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President Harry S. Truman Acknowledges Greetings from the Shore at Antwerp, Belgium

… byrnes (partly obscured), and admiral william leahy. all others are unidentified. from the album: president's trip to the berlin conference. related collection foskett, james h. papers keywords cabinet officers naval officers potsdam conference, …

Photograph Record

Truman: A Self-Portrait

… 10:34   president truman speaking with george c. marshall; the marshall plan is announced. 10:57   russia blockades berlin, and the berlin airlift arises. 11:25   truman is seen taking his daily walk. 11:45   truman family home movies (truman plays the …

Moving Image

Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman - Ring of Steel, Episode No. 13

… fleet puts on show of force. 8:55   greece - next russian target, greek civil war. truman offers american aid. 9:26   berlin blockade. 9:48   berlin airlift. 10:06   czechoslovakia - attacked by russia; clement gottwalv subverted czech democracy. czech leader, edward …

Moving Image

Stein, Harold Papers

… of civil military relations - 1955 article on academic freedom at princeton articles, addresses, misc. b - correspondence berlin notes berlin - h. stein book reviews box 2 brookings institution c - correspondence carnegie - quarterly report case bibliography - …

Finding Aid

King George VI and President Harry S. Truman Aboard the USS Augusta

… he and the augusta returned to the united states after the potsdam conference. from the album president's trip to the berlin conference, vol. 2 of 2. related collection foskett, james h. papers keywords cabinet officers kings and rulers naval …

Photograph Record


… house staff, potsdam conference, beginning of the cold war, truman doctrine, nato, marshall plan, point four program and berlin airlift. questions to mr. clifford not audible, but responses are. this is followed by the assembling of a panel for …

Moving Image


… himself by meritorious participation in the humane military effort to supply necessities of life to the people of berlin, germany. such a person may have been, at the time of such participation, a member of the armed forces, or a national, …

Official Document

Perry Laukhuff Oral History Interview

… with perry laukhuff vice consul, windsor ontario, 1937, milan, italy, 1938-39; third secretary, american embassy, berlin, 1940-41; officer, department of state, 1942-43; third secretary and second secretary, american legation, stockholm, … u.s. political adviser on german affairs s.h.a.e.f., 1945; secretary of mission with u.s. political adviser for germany, berlin, 1945-49; director, office of german political affairs, department of state, 1949-52; special assistant to director, … affairs. mckinzie: might i get you to talk about your experiences in some more detail beginning with your assignment in berlin in 1940 and 1941. laukhuff: yes, i went up there from milan. up to that time my experience had been wholly on the …

Oral History

The President's News Conference at Key West, Florida

… to yourself and the heads of the other three major governments, suggesting that direct action be taken to settle the berlin question outside of the purview of the united nations. the president. i received a message like that, but i have no … of great britain, france, the united states, and the soviet union, appealing for four-power conversations to end the berlin dispute. on november 17 secretary of state marshall answered the letter which had been sent to president truman. he stated that the united states was willing to engage in conversations as soon as the soviet union lifted the berlin blockade so that the negotiations could take place under conditions free from duress. he added that the united states …

Official Document

Statement by the President Following General Marshall's Return From Paris

… has prevailed between ourselves and the french and british representatives in paris in all phases of the handling of the berlin crisis, and of the earnest efforts being made by the security council and the general assembly of the united nations …

Official Document

Records of the United States High Commission for Germany [USHCG] (Record Group 466)

… germany [ushcg]. the reports are arranged chronologically. the printed reports relate to various subjects including: the berlin airlift, coal, cultural relations, currency reform, democracy, denazification, the economy, education, emigration, …

Finding Aid

President Truman with his Cabinet

… with his cabinet and heads of government agencies, holds his first cabinet meeting following the tri-partite conference of berlin. clockwise are: secretary of agriculture clinton anderson, secretary of labor lewis schwellenbach, national housing …

Photograph Record

President Truman and his Cabinet

… and heads of government agencies, holds his first cabinet meeting following the tri-partite (potsdam) conference of berlin. clockwise are secretary of agriculture clinton anderson, secretary of labor lewis schwellenbach, national housing …

Photograph Record

John W. Snyder Oral History Interview, March 12, 1968

… him in advance so that he could assemble whatever notes he might desire or personnel to help us. enroute, however, to berlin we flew across france and saw a great part of the area over which the u.s. troops had marched. we had a wonderful … about forty-five of those a month, so you can see that this was considered a very, very important plant. then we came over berlin, and it was to me who [467] had been brought up as a banker and had placed great value on property values, i tell you … with their tile roofs untouched. but right in the city was this honeycomb of the shells of the big buildings. of course, berlin was a target objective for many reasons because they had centered in and around berlin a great deal of the industry of …

Oral History

E. Allan Lightner, Jr. Oral History Interview

… of restoring a central government would be difficult enough, it seemed prudent to assist the allied control council in berlin to provide uniform policies for each zone by providing the acc with these directives which we hoped would be approved … have been under western control. for example, if we hadn't agreed on the zones of occupation, we surely would have taken berlin before the russians got there. one of the main reasons our forces delayed going into berlin was the realization we would have lost an awful lot of men, and why do that when berlin was going to be a …

Oral History

Letter Transmitting Report on the Occupation of Germany to the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy

… full force and prestige of american diplomatic power be used to break the deadlock, caused by french obstruction, in the berlin control council, thereby permitting germany to be dealt with as a single economic unit. 2. that the highest type of …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… i am not. q. you know the situation; the koreans are asking-- the president. yes, the korean situation was discussed at berlin, and the korean program, i think, will be carried through as we anticipated-that it will be a free country. [9.] q. … it will be done. the situation is entirely different in the pacific. [18.] q. what was the american view on palestine at berlin? the president. the american view of palestine is, we want to let as many of the jews into palestine as it is possible … peaceful basis. i have no desire to send 500,000 american soldiers there to make peace in palestine. q. was the meeting at berlin the last of the big three meetings, mr. president? the president. i cannot answer that question. it will have to be …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… statement. [2.] q. mr. president, mr. beyin made a statement today regarding the next approach to moscow regarding the berlin situation. held out, too, his hope for settlement of the whole european problem. i wonder if you could give us any … [11.] q. mr. president, there seemed to be some disappointment in congress that you did not send them a report on the berlin situation. do you plan such a message? the president. i do not. [12.] q. mr. president, there is wonder why you …

Official Document

Heritage For The People (Long Version)

… – visit of president and wife in white house for state dinner (voiceover). 20:00   news conference on problems. 21:30   berlin, june 21, 1963 – parade (kennedy and willie brandt in car) at city hall. kennedy speaking. 28:00   view of cambridge …

Moving Image

The Big Three Sit Down for the First Meeting of the Potsdam Conference

… and averell harriman (seated on vardaman's left). all others are unidentified. from the album "president's trip to the berlin conference vol. 2 of 2." related collection foskett, james h. papers keywords armed forces officers cabinet officers …

Photograph Record

President Harry S. Truman Returns to the United States After the Potsdam Conference

… g. nixon is in the front row, right, with sunglasses. others are unidentified. from the album president's trip to the berlin conference, vol. 2 of 2. related collection foskett, james h. papers keywords armed forces officers cabinet officers …

Photograph Record

The White House Decision Center

… ending the war with japan addressing postwar civil rights in the u.s. armed forces reacting to the soviet blockade of berlin responding to the communist invasion of south korea  the united states and the question of palestine, 1948 student …

Basic page

Leo R. Werts Oral History Interview

… i followed with great interest president truman's participation in the four power summit which took place just outside berlin. i was located in berlin during part of the period of the meeting. in 1946, i moved up to director of the division succeeding general mcsherry. … think he, as much as anyone, whether he had the president's prior approval or not -- you remember when the soviets closed berlin, it was general   [7] clay who instituted that airlift. i remember at a staff meeting, there was a report to the …

Oral History

Rockwell, Alvin J. Papers

… clippings that were scattered through rockwell's omgus files. topics covered include world war ii, the occupation of berlin, democracy in germany, denazification, the nuremberg war crimes trials, defense and security issues, and the cold war. … on democracy in germany, defense and security issues, denazification, the malmedy massacre, the nuremberg trials, berlin and the cold war, and world war ii. 47-50  printed materials file, 1924-61 . arranged chronologically. 51-52   … [1947-49] [4 of 4] director's office--administration--personal--alvin j. rockwell [includes rockwell's index to his "berlin files," and his military pass (photograph identification) authorizing him to enter all areas occupied by the u.s. …

Finding Aid

For All the People

… harry s. truman taking oath of office, january 20, 1949. 20:00   harry s. truman policies: truman doctrine, marshall plan, berlin airlift, nato treaty, april 4, 1949. 22:15   korean war response and war scenes with macarthur. 23:10   harry s. …

Moving Image

Thayer, Charles W. Papers

… trip to - 1961 afghanistan, correspondence re 1942-44 almy family correspondence the arsonist , correspondence re 1954 b berlin, american consulate general - 1939 (not identified) blassingame, lorton bohlen, mr. and mrs. charles s. (largely … 18-28, 1934 moscow - july 31-august 7, 1935 (trip back to the united states) moscow - 1934, september 20, 1937 and berlin - september 22, 1937 moscow and kazan (personal and private) june 22, 1941 - september 5, 1941 moscow, kazan, and … (2 folders) afghanistan - autographed photographs - 1943 bavaria, tales from bears in the caviar by charles w. thayer berlin, articles re - 1962 bombing, articles re - "who's fault was the break-back bombing?" brandt, willy - article re 1958 …

Finding Aid

Geoffrey W. Lewis Oral History Interview

… what; what the authority of the joint military government to be established was going to be; what was going to happen to berlin, which later on, it became quite clear, would probably be separated, as indeed it was, from the rest of west germany, … in which he said that he thinks ambassador winant was a little soft in the sense that he didn't demand access routes into berlin in this early period we have been talking about.  is it a fair question to ask what you thought about ambassador … of the european advisory commission were unhappy that the agreement wasn't more ironclad with respect to our access to berlin.  it seemed to us that was a really very vital thing, and we weren't, ourselves, very happy about leaving it in the …

Oral History

The President's News Conference

… thought you might have some questions you would want to ask. [1.] q. mr. president, what do you make of this situation in berlin? the president. no comment. q. is general clay coming in to see you with general marshall today? the president. yes, i … we will not be coerced or intimidated in any way in our procedures under the rights and responsibilities that we have in berlin and generally in .germany. at the same time we will proceed to invoke every possible resource of negotiation and … did you have in mind, sir, his statement that we will exhaust every resource of diplomacy in seeking a solution of the berlin situation? the president. yes. [12.] q. mr. president, what agency do you have in mind for administering the price …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… win on the first ballot? the president. sure. [7.] q. mr. president, what is your attitude toward the soviet blockade in berlin? the president. i have no comment. general marshall expressed the attitude of this government after a conference with me.1 1 secretary of state marshall's statement, released to the press on june 30, follows: "we are in berlin as a result of agreements between the governments on the areas of occupation in germany, and we intend to stay. the soviet attempt to blockade the german civilian population of berlin raises basic questions of serious import with which we expect to deal promptly. meanwhile, maximum use of air …

Official Document

Lucius D. Clay Oral History Interview

… as the official relations were concerned. they were both the representatives on the control council and they would come to berlin periodically. i would brief them, sit with them and help them with that work. other than that they gave me a very … it would have been helpful if there had been a specific arrangement in writing as to which roads and railroads going into berlin were under the control of the allies, and which were under the control of the russians. but, remember this, when the … about my own views of the situation and it was that letter which he used as the basis for this speech. he visited me in berlin and we went over together. he had that passage in there, "as long as any other foreign country's troops are in germany …

Oral History

Lincoln, Katherine Fite Papers

… accumulation of evidence to be presented in the war crimes trials. a few documents captured at the reichschancellery in berlin are also included in this series. the clippings and photographs file contains primarily publications and photographs … a membership list of the united nations war crimes commission, a few documents retrieved from the reichschancellery in berlin, and minutes of a meeting of the four chief prosecutors on august 28, 1945. arranged in alphabetical order by subject …

Finding Aid

The Decision to Drop The Bomb

… of stimson talking to truman. 10:00   general groves talks about the report to truman on a-bomb. 10:45   war scenes – berlin. 11:00   john mccloy – (assistant to stimson) talks about stimson and bomb committee – bundy continues – groves …

Moving Image


… atlantic & east carolina railway company barre & chelsea railroad company belfast & moosehead lake railroad company berlin mills railway company columbus & greenville railway company east tennessee & western no. carolina railroad ft. dodge, …

Official Document

Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman - The Reluctant Ally, Episode No. 22

… announces japanese surrender. 24:43   truman comments - russian's to be dealt with - tokyo did not become divided like berlin; japan became free and a friend of u.s. sd-quality copies of already digitized motion pictures are available for $20, …

Moving Image

Daniels, Jonathan Papers

… his family members and contemporaries, and selected political and social events dating from 1865 to 1948. logs of the berlin conference of 1945 and of truman's vacation trips from 1946 to 1949, information concerning truman's meetings with … 1945-47   225   "the job that made truman president," by w. mccune and j.r. beal,  harpers , june 1945 (extracts)   227   berlin (potsdam) conference log   229   miscellaneous notes   259 [ top | administrative information | biographical sketch | …

Finding Aid

Decision to Drop the Bomb

… file.   letter, harry s. truman to bess wallace truman, july 31, 1945, describing negotiations among the allies in berlin. papers of harry s. truman: family, business, and personal affairs file.   correspondence between richard russell and …

Basic page

Bruce C. Clarke Oral History Interview

… chief of the army in europe, being held over an extra year over the retirement age of 60 by the president because of the berlin wall crisis as i was in europe when the berlin wall was built. and after that situation stabilized, i retired at the age of 61, some seven years ago. hess: let's … to soldier management and morale. i was commander in chief in europe for a year and a half under mcnamara during the berlin wall. he never came to visit my troops. five times i sent word by visitors that the secretary ought to come and visit …

Oral History

Asher, Robert E. Papers

… ] biographical sketch 1910 (october 18)   born, chicago, illinois 1927-1931   student, dartmouth college and university of berlin 1932   ph.b., university of chicago 1934   m.a., university of chicago 1934-1942   researcher and official with the …

Finding Aid

Student Research File

… policy: indochina, thailand, burma, malaya, indonesia and the philippines. cold war confrontation: truman, stalin and the berlin airlift, june 1948-may 1949. the brannan plan: the truman administration's attempt to achieve full production …

Basic page

Online Collections

… policy: indochina, thailand, burma, malaya, indonesia and the philippines. cold war confrontation: truman, stalin and the berlin airlift, june 1948-may 1949. the brannan plan: the truman administration's attempt to achieve full production …

Basic page

Decision: The conflicts of Harry S. Truman - Man on the Lid, Episode No. 9

… railroad farm scenes. 9:24   truman in key west, florida, speaking with advisors. 9:53   potsdam conference; rubble in berlin. 10:00   truman walking. 10:07   samuel rosenman speaks on domestic affairs, new dealers; photos of roy roberts, u.s. …

