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Political cartoons

Political Cartoon, "His Fighting Spirit Carries On"

In this political cartoon by Jim Barstow, President Harry S. Truman (left) sits in the Oval Office and promises to prosecute the war to its successful conclusion. The ghost of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (right) looms above Truman, showing that his fighting spirit carries on. This cartoon was published on April 13, 1945. This cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.

Political Cartoon of President Harry S. Truman Leaving for Potsdam

President Harry S. Truman (center) packs his suitcase for his trip to Germany in July of 1945 to deal with postwar Europe. Alongside this task, he faced the resignation Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. (left) as well as Supreme Court Justice Owen J. Roberts (right). Karl Kae Knecht created this political cartoon for the Evansville, Indiana Courier and appeared on July 6, 1945. The original drawing of this cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.

Political Cartoon, "President Truman's Talk Last Night"

In this political cartoon, President Harry S. Truman (upper center) looms over the islands of Japan, as do the atomic bombs and the Soviet Union's declaration of war against Japan. All three are surrounded by halos. The Japanese on the islands - all soldiers - look up at the three halos. This political cartoon by Karl Kae Knecht appeared in the Evansville, Indiana Courier on August 9, 1945. The original drawing of this cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.

Strikes and Disputes Cartoon by Karl Kae Knecht

In this political cartoon, President Harry S. Truman (behind the wheel) drives a car with Uncle Sam (first on left) and an American in the backseat (center). The cartoon highlights the economic difficulty the country faced reconverting from a wartime economy to a peacetime one. Karl Kae Knecht created this cartoon which appeared in the Evansville (Indiana) Courier on September 17, 1945. This cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.

The Passengers are Beginning to Sit Back and Relax - Cartoon

This political cartoon by Jay N. Darling depicts a shocked couple entering the taxi of nervous and sweating new President, Harry S. Truman. In the second panel, President Truman drives into a "dangerous intersection" as his two passengers lean out the windows, looking concerned at what comes ahead. The third and fourth panel show President Truman accelerating the taxi and the joy of his two passengers. This cartoon is in the museum collection of the Truman Library.