harry S. Truman's White House Staff

President Harry S. Truman's White House Staff

1945 - 1953


(by Staff Member Last Name)

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]


Name Office
Abrams, Rose S. (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Kerr in Mr. Locke's Office
Adams Jr., Lawrence A., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1946
Alderman, Florence Correspondence Staff
Alexander, Fred C. Mr. Pratt's Staff (detailed from the National Security Resources Board)
Allen, George E.
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at George E. Allen Public Library (Bonneville, Mississippi)
  • See also: Personal Papers at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Personal Representative of the President (for the liquidation of War Agencies): 08/30/45 - 01/46
Anderson, Howard S. Assistant Supervising Agent, U.S. Secret Service
Anderson, Margaret Mr. Spingarn's Office
Anderson, Ruth General Vaughan's Office
Anderson, Vernice Mr. Locke's Office
Andrews, Ida Social Office
Andrews, Russell P. Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman
Archibald, Fred J., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1950
Arrington, Howard B. Plumber
Arthur, Betty (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Arthur, Henry B.
  • See: Personal Papers at Harvard Business School Archives, Baker Library
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Asay, Mary (Mrs.)  
Avery, Isaac M. White House carpenter
Ayers, Eben A. Assistant Press Secretary, Special Assistant in the White House Office

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Name Office
Bachelder, Mable (Mrs.)  
Bachelder, Toinette Marya Judge Rosenman's Office; Mr. Clifford's Office; Mr. Murphy's Office
Baker, Warren P., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Marines: 1951
Baller, Mrs. Maurice H. Files
Banner, Marian (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Barnes, James M.
  • See: Personal Papers at Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/12/45 - 07/10/45
Barnett, A.H. Messenger
Barrows, Roberta
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
Secretary to Mr. Connelly
Barry, Frank M. U.S. Secret Service
Bassie, V. Lewis
  • See: Personal Papers at University of Illinois Archives
Mr. Harriman's Staff
Bartenstein, Helen (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Batchelor, Eileen Correspondence Staff
Batte, James H., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1946-1948
Beache, Josephine (Mrs.) Files
Beard, Emma L. (Mrs.) Secretary to Maurice C. Latta; Secretary to William J. Hopkins
Beard, Lorraine (Mrs.) Files
Behn, Gerald A. U.S. Secret Service
Belair, Felix Jr. Mr. Gray's Local Office
Belcher, Marjorie S. Dr. Steelman's Office
Bell, David E.
  • Staff Member and Office Files: David E. Bell Files
  • Personal Papers
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Records of the Office of Management and Budget [OMB], Records of the Director's Office at NARA (Record Group 51.8.1)
  • See also: Records of the Agency for International Development [AID] at NARA (Record Group 286)
  • See also: U.S. Agency for International Development Records, 1961-63, at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Special Assistant (Mr. Murphy's Staff): 1947-48; Administrative Assistant to the President: 12/51 - 01/53
Bennett, Florence Records
Berger, Samuel
  • See: Personal Papers at Georgetown University, Special Collections Division
Mr. Harriman's Staff (detailed from the State Department)
Bergheim, Myrtle Secretary to Mr. Ross
Berryman, Margaret (Mrs.) Mr. Elsey's Office
Bissonette, Bettie (Mrs.) Telephone Operator
Blakistone, Anne Mr. Connelly's Office
Blackistone, J. Frank U.S. Secret Service
Blankenship, Mrs. Mail Room
Blaska, Kenneth Correspondence Staff
Boardley, John Chief of Supply Room and Chief Messenger: 04/12/45 - 07/11/50
Boggs, Lillburn U.S. Secret Service
Bonds, Dr. Alfred B., Jr. Dr. Steelman's Office
Bonis, Austin, Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1946
Bonsteel, Elizabeth (Mrs. Raymond K.) Assistant Chief of Files: 1945-49; Chief of Files: 1949-53
Boring, Floyd M. U.S. Secret Service
Bosch, Lester L. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the War Production Board)
Bowers, Betty Files
Bradshaw, Edward Correspondence Staff
Braun, Theodore Mr. Gray's Local Office
Bray, William J. Dr. Steelman's Office (Special Assistant: 04/47 - 04/49)
Breithut, Henrietta (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Breor, Arthur R. U.S. Secret Service
Brew, Ellen (Mrs.) Mr. Dawson's Office
Brister, Annie R. Mail Room
Brister, Georgia F. Social Correspondence
Brite, Mrs. E.  
Browdy, Sergeant Abraham Admiral Leahy's Office
Brown, Richard E., Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1951
Brown, Violet (Mrs.) Secretary to General Maylon
Brown, Vice Admiral Wilson
  • See: Personal Papers at The United States Naval Academy Library, Special Collections & Archives Division
  • See also: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Naval Aide: 04/12/45 - 05/03/45
Burchinal Anne  
Burke, J.T. U.S. Secret Service
Burns, Captain Thomas J. Assistant to Major General Graham
Burrell, Violet (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Burton, Walter L., Jr. Telegraph Office
Burton, Lieutenant Colonel William E.  
Butcher, Chester J., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Air Force: 1951
Butturff, Dorothy
  • See: Personal Papers at Georgetown University, Special Collections Division
Correspondence Staff; Secretary to Mr. Dawson

