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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 12, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Senator Wayne Morse, of Oregon
(Mr. Joseph C. Burtschi. of Vandalia, Illinois) OFF THE RECORD (Handshake)
(Mr. Eben Ayers) (Mr. Hopkins) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Roger Tubby) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD
(Arthur Prettyman and wife) (Mr. Prettyman is the President's valet)
(Mr. Phil Reagan) OFF THE RECORD
No morning appointments AT THE WHITE HOUSE:
(Honorable and Mrs. John W. Snyder) (Mr. and Mrs. John Horton) OFF THE RECORD (for tea)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman James G. Polk, Ohio (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. Lloyd Stryker (Asked for this through Mr. Leslie Biffle; New York lawyer and great supporter of the President.)
Mrs. India Edwards (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange this.)
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma (Mr. Matthew Connelly called him and told him the President wanted to talk to him.)
Honorable Ellis Arnall (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and said would be in town today and hoped might see the President.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment.)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal) OFF THE RECORD
The President's Advisory Committee on Management met with the President in the Cabinet Room. (Arrangements were made by Honorable Elmer B. Staats, Assistant Director of the Budget) Honorable Thomas A. Morgan, Chairman Mr. Lawrence A. Appley Mr. Vincent Burke Mr. Clarence J. McCormick Mr. Gordon R. Clapp Mr. Herbert Emmerich Mr. James R. Killiam, Jr. Mr. Edward Mason Mr. Otto L. Nelson Mr. Marcellus C. Shield Budget: Honorable Frederick J. Lawton, Director Mr. William F. Finan, Asst. Director for Admn. Management
Honorable Francis P. Matthews, American Ambassador to Ireland (Arranged through Protocol)
(Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense) (Honorable William Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense) (The Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD (Cabinet Room. Came in Southwest Gate)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (SPEECH CONFERENCE)
Trip of the President to Philadelphia, Pa.
Lv. Washington (Baltimore & Ohio RR)
Ar. 24th & Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa.
Attend American Hospital Association Luncheon at Convention Hall.
[Public Papers: Address in Philadelphia at the American Hospital Association Convention]
Lv. Philadelphia, Pa.
Ar. Washington
Members of the party The President Matthew J. Connelly Admiral Robert L. Dennison Major General Wallace H. Graham Roger Tubby David Stowe Jack Romagna Dewey E. Long H. B. Colvin Secret Service Agents
Ernest Vaccaro~The Associated Press Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Dayton Moore~United Press Association Joseph A. Fox~Washington Star Anthony Leviero~New York Times Jack Doherty~New York Daily News Laurence Burd~Chicago Tribune Robert Donovan~New York Herald Tribune Jack Beal~Time Magazine James E. Hague~Washington Post William Costello~Columbia Broadcasting System Herbert Kaplan~National Broadcasting Company Charles Corte~United Press Photos Charles Gorry~Associated Press Photos George Skadding~Life Magazine Al. Simonson~N.B.C. TV. John Hofen~N.B.C. TV. Thomas Cravens~Fox Movietone News Arthur Lodovichetti~Fox Movietone News James Lyons~Universal Newsreels Carroll S. Linkins~Western Union Daniel L. Moorman~G.P.A., Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
(Colonel Maurice H. Smith, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF RECORD (Wrote the President he would be in town, leaving at noon on this date. Handshake only)
The President received the ladies of the Theatre Owners Convention (Requested by Eric Johnston's Office. Toured the White House and then came to Rose Garden.) [Public Papers: Remarks to the Delegates to the Theater Owners Convention]
(The President left for the Statler Hotel)
The President addressed the National Conference on Citizenship at the Statler Hotel. [Public Papers: Address Before the National Conference on Citizenship]
Mrs. Lucille P. Leonard, President, National Congress of Parents and Teachers (From Rhode Island, and asked Senator Green to arrange for her call on the President re International Conference on child welfare to be held by her Congress in East Lansing, Michigan, in November. She asked the President to send them a message, etc.)