Moving Image

Address Before the United States Conference of Mayors

… tyranny. senator vinck can tell you of the vigorous democracy of the cities of belgium. and from dr. reuter, lord mayor of berlin, you may hear one of the most inspiring stories of our time. the people of berlin, after years under the rule of nazi criminals, with their city in ruins, have dedicated themselves anew to the … remarks the president referred to mayor halfdan e. stokke of oslo, senator vinck of brussels, and mayor ernst reuter of berlin. on april 21 and 22 secretary of the treasury snyder called a meeting of the heads of the principal state and …

Official Document

Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman - Police Action, Part I, Episode No. 23

… of returning soldiers. 11:44   russian soldiers - stalin. 11:59   dean acheson speaks of korea as a trouble spot. 12:18   berlin airlift scenes. 12:37   malaysia guerilla war scenes. 12:53   yugoslavia conflict. 13:06   indochina guerilla …

Moving Image

Konrad Adenauer Oral History Interview

… history of the truman administration, what would you say is the [9] comparative importance of the marshall plan, and the berlin airlift, the establishment of nato, and the korean action? adenauer: i believe that without the marshall plan this … hear how mr. truman is now. brooks: very well, thank you. what about the airlift, or nato? adenauer: well, i feel that the berlin airlift was a truly visible sign that america recognized her duty to be the leader of free nations and wanted to … and acheson, dean, 13-14 and truman, harry s., 1 , 10-11 , 12 and the union of soviet socialist republics, 4 , 15-16 berlin airlift, 9 , 10 bevin, ernest, 4 bonn, germany, 2 churchill, sir winston, 15 clay, general lucius d., 15 common …

Oral History

The President's News Conference at Tiptonville, Tennessee

… in english. the same thing is true when you translate russian into english. when i was at the conference with stalin at berlin, he had an interpreter and i had one, and it took the four of us to be sure that we each understood the meaning of the … plant, principally. [10.] q. mr. president, you were asked at a white house press conference one day if the meeting in berlin was the last of the big three meetings, as i remember; and you said you didn't know at that time. the president. i … to clarify the program, i would not stand in the way of a big three meeting. in fact, we had a very successful one in berlin. at least, i thought it was a successful one. q. in other words, if things--a big three meeting would help …

Official Document

Lord Oliver Franks Oral History Interview

… of the north atlantic treaty bevin had been sniffing around for a closer united states association, getting nowhere. the berlin blockade unloosed everything. it created a new urgency enabling the united states to take new initiatives. lovett … to let the war in korea be the prelude to general hostilities. the united states and the united kingdom had been caught in berlin and now in korea. bradley was drawing (or had drawn) up a list of what was required militarily for a first line … , 29-32 argentina, 12 atlantic city conference, 2 attlee, clement richard, 18 ball, senator joseph h., 28 belgium, 12 , 13 berlin, germany, 19 berlin blockade, 16 bevin, ernest, 3-4 , 12 , 16 , 18 , 19 , 22 bidault, georges, 22 bradley, general …

Oral History

Finan, William F. Papers

… c. marshall. also included are printed materials published by the u.s. army for soldiers on leave in london, paris, and berlin. finan returned to the bureau of the budget in 1946 as an administrative analyst. included in his papers are details …

Finding Aid

Universal-International Newsreels

… 50:35   good samaritans – u.s. food arrives for east berliners – aid provided for 200,000 starving people of east berlin, who have crossed the communist lines into west berlin. 51:44   japan – floods ravage japan – monsoons create flooding, and u. s. planes drop food and supplies. 52:30   …

Moving Image

Harry S. Truman Papers Staff Member and Office Files: Naval Aide to the President Files

… (1946-1948), and robert l. dennison (1948-1953). the naval aide to the president files include: documents relating to the berlin (potsdam) conference; communication files containing correspondence to and from the president; subject files … developments as reported by the state department; and naval service case files which pertain to military personnel. the berlin (potsdam) conference file, which is primarily arranged chronologically, contains the agenda prepared by the state … | collection description | series descriptions | folder title list ] series descriptions container nos.   series 1-6   berlin conference file, 1945 agenda, background information, territorial studies, papers, recommendations, memoranda, meeting …

Finding Aid

Remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner

… we did not institute aggression in korea. we did not institute aggression in greece. we did not institute aggression in berlin. we do not want war. we want peace. the united nations was organized for the purpose of enforcing the peace in the …

Official Document

O.J. McDiarmid Oral History Interview

… was the leading character on the committee. we had a lot of meetings and tried to devise some unified currency for berlin. or are you thinking of something [31] earlier? mckinzie: i'm thinking of that early business of giving the russians a set of currency plates. mcdiarmid: oh, yes, i thought you were thinking of the berlin blockade, and the currency problem that led up to that, but you're talking about turning the plates, for printing the … yes, that's right. mckinzie: in our initial discussion, you mentioned [36] the committee that did, sometime after the berlin blockade, try to negotiate a currency arrangement for berlin city. mcdiarmid: yes, that's right, to try to have a …

Oral History

Dr. Wallace H. Graham Oral History Interview, January 10, 1976

… asked them what kind of a plane they had and how many seats it had in it, because, see, we had been in magdeburg north of berlin. i had been in berlin before the war. you see, i was there as a resident surgeon after graduating here, and going through my internship and … there and i took advantage of a scholarship then in vienna, austria, in pathology and surgery. naturally, i having been in berlin and lived there for some time, i wanted to show the men around who were in our unit, and let them enjoy the sights. …

Oral History

The President's News Conference

… chairman of the house armed services committee. [13.] q. mr. president, have you got any kind of plan to hold on to berlin in case this demonstration comes off on may 28th?10 the president. that is a matter on which i can't comment. 10 the east german communists had threatened to stage a demonstration in berlin on may 28. the demonstration was to take the form of a march on west berlin. q. what was the answer ? the president. i can't comment on it. q. could you comment on the report that we are …

Official Document

The Truman Years

… the creation of the state of israel, truman laying the cornerstone at the united nations building in new york, and the berlin airlift. 13:13   more international segments discuss the rise of communist china, a brief mention of joseph mccarthy …

Moving Image

General William H. Draper Jr. Oral History Interview

… became commander in chief for the european theater in addition to handling occupied germany. after about two years in berlin dealing with the german economy, its agriculture, industry, trade and general administration of its economy the german … of germany. when we moved up from versailles, our offices were first in frankfurt, and then in july of 1945 we moved to berlin. first the tripartite control council, then when the french joined us, the quadripartite control council was the … into the community of nations, first they had to be fed, not too much, but they had to have enough to live. the ration in berlin was 1560 calories a day, just about half of what you and i eat now, or then, as well. they got along on it. it wasn't …

Oral History

Davis, Nathaniel P. Papers

… ] biographical sketch 1895 (may 1)   born, princeton, n.j. 1919   joined the u.s. foreign service 1924   vice consul in berlin, germany 1926-1929   u.s. consul in pernambuco, brazil 1929   appointed u.s. consul to london, england 1942-1943   …

Finding Aid

Rosenman, Samuel I. Papers

… and mrs. truman and mr. and mrs. rosenman. it also contains material gathered from hitler’s chancellery by rosenman in berlin, germany, in 1945, such as invitations, souvenirs, pamphlets and newspapers. there are also miscellaneous items, such … areas as rosenman’s relationship with president truman and materials gathered by rosenman from hitler’s chancellery in berlin, germany, in 1945. no arrangement. 13   diaries file , 1945-1946 typed diary entries made by rosenman during his years … stuart symington to samuel i. rosenman, july 12, 1950 material gathered by samuel i. rosenman from hitler's chancellery, berlin, germany-1945 pamphlets ship's newspapers, u.s.s. quincy, february 1945 trip to europe, 1958, mr. and mrs. harry s. …

Finding Aid

The President's News Conference

… ambassador-at-large, and jacob a. malik, soviet ambassador to the united nations, on the subject of the lifting of the berlin blockade, was released on april 26, 1949. it is printed in the department of state bulletin (vol. 20, p. 590). [7.] q. … ask him. i hope he will. he is a very capable man. [11.] q. do you believe the russians are acting in good faith with the berlin proposal? the president. yes. if i didn't think so, we wouldn't continue the conversations. [12.] q. mr. president, in …

Official Document

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

… involved the whole free world." 3:30   mr. truman says that president kennedy is doing a good job. he is "saving west berlin" as mr. truman did when he was president. 4:04   mr. truman discusses the white house and the living quarters for the …

Moving Image

General Records of the Department of State: Condolence Books Opened at Foreign Service Posts on the Occasion of the Death of Former President Harry S. Truman (Record Group 59)

… germany: consulate-hamburg germany: consulate-munich germany: consulate-stuttgart germany: mission-west berlin greece: embassy-athens greece: consulate-thessaloniki guatemala: embassy-guatemala city guinea: embassy-conakry haiti: …

Finding Aid

The President's News Conference

… this disposition of the remainder of the german fleet been worked out? the president. the disposition was worked out at berlin. it was to be divided into three sections, one to go to russia, one to great britain, and one to the united states. q. … germany? the president. he is following out the directive he received from the potsdam conference--i like to call it the berlin conference. [21.] q. mr. president, do you favor sharing the atomic bomb with other nations? the president. i will …

Official Document

Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman

… mp80-1 "butter and guns" the truman doctrine and aid to greece and turkey episode 3 mp80-2 mp80-2 "city under siege" the berlin airlift episode 4 mp80-3 mp80-3 "execution without trial" the nuremberg trials episode 5 mp80-4 mp80-4 "the plea" the …

Basic page

The President's News Conference

… since i became president. [18.] q. mr. president, have you any comment on what mr. mccloy calls the creeping blockade of berlin?13 the president. no comment. 13 on january 22 the russian border guards at the checkpoint at helmstedt, germany, began requiring that all allied vehicles obtain clearances before proceeding on the autobahn connecting berlin and the western zones of germany. [19.] q. mr. president, does your answer on those two civil rights questions mean …

Official Document

Gunther Harkort Oral History Interview

… over 30 percent (bizone joint report, september 1948, pp. 72-74). it is true that exports (of the three western zones and berlin west) in 1947 amounted to $318 million which was $112 million higher than in 1946, but half of this amount consisted … and a policy of strict price stabilization were advisable. import figures for the later area of the federal republic (with berlin west) amounted to only $689 million in 1946, reaching $2.237 billion in 1949. respectively, 68 percent, 71 percent, 65 … britain came to $3.176 billion, for france $2.706 billion, for italy $1.474 billion, and for west germany (including west berlin) $1.537 billion (price, p. 90). converted into per capita figures as of 1950-1951 (st. jb. 1952, p. 13 ) this meant: …