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Name Office
Caldwell, Chief Warrant Officer Horace K. Supply Officer & Personnel Officer White House Signal Detachment
Campbell Jr., William A., Lieutenant White House Aide, Navy: 1950-1951
Campion, John E. U.S. Secret Service
Candee, Edward D. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the War Production Board)
Carlin, Virginia Dr. Steelman's Office
Carpenter, Albert P., Lieutenant White House Aide, Navy: 1947-1949
Carr, Albert Z. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke
Carr, Daniel J., Jr. Mail Room
Carr, Robert K.
  • See: Personal Papers at Rauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College
  • See also: Oberlin College Presidents' Papers at Oberlin College Archives
Mr. Clifford's Staff
Carroll, John A.
  • See: Personal Papers at University of Colorado at Denver Library, Archives and Special Collections
Mr. Murphy's Staff (Special Assistant for Legislative Liaison)
Carter, J. Franklin
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
Mr. Murphy's Staff
Carter, Melvin Carpenter Shop
Carter, Una Franklin
  • See: Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion [OWMR], Records of the Office of the Deputy Director for Information and Reports at NARA (Record Group 250.3.6)
Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman
Cary, Victor L., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1946-1947
Casey, Eugene B. Special Executive Assistant
Chandler, Harbin S. Office of the White House Architect
Charlton, Harry E. Social Correspondence
Charnley, Harry U.S. Secret Service
Chrisman, Frances Dr. Steelman's Office
Christianson, Captain F.P. Navigator, USAF Independence
Ciarrochi, Mabel Walker Housekeeper
Clark, George L. Mail Room
Clark, Richard M., Lieutenant White House Aide, Navy: 1946
Claunch, Charles K. Usher
Clear, John W. Mr. Gray's Local Office (detailed from the Office of the Secretary of Defense)
Cleveland, H. van B. Dr. Steelman's Office
Clifford, Clark, M. Assistant Naval Aide: 09/45 - 04/03/46; Naval Aide: 04/04/46 - 07/01/46; Special Counsel: 07/01/46 - 01/31/50
Colbert, Richard G., Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1948
Colby, Merle E. Dr. Steelman's Office
Colcord, Mary L. (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Cole, Beverly A. Telephone Operator
Cole, James O. Assistant to Dr. Steelman (detailed from RFC)
Coley, Fred Dr. Steelman's Office
Colle, Helen Dr. Steelman's Office
Collet, John Caskie Special Consultant: 01/02/47 -
Colt, S. Sloan Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Colvin, Sergeant H.B. Telegraph Office
Combs, Bonita Dr. Steelman's Office
Connell, Anne Correspondence Staff
Connelly, Matthew J. Appointments Secretary to the President: 04/45 - 01/53
Connole, Officer White House Police
Connors, Bill  
Conway, Rose A. Personal Secretary to the President: 1945 - 1953
Cooke, Philip S., Major White House Aide, Army: 1949
Corbin, Mr. O. Mail Room
Cornelius, Albert M. Mr. Elsey's Staff
Covington, E. Correspondence Staff
Cowen, Mary A. Secretary to Mr. Lloyd
Cox Jr., Albert L., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Air Force: 1949
Coyle, Dorothy (Mrs.)  
Cragg, Marion V. Secretary to Mr. Neustadt
Crayford, Ruth M. Press Secretary's Office; Mr. Loeb's Office
Crews, Edith Files
Crim, Howell G. Chief Usher
Crittenberger Jr., Willis D., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1947-1948
Crossfield III., Charles C., Captain White House Aide, Marines: 1946
Cruise, Mrs. Correspondence Staff
Crutcher, Leon Dr. Steelman's Office
Cuekenberger, Mr. Correspondence Staff
Cullinane, James Dr. Steelman's Office
Currie, Lauchlin
  • See: Personal Papers at Duke University, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
  • See also: Personal Papers at Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University
  • See also: Report on 1942 Visit to China at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/12/45 - 06/30/45

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Name Office
Daane, Dewey
  • See: Personal Papers at John F. Kennedy Library
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office (detailed from the Federal Reserve System)
Dahlquist, Arvid J. U.S. Secret Service
Daigle, Andrew G. U.S. Secret Service
Dailey, Colonel Raymond R. White House Garage, Officer-in-Charge
Dangerfield, Dr. Royden Mr. Dawson's Staff
Daniels, Jonathan
  • Personal Papers
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Manuscripts Division
  • See also: Oral History at Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
  • See also: Southern Intellectual Leaders Oral History Project at Columbia University Oral History Research Office
  • See also: Adlai E. Stevenson Oral History Project at Columbia University Oral History Research Office
Administrative Assistant: 04/45 - 05/45; Consultant: 09/16/48 - 01/53
Darley, Staff Sergeant Otis L. Naval Aide's Office
Darnall, Nora Secretary to General Vaughan
Davis, Chester C.
  • See: Oral History at Columbia University Oral History Research Office
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office (detailed from the Federal Reserve System)
Davis, E. Correspondence Staff
Davis, Officer White House Police
Dawson, Donald S. Administrative Assistant to the President: 08/06/47 - 01/53; and Liaison Officer for Personnel Management: 08/13/47 - 01/53
Day, Anita Secretary to Mr. Jackson
Day, Marie A. Dr. Steelman's Office
Deane, Major General John R., U.S. Army (Ret'd) Mr. Harriman's Staff
DeGolyer, Everette L. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Deming, Frederick L.
  • See: Oral History at Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office (detailed from the Federal Reserve System)
Dennison, Lillian M. (Mrs. Henry) Secretary to Mr. Murphy
Dennison, Rear Admiral Robert L. Naval Aide: 01/28/48 - 01/53
DePapp, Erwin Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the War-Engineer's Corporation)
Dial, Mrs. Emmett M. Files
Dickinson, William J., Major White House Aide, Marines: 1946
Dickson, Edith (Mrs.) Mail Room
Disney, Miss.  
Dodge, Joseph M.
  • See: Personal Papers at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
  • See also: Personal Papers at Detroit Public Library, Burton Historical Collection
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Dodge, Mrs. Mail Room
Dorsey, John H. U.S. Secret Service
Doster, Paul B. U.S. Secret Service
Dougherty, Corinne (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Dowell, Corporal R.L. White House Police
Dowling, Dorothy (Miss.) Secretary to Mr. Kayle
Downs, Corporal Joseph D. White House Police
Doyle, Thomas J. Social Correspondence
Draper, William H. Jr.
  • Oral History
  • See also: Eisenhower Oral History Project at Columbia University Oral History Research Office
Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Drescher, George C.
  • See:Personal Papers at Herbert Hoover Library
Supervising Agent, U.S. Secret Service: 04/12/45 - 05/03/46
Dudley, Captain Harvard E. White House Signal Detachment
Duffy, Robert A. U.S. Secret Service
Dumars, Mary Correspondence Staff
Duncan, William H., Captain White House Aide, Air Force: 1951
Dunlap, Dr. John T. Dr. Steelman's Office
Durham, Charles J.
  • See: Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion [OWMR], Records of the Office of the Deputy Director for Information and Reports at NARA (Record Group 250.3.6)
Mr. Niles' Staff

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Name Office
Earle, Grace E. Telephone Operator
Early, Stephen T.
  • See: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Special Assistant to the President: 04/13/45 - 06/01/45; Acting Press Secretary:12/05-18/50
Eben, Mary A. Correspondence Staff (in charge of gifts)
Edelstein, Lieutenant J.C.C. Admiral Leahy's Office
Edwards, Edward E. Dr. Steelman's Office (assigned Mr. Turner)
Eichenger, Alma Mr. Connelly's Office
Eisenhauer, Adam J., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1949-1950
Ellis, Lewis N., Major White House Aide, Army: 1947, Air Force: 1948-1949
Ellis, Robert C. Mail Room
Elsey, George M. Assistant Naval Aide: 1946; Special Assistant to the President; Administrative Assistant to the President: 08/23/49 - 12/01/51
Enarson, Harold L. Special Assistant to the President: 09/50 - 08/04/52

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Name Office
Fauver, Edwin Telegraph Room
Fawaz, Farida Files
Feeney, Joseph G. Legislative Assistant to the President: 1949 - 1952; Administrative Assistant to the President: 12/18/52 - 01/53
Fenton, Fleur Dr. Steelman's Office
Ficklin, Charles Butler
Ficklin, John Butler
Field, Robert M. Counsel to Dr. Steelman: 11/11/47 - 06/22/48
Fielder, Leo E., Lieutenant White House Aide, Air Force: 1949
Fields, Alonzo P. Head Butler
Finnegan, Betsy H. (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Houston
Fisher, Lillian Mr. Ross' Office
Fitzgerald, James V. Dr. Steelman's Office
Fleener, Lieutenant C.M. Administrative Assistant to the Naval Aide
Folger, William C. Files
Forsyth, Dr. Bruce D. The President's Dentist
Foskett, Rear Admiral James H. Naval Aide: 06/28/46 - 01/28/48 (reported for duty on 07/02/46)
Fox, James K. U.S. Secret Service
Fox, Sanford L. Social Office
Francis, Hobart W. Inspector, White House Police
Franklin, Una (Una Franklin Carter)
  • See: Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion [OWMR], Records of the Office of the Deputy Director for Information and Reports at NARA (Record Group 250.3.6)
Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman
Frazer, George Mr. Sanderson's Office
Fredericks, Mrs. Mike Secretary to Mr. Niles
Freeman, Captain Charles L. Commanding Officer, USS Williamsburg
Friedman, Martin L. Special Assistant, Executive Office of the President (Assistant to Mr. Dawson):1950-53
Friedrichs, Estelle M. (Mrs. August W. "Mike") Secretary to Mr. Niles; Secretary to Mr. Nash
Fritchey, Clayton
  • Oral History
  • See also: Adlai E. Stevenson Oral History Project at Columbia University Oral History Research Office
Administrative Assistant to the President: 06/02/52 - 12/12/52
Fugler, Bartley A. U.S. Secret Service
Funk, Ruth Admiral Leahy's Office

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Name Office
Gardner, Rose Lillian Secretary to Admiral Souers
Garr, Vietta Personal Maid to Mrs. Truman
Gasber, Master Sergeant Earl Physical Therapist
Gauss, Mrs. Press Secretary's Office
Gay Jr., Jesse B., Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1947-1949
Geaney, Victoria Housekeeper at Blair House
Geiger, Cora A. Files
Gibbons, Hyacinth Correspondence Staff
Gibbs, Constance N. (Mrs.) Files
Gibson, John T. Dr. Steelman's Office
Gies, Morgan U.S. Secret Service
Gill, Jessie L. (Mrs.) Telephone Office
Gill, Officer White House Police
Gilligan, Kitty (Katherine) Judge Rosenman's Office; General Vaughan's Office
Gilliam, Wilson A. U.S. Secret Service
Gleason, Dorthy E. Secretary to Mr. Schoeneman; Secretary to Mr. Zimmerman
Goodloe, Robert M.  
Gordon, Kermit
  • See: Records of the Office of Management and Budget [OMB], Records of the Director's Office at NARA (Record Group51.8.1)
  • See also: Personal Papers at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Personal Papers at Brookings Institution
  • See also: Oral History at Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
  • See also: Council of Economic Advisors Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Mr. Gray's Local Office
Gordon, Lincoln
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Personal Papers at The Johns Hopkins University, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Special Collections
  • See also: Records of the Office of the President (Series 9-11) at The Johns Hopkins University, Ferdinand Hamburger Jr. Archives
  • See also: Rockefeller Brothers Fund Archives, Special Studies Project
  • See also: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Mr. Harriman's Staff (Economic Advisor)
Gothberg, Ruthanna Correspondence Staff
Gould, Jeanne Mr. Dawson's Office
Gowen, Mary A. Dr. Steelman's Office; Secretary to Mr. Lloyd
Gragg, Dr. Charles I. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke
Gragg, Mabel Taylor Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke
Graham, Captain Frank Map Room Watch Officer
Graham, Mrs. H. Robert Files
Graham, Major General Wallace H. White House Physician: 09/12/45 - 01/53
Grantham, Commander Elonzo B., Jr. Adie to Admiral Leahy
Gray, Gordon Special Assistant to the President: 03/50 - 11/50
Green, Shirley M. Mr. Connelly's Office
Greer, Lieutenant Colonel Dewitt Chief, White House Signal Detachment: 1945-46
Grigsby, Edwin B. Mail Room
Groshon, Eugene N. Mail Room
Gunn, Marie (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Fritchey
Gutches, Jeannette Mr. Zimmerman's Office; Mr. Niles' Office