The President received members of the Commission on Immigration and Naturalization: Mr. Thomas C. Finucane, of Maryland Mr. Adrian S. Fisher, of Tennessee Rev. Thaddeus F. Gullixson, of Minnesota Mr. Earl G. Harrison, of Pennsylvania, Vice Chairman Monsignor John O'Grady, of Washington, D.C. Hon. Philip B. Perlman, of Maryland, Chairman Mr. Clarence E. Pickett, of Pennsylvania Hon. Harry N. Rosenfield, Displaced Person Commission
The President was presented with the first Forget-Me-Not, opening the annual Drive of the Disabled American Veterans: Mr. Waldron E. Leonard Mrs. Ann Honas Mr. C. Leslie Forsyth Mr. Donald Dunn Mr. David Pogoloff, Father (Double Amputee) Mrs. Florence Pogoloff, Mother Marilyn Pogoloff, Child
(Judge James D. Cooney) (Mr. William Taylor) (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Thomas Fairchild, Democratic Nominee for United States Senate, from Wisconsin Mr. James Doyle, Chairman of Democratic Organizing Committee of Wisconsin and Mr. Bruno Bilker, Chmn. of Fairchild Committee (Arranged by Mr. Philleo Nash)
Senator Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota Mr. Orville Freeman, Democratic Nominee for Governor of Minnesota (Senator Humphrey asked if might bring in Mr. Freeman as felt it would be of great help.)
The Signing of the Pakistan Wheat Loan Documents in the President's Office. The following were present: His Excellency Mohammed Ali, Pakistan Ambassador Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State Mr. S. M. Burke, Counselor, Pakistan Embassy Mr. Herbert E. Gaston, Chairman of Board of Directors Export-Import Bank Honorable Averell W. Harriman, Director for Mutal Security Mr. Johnston Avery, Acting Administrator of TCA Honorable John F. Simmons, Chief of Protocol, Department of State Mr. Edwin M. Martin, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Mutual Security Affairs Mr. Donald D. Kennedy, Director of Office of South Asian Affairs, Department of State (Arranged at suggestion of the Secretary of State; The President did not sign any document. The Secretary initialed note of understanding, Chairman of Board of Directors of Export-Import Bank signed loan agreement and Pakistan Ambassador signed loan agreement and pro- missory note and initiated his reply to our note of understanding.)
[Public Papers:Remarks at the Signing of the Pakistan Wheat Loan Documents]
(Honorable Abraham Feinberg) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Honorable Frank McKinney, former Chairman, Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Death of Joseph Short]
Honorable Tom Stewart, former Senator from Tennessee Mr. Herb Walters, former National Committeeman from Tennessee (Senator McKellar phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and arranged this.)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York yesterday and said would be here today and if convenient wanted to call on the President.)
(Dr. Raymond B. Allen, formerly head of Psychological Strategy Board, retired as of September 15th) OFF THE RECORD (Asked if might come in OFF RECORD to say "goodbye", thank the President and have him sign his copy of "Mr. President", which he brough with him.)
Commander Lewis K. Gough, National Commander, the American Legion Mr. W. F. Hauck, Aide Mr. Paul Griffith, Past Commander (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Judge Harry M. Fleming, Presiding Judge, Jackson County, Missouri (Tom Gavin wired Mr. Matthew Connelly that Judge Fleming would be in East and hoped might call on the President.)
(Mr. Thomas Ellerbe, of Ellerbe & Co., St. Paul, Minnesota) (Arranged at request of General Graham, who brought him in OFF RECORD)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Honorable Robert F. Jones, Federal Communications Commission) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked for this OFF RECORD)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Hon. James Lay, Jr., Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (The Vice President absent; Under Secretary McCormick for Agriculture; all others present)
(Honorable James McGranery, the Attorney General) (General Milton D. Baker) OFF THE RECORD (The Attorney General asked if might take General Baker in to see the President OFF RECORD, after Cabinet meeting)
H. E. Walther Moreira Salles, the Ambassador of Brazil (Asked for this, through Protocol, stating he had received a message from President Vargas directing him to request interview with the President for purpose of presenting personally a letter from President Vargas and also presented a gift from President Vargas to Miss Margaret Truman)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Asked for fifteen minutes)
Honorable John J. Muccio, retiring American Ambassador to Korea Mr. Paul H. Castro Mr. Silva de Vincenze, 2nd Secretary of Embassy (Asked for this through Protocol as wanted to see the President before going on to new appointment at UN)
Congressman Clark Thompson, Texas (Called Mr. Connelly Tuesday and asked for this.)
