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Armed forces officers

Ambassador James C. Dunn With Others For Naval Exchange Ceremony

View of dignitaries attending a formal military ceremony held in the port of Brindisi, Italy. At this time the United States turned over two destroyers and six gunboats to the Italian Navy. Brindisi was located just 70 miles from Soviet dominated Albania. United States Ambassador to Italy (1946-1952) James C. Dunn is walking in the front row on the left. Next to him is the Italian Minister of Defense Randolfo Pacciardi. Directly behind Dunn in Navy uniform is U.S. Navy Admiral Robert B. Carney. Behind Carney and just to the left is U.S. Congressman Joseph W. Martin, Jr.

Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret) Greets Guests at Reception for the Founding of the Women's Army Corps (WAC)

Retired Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (left) is greeting guests at a reception honoring the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Women's Army Corps. Colonel Leslie was the second Director of the WACs. From left to right: Colonel Leslie; Mary (Mrs. Omar) Bradley; Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson, Major Mildred Bailey (mostly obscured) and General Omar Bradley (Ret). The reception was held at Patton Hall, Fort Meyer, Virginia.

United States Women's Army Corps (WAC) Twentieth Anniversary Reception at Patton Hall, Fort Meyer, Virginia

Current and former Women's Army Corps (WAC) officers are manning the receiving line at a reception honoring the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the WACs. From left to right: Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret.); Mrs. Faith; Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson; Major Mildred Bailey; Brigadier General Donald C. Faith (Ret.), Commandant of the first WAC Training Center, Fort Des Moines. The reception was held at Patton Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia.

President Harry S. Truman Decorates General Jonathan Wainwright

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, second from right) hangs the Congressional Medal of Honor around the neck of General Jonathan Wainwright (foreground, right, standing near microphones) during a ceremony on the White House lawn. Others in photo are (from left to right) First Lady Bess W. Truman; Technical Sergeant Hubert Carroll, Wainwright's orderly; Mrs. Wainwright (black dress); Commander Jonathan Wainwright, V, and his wife (right and second from right respectively). Others in the background are unidentified.

D-Day Advance Agent Honored by President Harry S. Truman

President Harry S. Truman (left) talks with Henry Laussucq, 62-year-old Pittsburgh artist (right), during an interview at the White House. Also present is Major General William J. Donovan (center), Office of Strategic Services chief for whom Laussucq operated as advance underground agent in France in preparation for D-Day. The President gave Laussucq his personal congratulations on a job well done.

Vice President Harry S. Truman Takes Oath

Vice President Harry S. Truman (glasses, right) raises his hand as he takes oath of office from his predecessor, Henry A. Wallace (left), on the South Portico of the White House. Others in photo are from left to right: Admiral William D. Leahy (mostly obscured by Wallace); unidentified Secret Service personnel; unidentified Navy Officer; Colonel James Roosevelt; and Major General Edwin M. Watson.