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Name Office
Haberkorn, Ethel L. (Mrs.) Mail Room: 1945 - 05/48; Chief of Mails: 05/48 - 01/53
Hachmeister, Louise L.
  • See: Personal Papers of Lela Mae Stiles (Hachmeister Diaries, Box 17) at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Chief Telephone Operator: 1945 - 1953
Hagemann, H. Frederick Jr. Mr.Gray's Task Force Office
Hahne, Dorothy  
Hales, Bertha (Mrs.) Telephone Operator
Hall, Doris  
Hallion, Officer White House Police
Halverstadt, Dallas C. Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman
Hammer, Betsy Dr. Steelman's Office
Hanold, Kathleen Dr. Steelman's Office
Hansen, Donald A. Special Assistant to the President: 1951-53
Hare, Ray M. U.S. Secret Service
Harley, Roland Messenger in Dr. Steelman's Office
Harley, William F. Messenger
Harney, Kathleen D. (Mrs.) White House Library (in charge of press release files)
Harriman, John W. Mr. Harriman's Staff
Harriman, W. Averell
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
  • See also: New York Gubernatorial Papers at Syracuse University, George Arents Library, Special Collections
  • See also: Oral History at Columbia University, Oral History Research Office
Special Assistant to the President
Harris, Professor Robert E.G. Mr. Murphy's Staff
Hassett, William D.
  • Personal Papers
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
  • See also: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Correspondence Secretary to the President: 1945 - 07/52
Hatten, Charles  
Hawks, Arnold Wayne Mail Room; Records; Chief of Records (Record Clerk)
Hayler Jr., Robert W., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1949-1950
Hebble, Sergeant George C. White House Police
Hechler, Kenneth Mr. Murphy's Staff; Special Assistant to the President
Heintzelman, Harry, Captain White House Aide, Army: 1946-1947, Air Force: 1948
Helm, Edith B. (Mrs. James M.)
  • See: Personal Papers at Library of Congress, Manuscript Division
  • See also: Record of the Office of the Chief of Social Entertainments, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Social Secretary: 1945-53
Henry, Sergeant John Admiral Leahy's Office
Herold, Rose Anne (Mrs.) Mr. Hasset's Office; Correspondence Staff
Herrick, Daniel K., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1951
Hersey, John Mr. Murphy's Staff
Hester, Eva  
Hewitt, Sergeant Oscar F. Naval Aide's Office
Higginson, Miss Mr. Loeb's Office
Hightower, Mrs. Custys M. Correspondence Staff
Hines, Ernestine Mr. Tannenwald's Office
Hinson, Cathern (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Hitch, Dr. Charles J.
  • See: Records of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion [OWMR], Records of the Office of the Deputy Director for Reconversion at NARA (Record Group 250.3.5)
Mr. Harriman's Staff
Holloway, Kathryn D. (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Short
Holte, Emily T. (Mrs.) Files
Honess, C.S. U.S. Secret Service
Hoover, Calvin B.
  • See: Personal Papers at Duke University Archives
Mr. Gray's Local Office
Hopkins, Harry
  • See: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
  • See also: Personal Papers at Georgetown University, Special Collections Division
Adviser and Assistant to the President
Hopkins, William J. General Vaughan's Office; Executive Clerk: 06/02/48 - 01/53
Houck, Myra Lee Secretary to Mr. Clifford
Houston, John C., Jr. Special Assistant in Dr. Steelman's Office
Howard, Margaret (Mrs.) Mr. Sanderson's Office
Howe, James B.C. Dr. Steelman's Office (on detail from FWA)
Howell, Carson M. Mr. Sanderson's Office
Huber Jr., Raymond L., Lieutenant White House Aide, Navy: 1947
Hudson, Floyd G., 2nd Lieutenant White House Aide, Marines: 1950-1951
Huffman Jr., Burnside E., Major White House Aide, Army: 1947
Hughes Jr., Henry J., 1st Lieutenant White House Aide, Army: 1949
Humphrey, Don D. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Hunter, Isaac Messenger
Hurley, Mr. Telephone Office
Hurt, Mrs. Mail Room
Hutchinson, Leonard P. U.S. Secret Service, Agent-In-Charge, Protective Research Section
Hyman, Samuel  

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Name Office
Ingling, Clarence E. Chief of Files: 1945-49
Inman, Lorraine G. (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Ayers; Secretary to Mr. Rowley
Inman, Margaret  
Irelan, Charles M. Mr. Murphy's Office (detailed from the Department of Justice)
Irish, Genevieve (Jennie) Mr. Ross' Office
Irons, Watrous Mr. Gray's Task Force Office (detailed from the Federal Reserve System)

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Name Office
Jackson, Charles W. Special Assistant in Dr. Steelman's Office
Jackson, Janet Correspondence Staff; Secretary to General Graham
Jackson, Samuel Lobby Attendant
Jacobson, James A.
  • See: Records of the American War Production Mission in China [AWPMC] at NARA(Record Group 220.5.12)
Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the War Production Board)
Jarrell, Mrs. Mr. Hopkins' Office
Johnson, Al S. Dr. Steelman's Office
Johnson, Barbara (Miss.) Secretary to Mr. Nash
Johnson, Gerald W. Mr. Murphy's Staff
Johnson, G. Griffith Mr. Gray's Local Office
Johnson, Howard Foreman Electrician
Johnson, Jack D., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1947, Air Force: 1948-1950
Johnson, O. Rudolph Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the State Department, FEA)
Johnson, Richard N. Mr. Harriman's Staff
Johnson, R. Messenger
Johnston, Barbara  
Jolly, Veronica (Mrs.) Secretary to General Vaughan
Jose Jr., Elmer H., Major White House Aide, Air Force: 1950-1951
Jutzi, Bernadine Naval Aide's Office

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Name Office
Karitas, Joseph
  • See: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Head White House Painter
Kaufmann, John H. Mr. Gray's Local Office (detailed from the National Security Resources Board)
Kauffmann, Richard G. U.S. Secret Service
Kayle, Milton P. Mr. Stowe's Office; Special Assistant to the President: 1951-53
Keatinge, Thomas S. Disbursing Clerk's Office
Keech, Richmond B. Administrative Assistant to the President: 10/23/45 - 10/31/46
Kehoe, Elizabeth Correspondence Staff
Kellerman, Roy U.S. Secret Service
Kelly, Commander William D.  
Kennedy, Colette M. (Mrs.) Mr. Bell's Secretary
Kephart, M. Eileen Dr. Steelman's Office
Kerr, Robert M. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (Special Assistant to Mr. Locke)
Kevers, Captain J.H. Officer-In-Charge of Shangri La
Kibble, Blanche Records
Kidner, Frank L. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Kilgour, Esther B. (Miss.) Mr. Dawson's Office
Kingsley, J. Donald Dr. Steelman's Office ("program Coordinator")
Klar, Grace N. Social Office
Klar, Roma Lee (Mrs. John F.) Mr. Connelly's Office
Kleiler, Frank W. Dr. Steelman's Office (detailed from WSB)
Klein, Y1/c Leander H. Naval Aide's Office
Knapp, Fred Dr. Steelman's Office
Knicley, Betty J. Mr. Hechler's Office
Knott, Charles E. Mail Room
Koser, Jack D., Major White House Aide, Air Force: 1950
Krauss, Dorothea E. Secretary to Harry Hopkins
Kyak, Mary Naval Aide's Office

