
  1. Harry S. Truman
  2. Educational Resources
  3. The Truman Footlocker

The Truman Footlocker

The Truman Footlocker consists of:

World War One-style footlocker

A World War One-style footlocker, like the one Captain Harry S. Truman took to France with Artillery Battery D in 1918. It is filled with learning tools -- a scrapbook, pictures, newspapers, artifacts, clothing, photographs, political cartoons, memorabilia, and replicas. Each item represents a story about an aspect of Harry Truman's remarkable life and legacy.

A Teaching Guide that turns the footlocker into an entire curriculum, bringing to life the Truman legacy. The Teaching Guide takes history out of the textbooks and creates an innovative and interactive classroom experience for teachers and students.

trio of children reading

The Truman Footlocker is available for loan. If you are interested in loaning the footlocker or need more information, send an e-mail to: