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Message to General Pershing on His 85th Birthday

… this should be one of the happiest of your many birthdays as you remember that this time we went all the way through to berlin, as you counseled in 1918. i hail a great soldier who happily exemplified also the vision of the statesman. with every …

Official Document

Radio Report to the American People on the Potsdam Conference

… conference august 9, 1945 [delivered from the white house at 10 p.m.] my fellow americans: i have just returned from berlin, the city from which the germans intended to rule the world. it is a ghost city. the buildings are in ruins, its … us. that was the guiding spirit in the conference at san francisco. that was the guiding spirit in the conference of berlin. that will be the guiding spirit in the peace settlements to come. in the conference of berlin, it was easy for me to get along in mutual understanding and friendship with generalissimo stalin, with prime minister …

Official Document

Address in the Oakland Auditorium

… to call him on it. just let me give you an example. a few days ago he made a speech in which he attacked our policies in berlin and korea. in these two cases, he applauded the work of the armed forces, but he added, and i quote: "i deplore the … and on our other civilian agencies. but i am surprised that the republican candidate should stoop to it in the cases of berlin and korea. he was personally involved in our decisions about berlin and korea. he knows what happened in those cases. and so do i. my friends, this puts me in a very difficult position. …

Official Document

Statement by the President Reporting on the Paris Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers

… more nor less than what it professes to be--a means of dealing with what actually exists. it reaffirms the lifting of the berlin blockade and contains the recognition by the occupation authorities of their obligation to insure the movement of persons and goods between the eastern and western zones and between berlin and the zones. in an effort to mitigate the economic consequences of the existing division of germany, the arrangement … to facilitate and increase the flow of balanced trade between the different zones and the zones and sectors of berlin in a manner advantageous to the germans of the respective areas. to this end we are also prepared to call upon the …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… italian colonies had been formulated with bipartisan approval. q. mr. president, can you give us anything new on the berlin situation? the president. no, i cannot. i have no comment on the berlin situation. i think secretary marshall covered that yesterday as well as it can be covered at the present time.2 2at … his press conference on september 8 secretary marshall denounced attacks by communist-led mobs on the city government of berlin. he said that communist efforts to disrupt conferences on the future status of berlin must be firmly resisted and that …

Official Document

Statement by the President on Announcing the Mission to Japan of Ambassador Edwin W. Pauley, Personal Representative of the President on Reparations Matters

… lasting peace. the program for reparations from germany which was developed by ambassador pauley and adopted at the berlin conference will go a long way toward helping us achieve complete victory over germany, by depriving her of the means …

Official Document

Remarks at the Raising of the Flag Over the U.S. Group Control Council Headquarters in Berlin

… remarks at the raising of the flag over the u.s. group control council headquarters in berlin july 20, 1945 general eisenhower, officers and men: this is an historic occasion. we have conclusively proven that a …

Official Document

Statement by the President Upon Releasing General Clay Following the Agreement to Lift the Berlin Blockade

… statement by the president upon releasing general clay following the agreement to lift the berlin blockade may 3, 1949 four years ago on march 29, 1945, president roosevelt announced the selection of gen. lucius d. …

Official Document


… himself by meritorious participation in the humane military effort to supply necessities of life to the people of berlin, germany. such a person may have been, at the time of such participation, a member of the armed forces, or a national, …

Official Document

The President's News Conference at Key West, Florida

… to yourself and the heads of the other three major governments, suggesting that direct action be taken to settle the berlin question outside of the purview of the united nations. the president. i received a message like that, but i have no … of great britain, france, the united states, and the soviet union, appealing for four-power conversations to end the berlin dispute. on november 17 secretary of state marshall answered the letter which had been sent to president truman. he stated that the united states was willing to engage in conversations as soon as the soviet union lifted the berlin blockade so that the negotiations could take place under conditions free from duress. he added that the united states …

Official Document

Statement by the President Following General Marshall's Return From Paris

… has prevailed between ourselves and the french and british representatives in paris in all phases of the handling of the berlin crisis, and of the earnest efforts being made by the security council and the general assembly of the united nations …

Official Document

Letter Transmitting Report on the Occupation of Germany to the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy

… full force and prestige of american diplomatic power be used to break the deadlock, caused by french obstruction, in the berlin control council, thereby permitting germany to be dealt with as a single economic unit. 2. that the highest type of …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… i am not. q. you know the situation; the koreans are asking-- the president. yes, the korean situation was discussed at berlin, and the korean program, i think, will be carried through as we anticipated-that it will be a free country. [9.] q. … it will be done. the situation is entirely different in the pacific. [18.] q. what was the american view on palestine at berlin? the president. the american view of palestine is, we want to let as many of the jews into palestine as it is possible … peaceful basis. i have no desire to send 500,000 american soldiers there to make peace in palestine. q. was the meeting at berlin the last of the big three meetings, mr. president? the president. i cannot answer that question. it will have to be …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… statement. [2.] q. mr. president, mr. beyin made a statement today regarding the next approach to moscow regarding the berlin situation. held out, too, his hope for settlement of the whole european problem. i wonder if you could give us any … [11.] q. mr. president, there seemed to be some disappointment in congress that you did not send them a report on the berlin situation. do you plan such a message? the president. i do not. [12.] q. mr. president, there is wonder why you …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… thought you might have some questions you would want to ask. [1.] q. mr. president, what do you make of this situation in berlin? the president. no comment. q. is general clay coming in to see you with general marshall today? the president. yes, i … we will not be coerced or intimidated in any way in our procedures under the rights and responsibilities that we have in berlin and generally in .germany. at the same time we will proceed to invoke every possible resource of negotiation and … did you have in mind, sir, his statement that we will exhaust every resource of diplomacy in seeking a solution of the berlin situation? the president. yes. [12.] q. mr. president, what agency do you have in mind for administering the price …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… win on the first ballot? the president. sure. [7.] q. mr. president, what is your attitude toward the soviet blockade in berlin? the president. i have no comment. general marshall expressed the attitude of this government after a conference with me.1 1 secretary of state marshall's statement, released to the press on june 30, follows: "we are in berlin as a result of agreements between the governments on the areas of occupation in germany, and we intend to stay. the soviet attempt to blockade the german civilian population of berlin raises basic questions of serious import with which we expect to deal promptly. meanwhile, maximum use of air …

Official Document


… atlantic & east carolina railway company barre & chelsea railroad company belfast & moosehead lake railroad company berlin mills railway company columbus & greenville railway company east tennessee & western no. carolina railroad ft. dodge, …

Official Document

Address Before the United States Conference of Mayors

… tyranny. senator vinck can tell you of the vigorous democracy of the cities of belgium. and from dr. reuter, lord mayor of berlin, you may hear one of the most inspiring stories of our time. the people of berlin, after years under the rule of nazi criminals, with their city in ruins, have dedicated themselves anew to the … remarks the president referred to mayor halfdan e. stokke of oslo, senator vinck of brussels, and mayor ernst reuter of berlin. on april 21 and 22 secretary of the treasury snyder called a meeting of the heads of the principal state and …

Official Document

The President's News Conference at Tiptonville, Tennessee

… in english. the same thing is true when you translate russian into english. when i was at the conference with stalin at berlin, he had an interpreter and i had one, and it took the four of us to be sure that we each understood the meaning of the … plant, principally. [10.] q. mr. president, you were asked at a white house press conference one day if the meeting in berlin was the last of the big three meetings, as i remember; and you said you didn't know at that time. the president. i … to clarify the program, i would not stand in the way of a big three meeting. in fact, we had a very successful one in berlin. at least, i thought it was a successful one. q. in other words, if things--a big three meeting would help …

