Stein, Harold Papers


Economist, Staff Member, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, 1945-1947

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Size: 6 linear feet.
Access: Open.
Copyright: The donor gave to the U.S. government the copyrights in this material and in any other material received by the U.S. government and maintained in a depository administered by the National Archives and Records Administration. Documents created by U.S. government officials in the course of their official duties are in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the creators of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Linda Medaris, Erwin J. Mueller (1982).

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Folder Title List ]



Box 1

  • A - Correspondence
  • American Political Science Association
  • American Political Science Review (H. Mansfield - Managing Editor)
  • American Society for Public Administration
  • Applicants for Teaching Jobs, etc
  • Applicants for Jobs with Study of Civil Military Relations - 1955
  • Article on Academic Freedom at Princeton
  • Articles, Addresses, Misc.
  • B - Correspondence
  • Berlin Notes
  • Berlin - H. Stein
  • Book Reviews

Box 2

  • Brookings Institution
  • C - Correspondence
  • Carnegie - Quarterly Report
  • Case Bibliography - Business Administration Intercollegiate Case Clearing House
  • Cleary, Gottlieb, Friendly and Ball
  • Cleveland, Harland
  • Conference on Personnel Management, Sponsored by Ft. Monmouth - Oct. 30, 1959 by Asbury Park
  • Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion - Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 1960 (Miss Feingold)
  • Conferences on Graduate Education in Public Administration - Washington, D.C. 1959, Chapel Hill, NC, 1959, Philadelphia, 1961
  • Congressional Records
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Council on Foreign Relations - Regrets and Acceptances
  • Cromwell Fund
  • D - Correspondence

Box 3

  • Davidson, Alfred - Affidavit
  • Donations, Tickets, Etc
  • E - Correspondence
  • Educational Testing Service
  • F - Correspondence
  • Fox, William T.R.
  • G - Correspondence
  • H - Correspondence
  • Harvard University Defense Studies Program Correspondence with Barton, Leach & Harry H. Ransom
  • I - Correspondence
  • Institute of Social Studies - Netherlands
  • Inter-University Case Program - Data on Executive Meetings, Reports, Minutes, and Misc. Correspondence, Correspondence with Bock 1957
  • J - Correspondence
  • K - Correspondence

Box 4

  • L - Correspondence
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Mc - Correspondence
  • M - Correspondence
  • Mass, Arthur A.
  • Michigan, University of
  • N - Correspondence
  • Newspaper Clippings 1956
  • O - Correspondence
  • P - Correspondence
  • Political Speeches - not H. Stein's
  • Princeton Alumni Weekly 1956
  • Princeton University Library Communications
  • Princeton University Press
  • R - Correspondence

Box 5

  • Regulation concerning non-official research in the un-published records of the State Department, also Data Sheet
  • Rostow, Eugene V., Prof.
  • S - Correspondence
  • Saul, Richard - Educational TV Council
  • Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
  • Senior Theses (Whipple) 1959-60
  • Snyder, R.C., Bruck and Sapin - "Decision-making as an approach to the study of International Politics"
  • Speech Material - miscellaneous 1954
  • Stein, H. - Curriculum Vitae Michigan Form and list of activities for 1961
  • Stein - Government
  • Stein - Personal

Box 6

  • Stein, Hall and Company
  • Stein - Lectures at Princeton
  • Stein - Lectures other than Princeton
  • Stein - President as Commander-in-Chief Lecture
  • Stein, Roe and Farnham
  • Syracuse Lectures - June 1-10, 1959
  • T - Correspondence
  • W - Correspondence
  • X, Y, Z - Correspondence


Box 7

  • Policy Statement for Charles Howell
  • Civil - Military Relations
  • (Council on Foreign Relations) Military Relations/Foreign Policy Study Group
  • Summer Trip - Stein
  • Stein Review - The China Tangle
  • Stein Review - American Foreign Policy and Separation of Powers and U.S. Foreign Policy; its Organization and Control
  • Stein Speech - The Place of Political Appointments in Federal Administration
  • Memo - International Organization
  • Alabama Press
  • Twentieth Century Fund General: Heckscher & Finances

Box 8

  • Introduction
  • Correspondence - August Heckscher - Twentieth Century Fund Starting 1-1-56
  • Blackert, Elsie (Twentieth Century)
  • Twentieth Century Fund Monthly Reports and Long Distance Telephone Calls
  • Dr. Marvin Bernstein - Case Writer
  • Dr. Albert A. Blum - Case Writer
  • Dr. Paul Y. Hammond - Case Writer (2 folders)
  • Miss Sybil Langbaum - Case Writer (Mrs. Stokes)

Box 9

  • Martin Lichterman - Case Writer
  • Lowenheim, Francis
  • T. J. Lowi - Case Writer
  • Harvey C. Mansfield - Columbus, Ohio
  • L.W. Martin - Case Writer
  • Walter Millis - Case Writer Starting May 1956
  • Arthur Olick - Case Writer
  • Robert J. Quinlan - Case Writer (2 folders)

Box 10

  • Quinlan Special
  • Michael D. Reagan - Case Writer
  • Case Writers of Civil/Military Relations
  • Memoranda to Case Writers
  • Stein, H. - Miscellaneous - Twentieth Century Fund
  • Prospectus - Study of Civil - Military Relations

Box 11


  • Day File - Personal - Jan.-June 1952
  • Day File - Personal - July-Dec. 1952
  • Day File - Personal - 1953
  • Day File - Personal - 1954
  • Inter-University Case Program Minutes, etc (1947-1958) (3 folders)

Box 12

  • Day File - Twentieth Century Project 6-53
  • Twentieth Century Fund Correspondence with J. Frederic Dewhurst Will-Sears
  • Visiting Public Affairs Program
  • Executive in Residence
  • Sears, Mrs. W. J.
  • Rubber Manufacturers Association
  • Edgar L. Warren (Affidavit) Correspondence
  • Correspondence - July 1945 through September 1945

Box 13

  • Correspondence - September 18, 1945 through December 1945
  • Standard Family Expense Record
  • Clippings - Personal - Bibliographical Notes
  • Adlai Stevenson
  • Cosmos Club - Admissions Committee
  • PACH (Public Administration Clearing House)
  • Herbert Emmerich
  • Elmer Davis
  • American Political Science Association
  • American Political Science Review
  • Bagehot
  • Bernstein
  • Davis, B.V.
  • Miscellaneous Memoranda

Box 14

  • Personal Papers - Harold Stein
  • Miscellaneous Memoranda (2 Folders)


  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

Box 15

  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • Inter-University Case Program
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • Mc
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • XYZ
  • Correspondence - Personal
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