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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 23, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Honorable Ransome J. Williams, former Governor of South Carolina (In town, and asked Mr. Matthew Connelly if might drop by and pay respects to the President.)
The President presented a Cup to the winner of the President's Cup Regatta, Mr. Roy Dussin, owner of MISS PEPSI. The following attended the presentation ceremony: Regatta Officials Mr. E. C. Baltz, Chairman of Board Mr. Jack Blank, Chairman, Trophy Committee Mr. Edward R. Carr, General Chairman Mr. J. D. Miller, Vice President Mr. Edgar Morris, Vice President Hon. John A. Remon, President Mr. Wiliam A. Rogers, Chairman, Race Committee-Power Winner's Party Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dossin, Owner of "Miss Pepsi" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Griener Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. George M. O'Niel Mr. and Mrs Charles Thompson and son, Driver
(Honorable James K. Vardaman, Federal Reserve Board) OFF THE RECORD (Asked for this OFF RECORD)
Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense (Regular weekly appointment for Defense; Secretary Robert Lovett out of city.)
(Mrs. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Stephen Mitchell, Chairman, Democratic National Committee
(The President, with Mrs. Truman, went OFF THE RECORD to the Georgetown Galleries of Mr. Charles Kohen.)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of Commerce Directing Him To Head a Mission To Survey European Industrial Progress]
(Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State) (Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense) (Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD (The President indicated to Secretary Acheson last week at Cabinet that he wished this meeting.)
Senator Clinton Anderson, of New Mexico (Called Mr. Connelly early this month and asked for this.)
Honorable James Patton, President, National Farmers Union Mr. Robert Patton (Mr. Patton wired Mr. Connelly from Denver, asking if might bring his nineteen-year-old son in to meet the President.)
Honorable Melvin Hildreth (Asked if might bring in report of the National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
Mr. Murray Lincoln, Head of the Farm Bureau in Ohio, also head of Farm Bureau Insurance Company Mr. Harry Culbreth, Assistant to Mr. Lincoln (Asked for this through Mr. David Lloyd. Lincoln organized Farmers for Stevenson in Ohio, and now wanted to talk to the President re possibility of giving aid to cooperatives in Europe under Benton Amendment to Mutual Security Act and also wanted to discuss other matters.)
H.E. Senor Don Guillermo Toriello Garrido, the Ambassador of Guatemala (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
H.E. Allahyar Saleh, the Ambassador of Iran (Newly appointed; presented credentials.) (As Ambassador Saleh is very friendly to U.S., State Department suggested he be allowed to stay on for a talk with the President.)
His Excellency Oscar Torp, the Prime Minister of Norway His Excellency Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne, the Ambassador of Norway (formal call at office before going to luncheon at White House at 1:00 pm)
(The President gave a "stag" luncheon at the White House in honor of H.E. Oscar Torp, the Prime Minister of Norway.)
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(General Glen Edgerton) OFF THE RECORD (Asked if might run in for five minutes OFF THE RECORD)
The President was present in his Executive Office for a swearing-in ceremony of Admiral Alan G. Kirk as Director of the Psychological Strategy Board. The following were present: Admiral Kirk Mrs. Kirk Mr. Edmond Taylor Dr. Horace S. Craig Mr. George A. Morgan Mr. John Sherman Mr. Charles E. Johnson Miss Freda Degener
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Jack Chow) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable David A. Morse, Director General, Inter- national Labor Office (Sent word to Mr. Connelly would be in town and hoped might call on the President.)
His Excellency Georgi Nikolsevich Zarubin, the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (New appointed; presented credentials.)
His Excellency Gaganvihari Lallubhai Mehta, the Ambassador of India (Newly appointed; presented credentials.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(The President made a tape recording in the Broadcasting Room of the White House for the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union.)
Senator James E. Murray, Montana Mr. David Leavitt Mr. K. H. Weil (The Senator asked if might bring in these gentlemen, who were interested in Point IV Program.)
(General Omar Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff) 0FF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left the White House for Alexandria, Virginia, where they attended a performance of "The Beggar's Opera" at Gadsby's Tavern.)
