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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Greets General George Marshall

President Harry S. Truman welcomes General George Marshall and William Pawley to The Little White House while on vacation in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Admiral William Leahy; Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred Vinson; President Truman; General Marshall; William Pawley.) From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.

President Harry S. Truman and Others Return from a Fishing Trip at Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman (center, holding hat and cane) exchanges fish stories with Admiral Robert Dennison (second from right) and General Robert Landry (right) after returning from a fishing trip at Key West, Florida as part of President Truman's vacation. All others are unidentified. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.

Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson Arrives at Boca Chica Airport, Florida

General Harry Vaughan (second from left) and General Robert Landry (right) are on hand at the Boca Chica Airport to greet Eben Ayers (left) and Chief Justice Fred Vinson (third from left) as they arrive to join President Harry S. Truman's vacation party in Key West, Florida. They flew from Washington, D. C. on the President's plane, The Independence. Others are unidentified. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.

President Harry S. Truman at the Washington National Airport

President Harry S. Truman (center) is surrounded by newsmen as he prepares to fly non-stop from the Military Air Transport Service Terminal, Washington National Airport, to Boca Chica, Florida for a vacation. Standing beside the car is General Robert Landry. All others are unidentified. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives. Original 4x5 negative.

President Harry S. Truman Watches a Band Aboard the USS Augusta

President Harry S. Truman (center, front row, in large hat) and other unidentified sailors and soldiers watch the USS Augusta's orchestra perform at a show. The Augusta is returning to the United States with President Truman after the Potsdam Conference. Also present in the front row, on the right of President Truman: Secretary of State James Byrnes (pointing at stage); Admiral William Leahy; Captain James Vardaman; Major General Harry Vaughan; unidentified; Press Secretary Charles Ross.

President Harry S. Truman Greets Officers Aboard the Renown

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, right, with back toward camera, in civilian clothes) shakes hands with an unidentified officer, while King George VI of England (foreground, left, with back to camera). President Truman is on board the HMS Renown, paying a visit to King George VI as he prepares to return to the United States after the Potsdam Conference. All others in the background are unidentified.