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Name Office
Lacy, Lois (Lois Lacy LeManager) Secretary to Mr. Steelman; Administrative Assistant in Dr. Steelman's Office
Ladimer, Irving Dr. Steelman's Office
Lamberson, Helen J. Y2/c Naval Aide's Office
Lanagan, William H., 1st Lieutenant White House Aide, Marines: 1947-1949
Landry Major General Robert B. Air Force Aide: 1948 - 1953
Langdon, Edward A., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1950-1951
Langello, Chief Yeoman Charles J. Naval Aide's Office
Lanigan, James I. Mr. Harriman's Office; Mr. Murphy's Staff
Lapham, Robert R. U.S. Secret Service
Latta, Maurice J.
  • See: Personal Papers at University of Colorado at Bolder, Archives
Executive Clerk: 04/12/45 - 04/03/48 (died)
Lau, Dorothy Secretary to Admiral Foskett
Lawrence, Elmer G.  
Lawrence, Jean (Miss.) Secretary to Mr. Dawson
Lawton, Frederick J. Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/28/48 - 09/11/48
Lay, James S., Jr. Executive Secretary National Security Council: 01/09/50 - 01/53
Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D.
  • See: Personal Papers at Navy Historical Center
  • See also: Personal Papers at Wisconsin Historical Society
  • See also: William D. Leahy Diaries at Library of Congress
Chief of Staff to the President: 04/12/45 - 03/29/48
Leake, Evalena Files
Lee, Laurence F. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Lee, Michael E. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (on detail)
Leek, Mrs. Mrs. Harney's Office
Leggette, Jeanne (Mrs.) Naval Aide's Office; Mr. Ross' Office
LeManager, Lois Lacy Secretary to Dr. Steelman; Administrative Assistant in Dr. Steelman's Office
LeNoir, Jean E. Files
Leslie, C. Earl Social Office
Leveritt, Lieutenant J.P., Jr. General Graham's Office
Levicki, Pauline Correspondence Staff
Lewis, Elizabeth I. Secretary to Messrs. Mee and Friedman
Lewis, Captain James E. Assistant to General Graham
Lewittes, Aaron Dr. Steelman's Office
Lipscomb, Andy A., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1951
Lloyd, David D. Attorney Advisor in Mr. Murphy's Office; Special Assistant to the President; Administrative Assistant to the President: 12/51 - 01/53
Locke, Edwin A., Jr. Special Assistant to the President: 03/19/46 - 12/31/46; Special Consultant: 01/01/47 -
Locke, John L., White House Aide, Air Force: 1950-1951
Lodor, Mary R. (Mrs. Samuel H.) Assistant Secretary to General Vaughan
Loeb, James I. Jr. Mr. Murphy's Staff
Loebeck, Katherine Secretary in Mr. Allen's Office
Long, Dewey E. Chief of Transportation and Communications (Telegraph, Code and Travel Service)
Long, Sergeant James E. Telegraph Office
Lorenz, Terry (Madeline) (Miss.) Secretary to Mr. Ayers; Secretary to Mr. Perlmeter; Secretary to Mr. Tubby
Love, Jack Preston, Major White House Aide, Army: 1950-1951
Lowe, Marjorie (Mrs.) Files
Lowery, Arthur Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from: the U.S. Army, as a Major; and the Civilian Production Administration)
Lowry, Don E., Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1946-1950
Lucas, James H. Files
Lund, Mary J. Correspondence Staff
Lyle, Vernon J., Captain: 1950, Major: 1951 White House Aide, Air Force: 1950

