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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Aboard a Ship

President Harry S. Truman (center background, in large hat) is standing on the USS Augusta, receiving visitors upon his arrival in Antwerp, Belgium. Also present are Ambassador Charles Sawyer (left foreground, facing camera); Major General Harry Vaughan (back left, without hat); Captain James Vardaman (just in front of General Vaughan); Admiral William D. Leahy (to left of President Truman); General Dwight Eisenhower (just in front of Admiral Leahy); and Secretary of State James Byrnes (facing General Eisenhower, with dark band on his hat). All other military officers are unidentified.

Ambassador John Winant Comes Aboard to Call on the President

United States Ambassador to Great Britain John G. Winant (left) and an unidentified United States Army officer are preparing to board the USS Augusta to meet with President Harry S. Truman. They visited President Truman on board the ship as he was returning to the United States from the Potsdam Conference. From the album President's trip to the Berlin Conference, vol. 2 of 2