Official Document

Remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner

… we did not institute aggression in korea. we did not institute aggression in greece. we did not institute aggression in berlin. we do not want war. we want peace. the united nations was organized for the purpose of enforcing the peace in the …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… chairman of the house armed services committee. [13.] q. mr. president, have you got any kind of plan to hold on to berlin in case this demonstration comes off on may 28th?10 the president. that is a matter on which i can't comment. 10 the east german communists had threatened to stage a demonstration in berlin on may 28. the demonstration was to take the form of a march on west berlin. q. what was the answer ? the president. i can't comment on it. q. could you comment on the report that we are …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… ambassador-at-large, and jacob a. malik, soviet ambassador to the united nations, on the subject of the lifting of the berlin blockade, was released on april 26, 1949. it is printed in the department of state bulletin (vol. 20, p. 590). [7.] q. … ask him. i hope he will. he is a very capable man. [11.] q. do you believe the russians are acting in good faith with the berlin proposal? the president. yes. if i didn't think so, we wouldn't continue the conversations. [12.] q. mr. president, in …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… this disposition of the remainder of the german fleet been worked out? the president. the disposition was worked out at berlin. it was to be divided into three sections, one to go to russia, one to great britain, and one to the united states. q. … germany? the president. he is following out the directive he received from the potsdam conference--i like to call it the berlin conference. [21.] q. mr. president, do you favor sharing the atomic bomb with other nations? the president. i will …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… since i became president. [18.] q. mr. president, have you any comment on what mr. mccloy calls the creeping blockade of berlin?13 the president. no comment. 13 on january 22 the russian border guards at the checkpoint at helmstedt, germany, began requiring that all allied vehicles obtain clearances before proceeding on the autobahn connecting berlin and the western zones of germany. [19.] q. mr. president, does your answer on those two civil rights questions mean …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… the proper time. [3.] q. mr. president, have you heard of any approaches by the soviet government toward settlement of the berlin crisis? the president. i think mr. acheson answered that adequately yesterday at his press conference.1 he sent me a … on april 13 that official avenues of communication were still open for russia if she wanted to discuss lifting the berlin blockade and undertake four-power talks on germany, but he made it clear that the blockade must be lifted in advance …

Official Document

Remarks at a Meeting With the American Society of Newspaper Editors

… who were with him. and we have made up our minds that we wanted only what is right. i stated frankly and candidly in berlin, at the raising of the american flag over berlin, that we had no desire for territory, we were not asking reparations, we only wanted peace, and a peace that would be …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… congress. [18.] q. mr. president, have you any observations that you would care to make on the lifting of the blockade of berlin? the president. as i said last week, i am happy that it has been lifted--happy that the blockade of berlin has been lifted. q. do you feel that it is a source of encouragement in the world situation? the president. yes, i do. …

Official Document

Statement by the President on the Recess Appointment of Philip C. Jessup to the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations

… for this support can be found in the record of mr. jessup's achievements. he played a vital role in the lifting of the berlin blockade. he represented the united states with great skill at the meeting of deputy foreign ministers at paris last …

Official Document

Radio Report to the American People on Korea and on U.S. Policy in the Far East

… and efforts of the greek people defeated the attack on the spot. another big communist threat to peace was the berlin blockade. that too could have led to war. but again it was settled because free men would not back down in an … consistent with our obligation to do all we can to maintain international peace and security. our experience in greece and berlin shows that it is the most effective course of action we can follow. first of all, it is clear that our efforts in …

Official Document

Address in Tullahoma, Tenn., at the Dedication of the Arnold Engineering Development Center

… any danger that they will vote themselves into the hands of the soviet union. we came to the aid of the brave people of berlin when the kremlin tried to take them over. we and our allies kept berlin alive by the airlift and it is still free today. we came to the aid of china when it was threatened by communist civil … and supplies into china to aid the chinese nationalist government. we gave them more help than we gave greece or turkey or berlin or italy. the government of greece took our aid and fought for freedom. but many of the generals of nationalist china …

Official Document

Remarks at the Dedication of the Carter Barron Amphitheater

… they now control. in eastern germany--and i have this on the authority of no less a person than the bishop of eastern berlin, who paid me a visit not very long ago--in eastern germany, thousands of persons have been kidnapped by the secret …

Official Document

Remarks at the Pemiscot County Fair, Caruthersville, Missouri

… rate, the united states entered on an entirely new development of its foreign policy. some 3 months after that i went to berlin to meet with the heads of the governments of russia, great britain, and the united states, in order to discuss the …

Official Document

Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Soviet Reply to the Resolution of Friendship Adopted by the U.S. Congress

… character of its own propaganda and public statements concerning the united states. in the recent youth meeting in east berlin, we have seen a new intensification of the theme of hate for the united states and other members of the united …

Official Document

Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Situation in Korea

… in europe; and, since that time, it has brought the free nations more closely together in a strong economic framework. the berlin airlift, in 1948 and 1949, defeated the soviet effort to drive the free nations out of the democratic outpost of western berlin. the north atlantic treaty, in 1949, served notice that the nations of the north atlantic community would stand …

Official Document

The President's News Conference at Key West

… unofficially, either. q. they were supposed to have been from stockholm. somebody had a story out of paris and berlin that it was suggested you meet with stalin? the president. i saw that in the paper, but that is the only place. q. in …

Official Document

The President' s News Conference

… to take over greece and turkey. well, you know the result of that. greece and turkey are free countries. then came the berlin airlift, and berlin is still a free city. then came korea, and that march into korea was against a united nations republic. it was against …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… and john w. mccormack, house majority leader. [4.] q. mr. president, what do you think of the agreement to relax the berlin blockade? the president. well, of course i am happy that there is a chance to take up where we left off, over 10 …

Official Document

Joint Report With Allied Leaders on the Potsdam Conference

… joint report with allied leaders on the potsdam conference august 2, 1945 i. report on the tripartite conference of berlin on july 17, 1945, the president of the united states of america, harry s. truman, the chairman of the council of … minister of great britain, winston s. churchill, together with mr. clement r. attlee, met in the tripartite conference of berlin. they were accompanied by the foreign secretaries of the three governments, mr. james f. byrnes, mr. v. m. molotov, … policy for the control of germany and austria would in future fall within the competence of the allied control council at berlin and the allied commission at vienna. accordingly, it was agreed to recommend that the european advisory commission be …

Official Document

The President's News Conference at Independence, Missouri

… in washington. q. probably tuesday, did you say, mr. president? the president. probably. q. who will accompany you to berlin, mr. president? the president. well, whoever is necessary to carry on negotiations for the government of the united …

Official Document

Special Message to the Senate Transmitting a Convention on Relations With Germany, and Related Documents

… present international situation. these exceptions relate to the stationing and security of allied forces in germany, to berlin, and to questions of unification, a peace settlement, and other matters concerning germany as a whole. when the new …

Official Document


… & yadkin ry baltimore & annapolis rr barre & chelsea rr beaver, meade & englewood rr benwood & wheeling connecting ry berlin mills ry birmingham southern rr boston terminal co. butte, anaconda & pacific ry blue ridge ry columbia, newberry & …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… request was made to the white house recently that the full minutes of our conversations with the russians on the setup in berlin be released to the public, and that-- the president. they should not be released, and they will not be released at …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… say, since the end of world war ii? the president. it is just as great as it ever has been. we were faced with that in the berlin airlift. we were faced with it in greece and turkey. we were faced with it in iran, when the troops of the allies and …

Official Document

Remarks at a Conference of the Industry Advisory Councils of the Department of the Interior

… one abroad and two at home. aggression is the first one. we are shooting that one out in korea, as we did in greece and berlin and other places. number two is inflation. that is a home product we are taxing and by controls curing inflation--we …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… this time. [8.] q. mr. president, do you plan to hold a big two meeting with prime minister churchill before going to the berlin meeting ? the president. i do not. there is going to be a big three meeting, and all three will be there,-- q. mr. …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… i have no comment on it. [24.] q. mr. president, if the soviet union were, of its own accord, to lift the blockade in berlin, would the united states in cooperation with the other western powers be prepared to consider the possibility of …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… i can't comment on that. [20.] q. mr. president, any comment on the fact that the russians are cutting off power in west berlin? the president. no comment. i have not been officially notified of it. i heard about it, but i have not been …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… and find out. [8.] q. mr. president, in recent days the situation in the negotiations in korea and also the situation in berlin seem to have deteriorated rather rapidly and drastically. i wonder if there is anything you could say on the world …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… price control legislation? the president. i do not. i do not. [9.] q. mr. president, the soviet-licensed newspaper in berlin said this morning that general clay was going to be replaced, and that his successor would report directly to the …

Official Document


… 5, ill. 31. benwood and wheeling connecting railway company, wheeling steel corporation bldg., wheeling, w. va. 32. berlin mills railway, berlin, n. h. 33. bessemer and lake erie railroad company, p. o. box 536, pittsburgh 30, pa. 34. blue ridge railway company, …

Official Document

Address on Foreign Policy at a Luncheon of the American Society of Newspaper Editors