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Name Office
Mara, Cornelius J., Colonel Assistant Military Aide, Army: 1950-1951
McCabe, John L. Social Office
McCalley, Marian Norby Mr. Zimmerman's Office; Secretary to Mr. Elsey
McCann, Gerard B. U.S. Secret Service
McClintock, Frank G. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke (detailed from the U.S. Marine Corps)
McCleary, Nancy G. (Miss.) Correspondence Staff
McCloud, Mr. Messenger
McCrea, Mrs. Philip Files
McCullough, James A. Dr. Steelman's Office
McCutcheon, Keith B., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Marines: 1947
MacDonald, Captain Donald J. Commanding Officer, USS Williamsburg
McHugh, Godfrey T., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Air Force: 1948-1951
McIlwain, Sam Mr. Allen's Office
McIntire, Admiral Ross T.
  • See: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
McKim, Edward D. Chief Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/16/45 - 06/15/45
McMullin, Ralph A. Assistant Chief, Telegraph, Code and Travel Service; Secret Service
McMullin, Russell Assistant White House Transportation Officer
McNally, Major George J. Commanding Officer, White House Signal Corps Detachment: 1947-53;
McReynolds, William H.
  • See: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/12/45 - 05/31/45 (also Liaison Officer for Personnel Management)
McVicker, J. William Mail Room
Macomber, Audrey Mail Room
Magee, Ralph W. Chief of Social Correspondence
Maguire, Philip F. Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman: 07/25/49 - 02/25/50
Mara, Brigadier General C.J. Assistant Military Aide: 1949-53
Marcey, Captain Herbert L. White House Police
Markesi, Rose Anne Correspondence Staff
Mason, Edward S. Mr. Gray's Local Office
Masterson, Adrienne (Mrs.) Mr. Connelly's Office
Matchett, Harry B. Social Office
Mathews, Joan Mr. Stowe's Office
Maylon, Brigadier General Charles Legislative Assistant to the President: 08/01/49 - 01/51
Mays, John Doorman; Barber to the President
Mays, William Doorkeeper
Mee, John F. Mr. Dawson's Office; Staff Director, "Little Cabinet": 06/23/50 -
Meier Jr., Louis L., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1950
Meyer, Elsie (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Mikesell, Raymond F. Mr. Gray's Local Office
Mild, Louis  
Miller, Doris Correspondence Staff
Miller, Captain Edwin S. Commanding Officer, USS Williamsburg
Miller, Herbert L. Chief of Records; Assistant Executive Clerk
Miller, James Messenger
Miller, Commander Joseph L. Dr. Steelman's Office
Miller, Leona (Mrs.) Files
Miller, Major Ray L. Assistant to General Graham
Miller, Nora D. (Mrs. Richard L.) Secretary to General Vaughan
Millikan, Max F. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Mills, Eloise Mr. Locke's Office
Miser, John Principal Operations Engineer
Molander, Dorothy General Landry's Office; Secretary to General Landry
Moncrief, Mary Files
Mondlock, Marguerite M. Mail Room
Moore, Elmer W. U.S. Secret Service
Moore, Hoye D., Lieutenant White House Aide, Navy: 1948-1949
Moore, Raymond G. Mail Room
Morris, Dorothy Dr. Steelman's Office
Morris, Frances Dr. Steelman's Office; Secretary to Dr. Steelman
Morris, James S. Mail Room
Morris, S. Correspondence Staff; Mr. Friedman's Office
Morrow, Sam A., Lieutenant White House Aide, Naval Reserves: 1947
Moseley, Mary (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. Spingarn
Moulton, Lieutenant Colonel George H. President's Dentist
Mroz, Vincent P. U.S. Secret Service
Mulderrig Jr., Martin J., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1949-1950
Murphy, Charles S. Administrative Assistant to the President: 01/07/47 - 01/31/50; Special Counsel to the President: 02/01/50 - 01/53
Murray, Frank U.S. Secret Service
Myers, Elsie Dr. Steelman's Office
Myers, Frances Miss Conway's Office
Myers, Colonel Henry T. The President's Pilot

[Back to top]


Name Office
Nash, Joseph L. Files
Nash, O.M. Messenger
Nash, Philleo Special Assistant to Mr. Niles; Administrative Assistant: 05/31/51
Nealon, Rhea I. Files
Nelson, Carolyn J. Files
Nelson, Donald M.
  • See: Records of the War Production Board [WPB] at NARA (Record Group 179)
  • See also: Records of the American War Production Mission in China [AWPMC] at NARA (Record Group 220.5.12)
Personal Representative of the President
Nelson, Percy E. Mr. Sanderson's Office
Nesbitt, Henrietta White House Housekeeper
Neustadt, Richard E. Mr. Murphy's Staff; Special Assistant to the President: 1950-53
Newton, Georgia M. (Mrs.) Mail Room
Newton, Nelson Mr. Harriman's Staff
Nicholson, Henry J. U.S. Secret Service, Assistant Special Agent-In-Charge
Nicholson, Mrs. Henry J.  
Niles, David K. Administrative Assistant to the President: 04/12/45 - 06/30/51
Niles, Mary Cushing  
Nixon, E.B. Messenger
Norby, Marian (Marian Norby McCalley) Mr. Zimmerman's Office; Secretary to Mr. Elsey
Norton, Jack E. Naval Aide's Office
Nowlan, Chief Electrician's Mate Garland L. Naval Aide's Office
Noyes, David M. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke
Nuccic, Leta B. (Mrs.) Files

[Back to top]


Name Office
O'Connor, Roderic D., Major White House Aide, Army: 1946
O'Donnell, John J., Captain White House Aide, Marines: 1948-1949
Odum, Reathel M. Secretary to Mrs. Truman: 1945 - 1953
O'Hara, Helen Correspondence Staff
Oliver, Mae Dr. Steelman's Office
O'Malley, Andrew P. U.S. Secret Service
O'Neil, Jean Mr. Ross' Office
Orndorff, Irene Chief of Social Correspondence
Orndorff, Marguerite  
Oshins, Robert L. Dr. Steelman's Office
Otte Jr., George F., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1951

[Back to top]


Name Office
Padgett, Thomas R. Mail Room
Page, James C., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Naval Reserves: 1946
Park, M.  
Park, Colonel Richard, Jr. Military Aide
Parker, Henrietta Dr. Steelman's Office
Parks, Frank N. Mr. Connelly's Office
Paul, Randolph Special Assistant to the President: 02/28/46 - 06/11/46
Pavelich, Miss. Correspondence Staff
Pearlove, Shirley White House Librarian
Perkins, Peter R., Lieutenant White House Aide, Navy: 1951
Perlmeter, Irving Assistant Press Secretary and Information Office: 1950-53
Persons, Major General, Wilton B., U.S. Army (Ret'd)
  • See: Personal Papers at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
  • See also: Oral History (#334) at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
  • See also: Oral History (#399) at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Mr. Gray's Local Office
Peyton, Charles E. U.S. Secret Service
Phillips, Captain Lowell  
Phillips, Myra (Mrs.)  
Pifer, Captain Harry V., Jr. White House Physician's Office
Pilon, Leonette Files
Pinney, Commander, F.L., Jr. Admiral Leahy's Office
Pitts, Raymond L., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1947-1948
Poling, Sergeant Carlton C. General Vaughan's Chauffeur
Ponton, Mrs. Walter Correspondence Staff
Poole, Edith M. Research Assistant to Mr. Hechler
Porter, Paul A. Special Assistant to the President: 07/23/48 - 08/14/48
Potts, Kathleen M. Mr. Zimmerman's Office; Secretary to Mr. Nash
Powell, June Files
Pratt, Haraden
  • See: Personal Papers at University of California at Berkeley, Bancroft Library
  • See also: Records of the Office of Scientific Research and Development at NARA (Record Group 227)
Telecommunications Advisor to the President: 10/21/51 -
Pratt, Lillian B. (Mrs. James A.) Personnel Officer (Mr. Sanderson's Office)
Preisman, Roland M. Dr. Steelman's Office
Prettyman, Arthur S. President's Valet
Price, Annabelle Dr. Steelman's Office
Price, Elizabeth M. Dr. Steelman's Office; Secretary to Mr. Stowe
Puglisi, Captain Vincent Navigator, USAF Independence
Pye, John Messenger