Oral History

Henry Byroade Oral History Interview

… ledo road; the flying tigers; the bombing of tokyo; the marshall mission to china; soviet dismantling in manchuria; the berlin airlift; postwar occupation of austria and germany; the issue of german unification; german rearmament; the plevin … came across india by rail, or again, by river from calcutta. johnson: while i'm thinking about it, you got involved in the berlin airlift too. byroade: yes. johnson: was there experience from the hump that was used in the berlin airlift, and were some of the same persons involved in that one? byroade: well, you asked for my favorite story in …

Oral History

Open End

… un instead of working directly with ussr? yes – in old days we could work direct, but now we need un. 31:30   should the berlin type crisis be taken to un? yes. 32:15   us will meet problems in un – especially red china admittance. us should … executive. 33:45   how about new free nations gaining power in un? o.k. – they will listen to reason. 34:30   comment on berlin crisis? no – i haven’t the facts. 37:00   commercial pause 37:15   miscellaneous 37:30   what about red china? …

Moving Image

The President's News Conference

… the proper time. [3.] q. mr. president, have you heard of any approaches by the soviet government toward settlement of the berlin crisis? the president. i think mr. acheson answered that adequately yesterday at his press conference.1 he sent me a … on april 13 that official avenues of communication were still open for russia if she wanted to discuss lifting the berlin blockade and undertake four-power talks on germany, but he made it clear that the blockade must be lifted in advance …

Official Document

Galvin, Michael J. Papers

… by army reservists mobilized - 1961 reserve officer's association - vice pres. for the army walter lippman's views on berlin reston (feb. 28,1962, new york times column on u.s. reserve call-up the danger of fighting - the administration … of taxpayers associations (reference material for studying government in mass.) reports of assistant attorney general berlin to attorney general on civil rights reorganization amendment to state constitution - 1963 (2 folders) miscellaneous …

Finding Aid

Guggenheim Productions, Inc. Records

… in the white house. he recalls events that occurred during the truman administration, including the marshall plan, the berlin blockade, the recognition of israel, the relationship between truman and dean acheson, and the decision to drop the … truman as vice president, the white house renovation, the november 1950 assassination attempt, mccarthyism, the berlin airlift, and the marshall plan. scouten, rex scouten, a retired secret service agent, recalls protecting truman during …

Finding Aid

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview, July 7, 1970

… referring to that period of '46, '47, '48, when such fundamental matters as the truman doctrine, the marshall plan, the berlin airlift, many very critical, crucial decisions were made. why couldn't the state department be as innovative and brave … more of a fdr's own personal concern and he was beaten down. hess: do you know if it was seen at that time, that placing berlin in the russian sector without actually having adequate overland routes, corridors, to berlin would subsequently turn into a problem? elsey: this was not foreseen at all. it was not foreseen by anybody, at least …

Oral History

Colm, Gerhard Papers

… list ] biographical sketch 1897 (june 30)   born in hanover, germany 1921-27   economist at federal statistics bureau, berlin, germany. 1933   emigrated to united states 1933-39   professor of economics, new school of social research, new york …

Finding Aid

Sherwood, Sidney Papers

… franklin d. speeches treasury department box 11 united nations development program united nations development program-berlin conference, 1971 united nations development program-milan conference, 1971 united nations development …

Finding Aid

George M. Elsey Oral History Interview

… battle of the bulge, 389 bell, david e., 11 , 128 , 151-152 , 156 , 160 , 163 , 185 , 216 , 270 , 291 , 303 , 419 , 420 berlin, germany, 350-351 , 352 berlin airlift, 326 , 390-391 berlin conference, 260 bipartisanship during the truman administration, 98-100 bogue, robert w., 339 bohlen, charles e., 320 …

Oral History

Remarks at a Meeting With the American Society of Newspaper Editors

… who were with him. and we have made up our minds that we wanted only what is right. i stated frankly and candidly in berlin, at the raising of the american flag over berlin, that we had no desire for territory, we were not asking reparations, we only wanted peace, and a peace that would be …

Official Document

James W. Riddleberger Oral History Interview, June 24, 1971

… affairs, u.s. dept. of state, 1944-47; counsellor of embassy, and chief, political section, american military government, berlin, germany, 1947-50; acting political adviser to commander-in-chief, u.s. forces, germany, 1949-50; political adviser to … recent knowledge of the situation in a particular city that somebody else might not have. of course, i was living in berlin so i was asked about the situation there. this was before the heavy bombing of berlin. it was earlier in 1941. wilson: you were brought back to the united states in 1944… riddleberger: yes, from london. …

Oral History

The President's News Conference

… congress. [18.] q. mr. president, have you any observations that you would care to make on the lifting of the blockade of berlin? the president. as i said last week, i am happy that it has been lifted--happy that the blockade of berlin has been lifted. q. do you feel that it is a source of encouragement in the world situation? the president. yes, i do. …