Honorable Maurice Tobin, Secretary of Labor (Asked to come over early as was leaving town)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President)
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this)
His Excellency John J. Hearne, the Ambassador of Ireland (Asked for this through Protocol)
(Mr. Lambert O'Malley) (Mr. Michael Howlett, Jr.) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Carl Gray, Administrator of Veterans Affairs (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davenport, Memphis, Tennessee) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the National Citizens' Committee for United Nations Day in the Rose Garden. [Public Papers: Remarks to the National Citizens' Committee on United Nations Day]
The President received a committee representing the National Council of Churches, who presented to him a copy of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The following were present: Dr. Earl Adams, Admn. Secretary Dr. Edmund L. R. Elson, Minister, National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C. Arthur S. Flemming, Vice President, National Dr. Frederick E. Reissig, Executive Secretary, Washington Federation of Churches Mr. Roy Ross, Associate General Secretary National Council of the Churches of Christ Dr. Luther Weigle, Dean Emeritus of the Yale Divinity School, Chairman, Committee of Scholars on Translation of the Bible
[Public Papers: Remarks to Representatives of the National Council of Churches]
Honorable Scott Lucas, former Senator from Illinois (Called Mr. Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
The President received the Delegates to the Inter- national Conference on Agricultural and Cooperative Credit. (This requested by Technical Cooperation Administration, Department of State. Seminar held during August now breaking up by University of California, attended by some 75 delegates from some 35 countries. Now touring U.S. to visit small cooperatively-owned credit institutions as well as some of the marketing and consumer cooperative enterprises in this country; this training program designed primarily to fit and to better equip leaders in countries where we are carrying on Point 4 programs.)
[Public Papers: Remarks to Delegates to the International Conference on Agricultural and Cooperative Credit]
(The President left for the Mayflower Hotel, where he "dropped in" on luncheon of the National Symphony Orchestra; returned to White House for his own luncheon, however.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Luncheon With Members of the National Symphony Orchestra]
(The President made a Tape Recording for the National Community Chest Drive in Broadcasting Room of the White House.)
Senator Russell Long, of Louisiana (Called Mr. Connelly Wednesday and asked for this.)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal) OFF THE RECORD SPEECH CONFERENCE (The President met Miss Truman's train at the Union Station with Mrs. Truman)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Federal Trade Commission, Requesting Him To Make an Economic Study]
(Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (Admiral Robert Dennison also sat in) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Donald W. Nyrop, Chairman, C.A.B.) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged yesterday by Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(The President made a live television broadcast of Community Chest speech in Broadcasting Room of the White House.) [Public Papers: Radio and Television Remarks Opening the Nation's Community Chest Campaign]
The President left Washington on the train for a campaign tour of the Western part of the country.
Members of the party The President Miss Margaret Truman Hon. Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President Hon. Charles S. Murphy, Special Counsel to the President Major General Wallace H. Graham, Physician to the President Mr. David H. Stowe, Administrative Assistant Mr. David D. Lloyd, Administrative Assistant Mr. Irving Perlmeter, Assistant Press Secretary Mr. Roger Tubby, Assistant Press Secretary Miss Rose Conway, Private Secretary Mr. Jack Romagna, Official Stenographer Mrs. Dorothy Girton, Womens Division, Democratic National Committee Mr. Richard Neustadt Mr. Kenneth Hechler Commander Wm. Rigdon, USN. Mr. Dewey E. Long Mrs. Katherine Holloway Mrs. Betty Sisk Miss Frances Myers Miss Toinette Bachelder Miss Marion Cragg Captain Harvard Dudley Mr. H. B. Colvin Mr. Robert Duffy Mr. Harry Charnley Captain Eric Savage Lt. Dean Woodward Mr. Albert Hart Sgt. Robert B. Crawford Mr. Orris Nash Secret Service Agents Mr. Carroll S. Linkins, Western Union Marlin Brown Post Office Inspector S. E. Covey, Railway Express Agency
Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Ernest B. Vaccaro~The Associated Press Dayton Moore~United Press Association Joseph A. Fox~The Washington Star Edward Ryan~The Washington Post Francis Stephenson~The New York Daily News Anthony Leviero~The New York Times Robert Ruth~The Baltimore Sun James E. Warner~The New York Herald Tribune Laurence Burd~The Chicago Tribune John W. Davies~The Newark News Jack Beal~Time Magazine Hobart Rowen~Newsweek Richard Brett-Smith~London Daily Telegraph (to S.F.) Robert G. Spivack~The New York Post (Will join enroute) Carl McCardle~The Philadelphia Bulletin Walter Ritter~The St. Paul Dispatch (to S.F.) Edward Creagh~The Associate Press Thomas Stokes~United Features Syndicate (to S.F.) Richard Cull, Jr.~Cox Newspapers William Brinkley~Life Magazine George Zielke~The Toledo Blade George Henry Martin~France-Soir (to Williston, N.D.) David Hawke~Penn. RR. News Staff Writer (to Chicago) Joseph C. Harsch~Christian Science Monitor (Join enroute) PHOTOGRAPHERS: Stanley Tretick~United Press Pictures William J. Smith~Associated Press Photos George Skadding~Life Magazine William Mutchman~Penn. RR News Photograph (to Chicago) NEWSREELS: Al. Simonson~N.B.C. Television John Hofen~N.B.C. Television Ralph Santos~Telenews Harold Lion~Telenews Thomas Craven~Fox Movietone News Arthur Lodovichetti~Fox Movietone News Murray Alvey~Warner-Pathe News Clarence Ellis~Warner-Pathe News RADIO CORRESPONDENTS: William Costello~Columbia Broadcasting System WIlliam Fanning~Mutual Broadcasting Company Merrill Mueller~National Broadcasting Company WESTERN UNION - train line-up Carroll S. Linkins~Entire trip R. D. Wahlstrom~On at Canton, Ohio R. M. Madson~On at Fargo, N.D. D. M. Fergison~On at Wolf Point B. C. Melter~On at Dunsmuir, Calif. K. G. Valentine~On at San Francisco, Calif. C. V. Harris~On at Provo, Utah
Mr. Jack Sowers G.P.A. Pennsylvania Railroad (to Chicago) Mr. Harry A. Karr D.P.A. Pennsylvania Railroad Mr. Edgar Hyatt Pennsylvania Railroad Mr. P.C. Darcey The Pullman Company Mr. S.E. Covey American Express Mr. Edmund C. Reaney Pullman Conductor
JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT CANTON, OHIO Harry W. Dourn~Canton Forum (to Wooster) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT FORT WAYNE, IND. William Burch~N.B.C. TV Cameraman (to St. Paul) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT CHICAGO, ILL. Alec Sturrock~Glasgow, Scotland Herald (to S.F.) Maurice B. Latey~British Broadcasting Company (to S.F.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT BRECKENRIDGE, MINN. Chester Reitan~Radio Station KSJB (to Minot, N.D.) Glenn Flint~Radio Station WBAY (to Fargo, N.D.) Joseph V. McCarthy~Radio Station KFGO (to Fargo, N.D.) W. H. Johnson~Radio Station KCJB (to Minot, N.D.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT FARGO, N.D. Leo Lalonde~Bismarck Tribune (to Minot, N.D.) Rikk Riley~Radio Station KILO (to Grand Forks, N.D.) Gifford Herron~The Fargo Forum (to Williston, N.D.) Lloyd Sveen~The Fargo Forum (to Williston, N.D.) William B. Allen~The Grand Forks Herald (to Grand Forks, N.D.) David Chumley~Radio Station KNOX (to Grand Forks, N.D.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT GRAND FORKS, N.D. Harry O'Brien~Walsh County Press (to Williston, N.D.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT LAKOTA, N.D. Gordon Stefonowicz~Devils Lake World (to Devils Lake, N.D.) Leonard Lund~Devils Lake Daily Journal (to Devils Lake) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT MINOT, N.D. Bernard Peterson~Minot Daily News (to Williston, N.D.) Carl Flagstad~Minot Daily News (to Williston, N.D.) Mary Frances Boler~Radio Station KCJB (to Williston, N.D.) Alice Swiggum~Radio Station KCJB (to Williston, N.D.) Thomas McCarthy~United Press Association (to Provo, Utah) Robert M. Garsson~Radio Station KLPM (to Tioga, N.D.) Leonard Inskip~Williston Daily Herald (to Williston, N.D.) Vern R. Fellman~Williston Daily Herald (to Williston, N.D.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT GLASGOW, MONTANA Archibald Clark~Grand Falls Tribune (to Columbia Falls) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT HAVRE, MONTANA W. Newland Reilly~The Spokane Chronicle (to Spokane) Frank Hewlett~Salt Lake Tribune (to Chester, Montana) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT CHESTER, MONTANA Carl Rydberg~State Labor Journal (to Columbia Falls) Merrill W. Englund~Associated Press (to Columbia Falls) Robert Petty~Inter-Lake (to Columbia Falls) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT CUT BANK, MONTANA Joseph Alsop~New York Herald Tribune Syndicate (to S.F.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT BELTON, MONTANA Mel Ruder~Hungry Horse News (to Columbia Falls) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT WHITE FISH, MONTANA Mrs. Doris Fleeson~Bell Syndicate (to S.F.) Marvin Cooper~N.B.C. Engineer (to Washington, D.C.) William C. Bryant~Wall Street Journal (to Shenandoah) Ashley E. Holden~Spokesman Review (to Spokane) Frank Parker~Spokesman Review (to Spokane) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Edward Dreschel~United States News (to Denver, Colo.) Ross Cunningham~Seattle Times (to Portland, Oregon) Mervin Shoemaker~The Oregonian (to Klamath Falls) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Geoffrey D. Woolley~London Times (to St. Louis, Mo.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT DUNSMUIR, CALIFORNIA Wesley Peyton~San Jose Mercury Press (to Portola) Donald Thomas~Oakland Tribune (to Portola) Earl Behrens~San Francisco Chronicle (to Portola) Vernon O'Reilly~San Francisco News (to Portola) C. Lyn Fox~San Francisco Call Bulletin (to Portola) Barney Peterson~San Francisco Chronicle (to Portola) Clinton Mosher~San Francisco Examiner (to Portola) Edd Johnson~San Francisco Chronicle (to Portola) Donald McMillen~Paso Robles Press (to S.F.) Mel. Morris~Redding Beacon Searchlight (to S.F.) William Lee~Chico Enterprise-Record (to Oroville) Lloyd Maxon~Chico Enterprise-Record (to Redding) Charles Paynton~Woodland Democrat (to Davis, Calif.) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT REDDING, CALIFORNIA Herbert L. Phillips~Sacramento Bee (to Portola) Clarence Hamm~Associated Press Photos (to Portola) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Arthur Greenspan~Marysville Appeal-Democrat (to Marysville) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT WINNEMUCCA, NEVADA O. N. Malnquist~Salt Lake Tribune (to Glenwood Springs) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Drew Pearson~Bell Syndicate JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT ST. LOUIS, MO. John Duncan Miller~London Times (to New York City) Marquis Childs~United Features Syndicate (to New York City) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT INDIANAPOLIS, IND. William L. Madigan~Associated Press (to Muncie) JOIN PRESIDENTIAL PARTY AT CLEVELAND, OHIO Maurice Ferro~Le Monde (to New York City)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Death of David K. Niles]
(e.s.t.) Lv. Wooster, Ohio
(e.s.t.) Ar. Harrisburg, Pa. Crew change
(e.s.t.) Lv. Harrisburg, Pa.
(e.s.t.) Ar. Altoona, Pa. crew change
(e.s.t.) Lv. Altoona, Pa.
(e.s.t.) Ar. Pittsburg, Pa. Crew change-ice, water
(e.s.t.) Lv. Pittsburgh, Pa.
(e.s.t.) Ar. Canton, Ohio Crew change
(e.s.t.) Lv. Canton, Ohio
(e.s.t.) Ar. Wooster, Ohio Attend church services
(e.s.t.) Ar. Crestline, Ohio Crew change, ice, water, inspect brakes
(e.s.t.) Lv. Crestline, Ohio
(e.s.t.) Ar. Fort Wayne, Indiana Crew change
(e.s.t.) Lv. Fort Wayne, Indiana
(c.s.t.) Ar. Chicago, CB&Q Coach Yard Cut in GN diner; turn over to Burlington RR.
(c.s.t.) Lv. Chicago, CB&Q yards (CB&Q RR)
(c.s.t.) Ar. Savannah, Illinois Crew change
(c.s.t.) Lv. Savannah, Illinois
(c.s.t.) Ar. North La Crosse, Wisconsin Crew change
(c.s.t.) Lv. North La Crosse, Wisconsin
[Public Papers: Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana]
(c.s.t.) Ar. St. Paul, Minn. Pick up GN operating crew
(c.s.t.) Lv. St. Paul, Minn.
(c.s.t.) Ar. Breckenridge, Minn. Crew change
(c.s.t.) Lv. Breckenridge, Minn.
(c.s.t.) Slow run through Moorhead, Minn.
(c.s.t.) Ar. Fargo, N.D. Crew change
(c.s.t.) Lv. Fargo, N.D.
(c.s.t.) Ar. Grand Forks, N.D. Pull back move into station