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Name Office
Quick, Spencer R. Dr. Steelman's Office
Quillen, Hazel Correspondence Staff

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Name Office
Randall, Rae (Miss.) Mr. Hassett's Office
Rankin, Sergeant John Admiral Leahy's Office
Ratchford, John J. Staff Room
Redmond, Robert M. Superintendent of the White House Grounds and White House Florist
Reinsch, J. Leonard
  • Oral History
  • See also: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Press Secretary to the President: 04/45 - 05/45
Renfrow, Louis H., Colonel Assistant Military Aide, Army: 1949
Repplier, Ted S.  
Reynolds, Eddie Mr. Allen's Office
Ridenour, Rena (Mrs. Elwood C.) Correspondence Staff; Chief of Correspondence
Rigdon, Commander William M. Assistant Naval Aide; Officer-in-Charge of the President's Camp (Shangri La), Thurmont, MD
Rimmer, Harmon P., Major White House Aide, Army: 1949
Ringquist, Dorothy Secretary to Admiral Leahy
Rippey, Elizabeth C. Secretary to Mr. Feeney
Rising Jr., Harry N., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1948
Rivers, Robert S., Captain White House Aide, Air Force: 1949-1950
Roberts, Emory P. U.S. Secret Service
Roberts, Brigadier General Frank Needham
  • Personal Papers
Mr. Harriman's Staff (detailed from the U.S. Army)
Roberts, Leo W., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1950
Rock, Vincent P. Assistant to Messrs. Maguire and Houston in Dr. Steelman's Office: 12/01/49 - 05/19/50 (on detail from the ECA)
Rockhill, Miss M.L. General Vaughan's Office
Rodd, D. Joan Secretary to Mr. Winslow
Rodier, Jules A. Chief of Telegraph Office
Roe, George F., Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1951
Romagna, Jack
  • See: Office of the Official Reporter Records at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
  • See also: White House Staff Files at John F. Kennedy Library
Official Reporter; Assistant to the President's Appointments Secretary
Rosenberg, Edna Files
Rosenman, Samuel I.
  • Personal Papers
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
  • See also: Oral History at Columbia University, Oral History Research Office
Special Counsel to the President: 04/12/45 - 02/01/46
Ross, Charles G. Press Secretary to the President: 05/15/45 - 12/05/50
Rowley, Edith L. Social Office
Rowley, James J.
  • Oral History
  • See also: Oral History at Lyndon B. Johnson Library
Supervising Agent, U.S. Secret Service: 05/03/46 - 01/53

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Name Office
Salant, Walter S. Mr. Gray's Local Office (detailed from the Council of Economic Advisers)
Sanderson, Frank K. Chief of Accounts, Purchases, and Personnel (Disbursing Clerk and Administrative Officer)
Saxby, Edward S., 1st Lieutenant White House Aide, Army: 1949
Scamihorn, Virginia Dr. Steelman's Office
Schall, Edmund Mr. Gray's Local Office
Schelling, Thomas C. Mr. Harriman's Staff
Schlesinger, Arthur M.
  • See: Personal Papers at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
  • See also: "White House Staff Reflections On The New Frontier" Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Mr. Lloyd's Staff (detailed from the Mutual Security Agency)
Schlichenmaier, Frances M. Assistant to Rose Conway
Schoeneman, George J. Administrative Assistant to the President: 05/09/45 - 09/10/45 (also Liaison Officer for Personnel Management and Officer Manager of the White House Office, Executive Mansion and Grounds); Special Executive Assistant to the President: 09/10/45 - 06/47
Schrider, Rachel V. (Mrs.) Files
Schuff, Hazel Correspondence Staff
Scott, Dorothy M. Secretary to Mr. Schoeneman
Scott, Robert F., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Marines: 1950
Scouten, Rex U.S. Secret Service
Searles, Wilson Usher
Shanley, Dorothy  
Shannon, Margaret Jean Mr. Dawson's Office; Secretary to Mr. Dawson
Sharpe, Mary (Mrs.) Housekeeper
Shay Mrs. R. Mail Room
Sheehan, Staff Sergeant Samuel R. Naval Aide's Office
Shepherd, Charles H. Foreman Carpenter and Paint Shop
Shepherd, Harry C. Receptionist, East Wing
Sherwood, John T. Secret Service
Shields, William F. U.S. Secret Service
Short, Joseph H. Press Secretary to the President: 12/18/50 - 09/18/52
Short, Beth Campbell (Mrs. Joseph) Correspondence Secretary to the President: 09/23/52 - 01/53
Simmons, William D. Receptionist
Simon, Mrs.  
Sisk, Betty Mr. Connelly's Office
Skipton, Roy E. Office of the White House Architect
Smice, Bert G. Building Inspector
Smith, Byrd B. U.S. Secret Service
Smith, Major Elmer Co-pilot, USAF Independence
Smith, Eva Correspondence Staff
Smith, Ferdinand Mr. Gray's Task Force Office
Smith, Francis M., Major White House Aide, Army: 1949
Smith, Mrs. George C. Files
Smith, Ira R.T. Chief of Mails: 04/45 - 05/48
Smith, Eva (Mrs. John) Correspondence Staff
Smith, Vernon D. Social Correspondence
Smith, William  
Souers, Admiral Sidney W. Executive Secretary, National Security Council: 09/24/47 - 01/15/50; Special Consultant to the President
Southern, David C. Telegraph Office
Southern, G.E. Telegraph Room
Spingarn, Stephen J. Special Assistant to the President: 1948 - 49; Administrative Assistant to the President: 02/15/50 - 10/24/50
Staps, Irene (Mrs.) Dr. Steelman's Office
Steele, Elizabeth Dr. Steelman's Office
Steelman, John R. Special Assistant to the President: 12/29/45 - 12/12/46; The Assistant to the President: 12/12/46 - 01/53
Stephens, Joel B., Major White House Aide, Army: 1947
Stewart, Gretchen Dr. Steelman's Office (Secretary to Russell P. Andrews)
Stewart, Milton D. Mr. Clifford's Staff
Stiles, Lela Mae
  • See: Personal Papers at Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Mr. Hopkins' Office (kept President's scrapbooks)
Stillwell, James A. Dr. Steelman's Office (detailed from the State Department)
Stocking, Rita Dr. Steelman's Office
Stone, Miss Mr. Sanderson's Office
Stoner, Chief Warrant Officer
Frank G.
Assistant Signal Officer, White House Signal Detachment
Stout, Stewart G. U.S. Secret Service
Stowe, David H. Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman: 1948 - 03/05/49; Administrative Assistant to the President: 03/05/49 - 01/53
Sullivan, Edward G. Mr. Redmond's Office
Sullivan, James K., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1950
Summerson, Mona (Mrs.) Correspondence Staff
Sundquist, James L. Mr. Murphy's Staff (detailed from Bureau of the Budget)
Swayze, Henry A., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1951
Sweeney Jr., Arthur H., Major White House Aide, Army: 1951
Sweeney, Margaret A. (Mrs.) Files