Official Document

CBS News Special Report

… 4:40   truman doctrine, 1947. 5:04   marshall plan, 1948. 5:26   recognition of state of israel, may 14, 1948. 5:40   berlin airlift, june 1948. 5:55   democratic national convention, july 15, 1948. 6:55   whistlestop campaign (kaltenborn …

Moving Image

Robert G. Nixon Oral History Interview, November 23, 1970

… this marshall plan was to fill the vacuum that had been left by this error. then the russians abruptly denied us access to berlin. some of our statesmen or high [1039] military people, apparently overlooked an obvious thing. we had gotten no agreement, with the russians, as to access by road to berlin. when the russians, as part of their thrusting out movement in europe, abruptly terminated access to berlin, truman had, here again, a very bold decision. he agreed to supply berlin by what had become known as the "berlin …

Oral History

Statement by the President on the Recess Appointment of Philip C. Jessup to the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations

… for this support can be found in the record of mr. jessup's achievements. he played a vital role in the lifting of the berlin blockade. he represented the united states with great skill at the meeting of deputy foreign ministers at paris last …

Official Document

Radio Report to the American People on Korea and on U.S. Policy in the Far East

… and efforts of the greek people defeated the attack on the spot. another big communist threat to peace was the berlin blockade. that too could have led to war. but again it was settled because free men would not back down in an … consistent with our obligation to do all we can to maintain international peace and security. our experience in greece and berlin shows that it is the most effective course of action we can follow. first of all, it is clear that our efforts in …

Official Document

Address in Tullahoma, Tenn., at the Dedication of the Arnold Engineering Development Center

… any danger that they will vote themselves into the hands of the soviet union. we came to the aid of the brave people of berlin when the kremlin tried to take them over. we and our allies kept berlin alive by the airlift and it is still free today. we came to the aid of china when it was threatened by communist civil … and supplies into china to aid the chinese nationalist government. we gave them more help than we gave greece or turkey or berlin or italy. the government of greece took our aid and fought for freedom. but many of the generals of nationalist china …

Official Document

Holbrooke, Richard C. Papers

… of 2; naval service, etc.] december 30, 1987 [2 of 2; eisenhower and zhukov, churchill, trip to fulton, alben c. barkley, berlin airlift] january 8, 1988 [lyndon johnson] january 11, 1988 [senator robert kerr, estes kefauver, supreme court, lyndon …

Finding Aid

Vaughan, Harry H. Papers

… carl—letter on federal department budgets, august 4, 1952 land grant college act, 1862 log of the president’s trip to the berlin conference, july 6, 1945 to august 7, 1945 scrapbooks on microfilm 35th division reunion speech—september, 1973 box 3 …

Finding Aid

Quirk, James T. Papers

… his personal contacts with generals bradley, patton, macarthur and ridgway; his visits to berchtesgaden, nuremberg, and berlin; and his observations about such important events as the discovery of the nazi concentration camps, the postwar …

Finding Aid

Remarks at the Dedication of the Carter Barron Amphitheater

… they now control. in eastern germany--and i have this on the authority of no less a person than the bishop of eastern berlin, who paid me a visit not very long ago--in eastern germany, thousands of persons have been kidnapped by the secret …

Official Document

David K. E. Bruce Oral History Interview

… closely with him? bruce: closely, and this made it much easier for me. hess: in mid-summer of 1948 the soviets began the berlin blockade which lasted until may of 1949. did that affect you in your job in any way? did you have any involvement in that matter? bruce: no, i did not. that was handled outside of the paris embassy. hess: speaking of berlin, what is your opinion of the fact that berlin had been placed within the soviet sector of germany and no adequate provisions had been made to insure access? bruce: …

Oral History

Charles E. Saltzman Oral History Interview

… out had it not been that in march general sokolovsky flounced out of the control council meeting in germany and the berlin blockade started. that was deemed by general marshall, very wisely, not to be the moment to change the system of … as far as i can remember i saw very little reflection of any concern of his about it, and in fact at the time of the berlin blockade when the decision was made not to drive a convoy through the russian zone to berlin, but to adopt the famous airlift instead, my impression was, and i may be quite wrong about this (because if you sit …

Oral History

Willis C. Armstrong Oral History Interview

… we were on a friendly commercial basis. as of 1947 we were on a friendly commercial basis, but by 1948 with the [21] berlin blockade and various other things in the works, we began to withhold from the russians certain machinery and equipment … the active period of stockpiling, which was around '47, '48, '49, '50-'53, were very happy to sell. the korean war and the berlin blockade and the general state of tension caused us to accelerate our stockpiling. mckinzie: there was an argument on … to do with the basic relationship pattern that happened after the war. the russians still have a cold war face. i was in berlin in march. it was the first time i had visited east berlin, and the first time i had seen the wall. people go there and …

Oral History

Remarks at the Pemiscot County Fair, Caruthersville, Missouri

… rate, the united states entered on an entirely new development of its foreign policy. some 3 months after that i went to berlin to meet with the heads of the governments of russia, great britain, and the united states, in order to discuss the …

Official Document

Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Soviet Reply to the Resolution of Friendship Adopted by the U.S. Congress

… character of its own propaganda and public statements concerning the united states. in the recent youth meeting in east berlin, we have seen a new intensification of the theme of hate for the united states and other members of the united …

Official Document

Presidential Years: (1945 - 1949)

… admission into the united states of 205,000 european displaced persons in the following two years. 26 june:  ordered berlin airlift, in conjunction with the british, in answer to russian blockade of the portion of that city occupied by the …

Basic page

Phelps, D. Maynard Papers

… roots of the united states-soviet union conflict are explored in great detail. the “memorandum on the provisions of the berlin protocol relating to reparations”, produced by the u.s. delegation to the allied commission on reparations also …

Finding Aid

Gustav Adolf Sonnenhol Oral History Interview

… about 6 billion deutsch marks today, still working, and besides the reconstruction work in germany, the reconstruction in berlin, mainly, was financed out of these counterpart funds. that may be of interest to [21] you, we finance a small part of … with german reaction to the truman administration foreign policy? sonnenhol: well, the truman administration was berlin, the marshall plan, and nato, you see. and of course acheson is a very important figure, because all this happened at … acheson, dean, 27 bad godesberg, germany, 28 bank for reconstruction and development, frankfort, germany, 20 belgium, 3 berlin, germany, 20 , 27 bevin, ernest, 11 , 23 bidault, georges, 11 , 23 bonn, germany, i byrnes, james f., 4 cralog …

Oral History

Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Situation in Korea

… in europe; and, since that time, it has brought the free nations more closely together in a strong economic framework. the berlin airlift, in 1948 and 1949, defeated the soviet effort to drive the free nations out of the democratic outpost of western berlin. the north atlantic treaty, in 1949, served notice that the nations of the north atlantic community would stand …

Official Document

Raymond W. Goldsmith Oral History Interview

… with james r. newman, the well known writer. i stayed on there until 1947, i think, when mr. [joseph] dodge, whom i met in berlin (as i will refer to in a minute), asked me to come along with him as economic adviser for the austrian state treaty … report. we were for about three months in germany, traveled around half of the time and spent half of the time in berlin. we had really argued out the essence of the plan on the plane flying over. mckinzie: whose original idea was it? … man, mr. maletin who later became a vice minister of finance and may have already have been that when he was sent to berlin. he came from around murmansk, and his father was a fisherman, he was extremely smart, and also spoke excellent …

Oral History

Democratic National Committee Records

… address--george washington national masonic memorial, alexandria, virginia, february 22, 1950 statements on lifting the berlin blockade easing up on war of nerves relations with u.s.s.r. on berlin crisis, september 1948 replies to stalin's offer to meet him, february 1949 proposed meeting with stalin, february … speech to congress after japanese war, september 1945 signing japanese surrender on u.s.s. missouri , september 1, 1945 berlin conference, august 9, 1945 message to congress on executive branch of government, may 24, 1945 resolution proposing …

Finding Aid

Records of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey [USSBS] (Record Group 243)

… ag, lunen, germany (28) vereinigte deutsche metallwerke, hedernheim, germany (29) duerener metallwerke ag duren wittenau-berlin & waren, germany (30) area studies division report (31a) a detailed study of the effects of area bombing on hamburg … (37a) a detailed study of the effects of area bombing on lubeck (38a) a brief study on the effects of area bombing on berlin, augsburg, bochum, leipzig, hagen, dortmund, oberhausen, schweinfurt, and bremen (39a) civilian defense division final …

Finding Aid

Elsey, George M. Papers

… items documenting some of the major events and policies of the truman administration. much of this material relates to the berlin conference, economic policies, the marshall plan, palestine, the point four program, soviet union, loyalty … atomic bomb attlee-truman talks auriol-truman meeting b barkley, alben batt, william bell, david benton, william box 43 berlin conference [1 of 4] berlin conference [2 of 4] berlin conference [3 of 4] berlin conference [4 of 4] birkhead, ken blair house meetings boyce, …

Finding Aid

Lois Bernhardt Oral History Interview

… bernhardt: to the azores and then paris. johnson: azores, paris . . . bernhardt: and then germany. johnson: and then berlin. that was quite a ride. bernhardt: oh, yes, it was. johnson: you won't forget that will you? bernhardt: no. johnson: … russell i would say. johnson: one of those two. bernhardt: they were both very helpful to him. johnson: did you tour berlin when truman arrived? stalin came a day late. bernhardt: right. we had been there for two days, i think it was, before that. we flew in and they came by ship. so, we toured berlin for a couple of days before the president and mr. byrnes arrived. we came upon all this rubble. johnson: did you see …

Oral History

Sir Ashley Clarke Oral History Interview

… developed if we hadn't had the assurance that oeec was going to succeed. i've forgotten what the exact year or date of the berlin crisis was... wilson: '48. just at the time... clarke: we were beginning to recover a kind of european consciousness and european firmness at the time. [13] it was just two or three people that took that decision about berlin and bevin was certainly one. but i don't think that bevin would himself have been quite so ready to take that decision … of tension between the two sides to decide where that line came and it went on growing until, paradoxically enough, the berlin wall was actually physically built and you could see where the fence was. and it's amazing how almost immediately …

Oral History