… leaders have promised and what they have actually done is so startling that we are amazed that anyone can be deceived. in berlin, in czechoslovakia, in the balkans, in the far east, they have proved, time after time, that their talk about peace is …

Official Document

Special Message to the Congress on the Need for a Military Aid Program

… in history, has deliberately created an atmosphere of fear and danger. in the face of what has occurred in greece, and in berlin, in the face of the threats and pressures to which iran and turkey have been exposed, in the light of the suppression …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… white house official reporter] the president. i can name you several examples if you want them: greece, turkey, korea, and berlin. trieste in the beginning. q. mr. president, when you speak of the use of force, you are referring in a general way to …

Official Document

Address at Mechanics Hall in Boston

… must not spread its tentacles into the western zone. we shall not retreat from that position. we shall feed the people of berlin, and the people of germany will be given their chance to work out a decent life under a democratic government. now, …

Official Document

Address at Colorado Springs

… and turkey, and of aid to western europe, which he had praised as "achievements" the day before. he even attacked the berlin airlift. and this is not the only time he has attacked the policies he worked so long to build up for our defense and …

Official Document

Remarks and Question and Answer Period With the National Conference of Editorial Writers

… britain; lt. gen. lucius d. clay, u.s. deputy military governor in germany; robert d. murphy, u.s. political adviser in berlin; and lt. gen. walter bedell smith, u.s. ambassador to the soviet union. [5.] q. mr. president, when do you expect the …

Official Document

The President's Special Conference With the Association of Radio News Analysts

… and make peace. "why don't you get to the russians and fix this thing up?" he said. i said, "all right, we will give them berlin, we will give them germany, we will give them korea, we will give them japan, we will give them east asia. then they …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… is trying to assist the united nations in preventing aggression, just as it did in greece and turkey, and as it did in berlin, and in several other instances. q. this all goes to the supreme court argument, mr. president. are we under war …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… have anything to fear the last three years and a half? [19.] q. mr. president, is there anything you can say on the berlin situation? the president. nothing. [20.] q. mr. president, have you read any columns in which you found any truth at …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… of the proposed flag, with the circle of 48 stars, to the white house in july and when the president returned from berlin in august, he tentatively approved that design. it was then sent to the war and navy departments for comment and …

Official Document

The President's News Conference

… and continually. 2 see 1945 volume, this series, items 26, 27. when the cold war started in greece and turkey, and berlin, and finally in korea, we had to put forth every effort possible to prevent all the free world from coming under …

Official Document

The President's Special Conference With Editors of Business and Trade Papers

… next world war will be the safest place in the world. it won't be at home. we won't be safe at home. if you could look at berlin right now, or frankfurt, or dresden, or london, you will find out what happens to the people who stayed at home. there …

Official Document

Address in Springfield at the 32d Reunion of the 35th Division Association

… security. the communists are building up forces in korea and other parts of asia. in europe the russians are threatening berlin. communist parties are staging riots in paris and tokyo. the kremlin is not going to take a vacation just because we …

Official Document

Address in Lincoln, Nebraska

… with the success of our program for peace. you here in lincoln are directly affected by what happens these days in berlin, in paris, in singapore. no one should know that better than the american farmer, because farmers remember what …

Official Document

Address at the Syria Mosque in Pittsburgh

… the korean conflict but for world war ii and for world war i. he has listed our action to save greece and turkey, and the berlin airlift, and our defense of korea--not as great achievements, but as calamities. he has intimated that our policies in …

Official Document

Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner

… against communism; we are helping them to arm against communism; we have met and halted communism in greece and turkey, in berlin and austria, in italy and iran, and the most important of all, in korea. we have fought communism abroad. we have …

Official Document

The President's News Conference at Key West

… of the kremlin to control the world. a procedure was instituted which came to be known as the cold war. the airlift to berlin was only one phase of it. people became alarmed here in the united states then, that there might be people whose …

Official Document

The President's Farewell Address to the American People

… is a bulwark of strength at a strategic corner of the world. then came the marshall plan which saved europe, the heroic berlin airlift, and our military aid programs. we inaugurated the north atlantic pact, the rio pact binding the western …

Official Document

Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union

… becoming a member of the peaceful community of nations, and a partner in the common defense. the soviet effort to capture berlin by blockade was thwarted by the courageous allied airlift. an independent and democratic japan has been brought back …

Official Document