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Name Office
Talley, Ralph E., Captain White House Aide, Army: 1949
Tannenwald, Theodore Jr. Counsel to Mr. Harriman: 08/50 - 1951
Taylor, Robert H. U.S. Secret Service
Taylor, Vera Mae Correspondence Staff
Teele, Dr. Stanley F. Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke
Thomas, Ernest Dr. Steelman's Office
Thurston, John L. Dr. Steelman's Office
Tolley, Adrian B. Chief of Social Entertainments
Torina, Michael U.S. Secret Service
Trainer, Earl Foreman Plumber
Trammell, Mabel Secretary to Theodore Tannewald
Travers, Phyllis  
Trezise, Philip H.
  • Oral History
  • See also: Oral History at Georgetown University, Special Collections Division (Foreign Affairs Oral History Project)
Mr. Gray's Local Office (detailed from the State Department)
Tribbe, Richard  
Trible, William E. Mail Room
Tubby, Roger
  • Oral History
  • See also: Personal Papers at Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, Manuscripts and Archives
  • See also: Oral History at John F. Kennedy Library
Assistant Press Secretary: 12/50 - 12/52; Acting Press Secretary: 09-12/52; Press Secretary: 12/52 - 01/53
Tully, Miss Grace G.
  • See also: Oral History at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library
Private Secretary to the President; Special Assistant to the President
Turner, Barney E., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Air Force: 1951
Turner, Robert C. Special Assistant to Dr. Steelman
Tutt, L.  
Tyler, Nancy A. Y2/c Naval Aide's Office
Tyree, Commander John A., Jr. Assistant Naval Aide

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Name Office
Ulasck, Thomas Henry Mr. Elsey's Staff (detailed from the National Archives, General Services Administration)
Urick, William J. U.S. Secret Service
Usher, Paul T. U.S. Secret Service

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Name Office
Van Devander, Charles W. Mr. Murphy's Staff
Van Lieu, Kathleen M. Secretary to Mr. Nash
Vardaman, Commodore James K., Jr. Naval Aide: 05/04/45 - 04/04/46
Vasey, Lloyd R., Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1948
Vaughan, Major General Harry H. Military Aide, 1945-1953; Coordinator of Veteran Affairs: 07/11/46 -

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Name Office
Wagner, Charles C. Chief of Correspondence
Walker, Mabel Housekeeper
Wallace, Joan (Miss.) Mr. Hechler's Office; Mr. Lloyd's Office
Wallich, Henry C. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office (detailed from the Federal Reserve System)
Walters, John A. U.S. Secret Service
Walters, Colonel Vernon A.
  • See also: Oral History (#108) at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Mr. Harriman's Staff (detailed from the U.S. Army)
Wardell, Mrs. Mail Room
Waters, Edward U.S. Secret Service
Watson, Clement H. Mr. Gray's Local Office (detailed from the Navy Department)
Weiler, Mary M. Secretary to Clark Clifford
Weinrich, Frances Files
West, J. Bernard Assistant to the Chief Usher
Whitney, H. LeRoy Staff of Messrs. Nelson and Locke
Wicker, Whiting, Lt. Commander White House Aide, Navy: 1948
Williams, Colonel Francis W. The President's Pilot
Williams, George W., Lieutenant White House Aide, Naval Reserves: 1946-1949
Williams, John H. Mr. Gray's Task Force Office (detailed from the Federal Reserve System)
Williams, Mable Secretary to Mr. Hassett
Williams, Nellie (Mrs.) Mail Room
Williams, Norwood C. Messenger
Willingham, Mildred Mr. Spingarn's Office
Wilson, Edward L., Major White House Aide, Air Force: 1949
Wilson, Mildred (Mrs.) Secretary to Mr. George E Allen; Mr. Ross' Office
Wilson, William Dr. Steelman's Office (Messenger)
Windham, James Mr. Allen's Office
Winegar, Alice Secretary to Mr. Hassett
Winkler, Chief Yeoman Bernance L. Naval Aide's Office
Winslow, Lorenzo
  • See: Personal Papers at White House Historical Association
  • See also: Records of the Office of Management and Budget [OMB], Cartographic Records (General) 1942-54 at NARA (Record Group 51.12)
White House Architect
Wolfe, Officer White House Police
Workman, Mr. Mail Room

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Name Office
Yeager, Technical Sergeant
William T.
Naval Aide's Office
Yost, Officer White House Police
Young, Lauretta W. (Mrs. Merl) Miss. Conway's Office (Secretarial Assistant to Miss. Conway)

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Name Office
Zahrobsky, Ralph E., Lt. Colonel White House Aide, Army: 1951
Zeren, Genevieve (Jenny) (Mrs.) Press Secretary's Office
Zimmerman, Raymond R. Administrative Assistant to the President: 09/21/45 - 03/03/47 and Liaison Officer for Personnel Management: 10/03/45 - 03/03/47
Zimmermann, William M., Major White House Aide, Army: 1948-1949