(Mr. Martin Lewis) OFF THE RECORD
(Hon. H. Baughman, Chief, Secret Service) (Mr. James Rowley, Chief, White House Detail, Secret Service) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce
(Mr. Tom Evans, of Kansas City, Missouri) (Mr. Harry Schwimmer, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD
The President left Washington by train for New London, Connecticut accompanied by the following: Hon. Matthew J. Connelly Major General Harry H. Vaughan Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison Major Robert B. Landry Mr. Roger Tubby Mr. Jack Romagna Commander H. D. Warden Mr. Dewey Long Mr. H. B. Colvin
Arrived at Coast Guard Academy Immediately following the inspection tour and lunch the President and his party returned to Washington via plane.
[Public Papers: Remarks in New London at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy]
The President went immediately from the National Airport to Alexandria, Virginia to attend a memorial service in honor of the late Honorable Joseph Short, Press Secretary, at the Community Church on Old Dominion Road. Following the service, the President returned to the White House.
The President remained at home, having no visitors during the day.
The President received a group of actors and officials of the Motion Picture Industry of India. (Requested through State Department by Eric Johnston, of Motion Picture Association of America, and the State Department recom- mended that the President see them if possible) Shandulal Shah, Bombay Raj Kapoor, Bombay Nargis (Fatima A. Rashid), of Bombay Prem Nath, of Bombay Suryakumari, Madras David Abraham, Bombay Arundhati Mukherji, of Calcutta Bina Rai, of Bombay B. N. Sircar, of Calcutta Keki M. Modi, of Bombay K. Subramaniam, of Madras Divecha, of Bombay M. R. Acharekar, of Bombay Minoo Katrak, of Bombay State Department Officials: Hon. Howland H. Sargeant, Asst. Secretary for Public Affairs Hon. Wilson S. Compton, Admn. of the U.S. International Information Admn. Mr. William Witman, II, Officer in Charge of Indian Affairs Other: Hon. Eric Johnston, President, Motion Picture Assn. Mr. Harry Stone, New York Office of Motion Picture Association of America Mr. George Veitheer, Washington Office of Motion Picture Association of America
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Actors and Officials of the Motion Picture Industry of India]
Honorable Leon H. Keyserling, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable John E. Horne, Administrator of Small Defense Plants Administration (Asked if might pay courtesy call on the President and thank him for honor shown him and to see if the President had word of advice for him.)
Colonel Edward P. Felker (Old friend of the President's - asked if might come in as soon as possible to discuss personal matter)
Admiral C. F. Horne, Administrator, Civil Aeronautics Administration (Asked if might come in and report on recent trip to Europe)
Honorable Burton K. Wheeler (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Mr. Clayton Fritchey) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior) (Mr. Matthew Connelly and Mr. Charles Murphy also sat in on meeting.)
AT THE WHITE HOUSE The President received the Members of the Judicial Conference of the United States: Honorable Fred M. Vinson, the Chief Justice Honorable James P. McGranery, the Attorney General Honorable Robert L. Stern, the Acting Solicitor General Chief Judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals: Honorable Harold M. Stephens, District of Columbia Honorable Calvert Magruder, First Judicial Circuit Honorable Thomas W. Swan, Second Honorable John Biggs, Jr., Third Honorable John J. Parker, Fourth Honorable Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr., Fifth Honorable Charles C. Simons, Sixth Honorable J. Earl Major, Seventh Honorable Archibald K. Gardner, Eighth Honorable William Denman, Ninth Honorable Orie L. Phillips, Tenth Honorable Albert B. Maris, Circuit Judge, Third District Honorable F. Ryan Duffy, Circuit Judge, Seventh District (This is the annual meeting arranged at request of Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson.)
Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld Mr. Joseph Kaufman Mr. Garfield Kass Mr. Milton Kronheim Honorable F. Joseph Donohue, D. C. Commissioner Honorable Renah Camalier, D. C. Commissioner (Arranged at request of Mr. Kronheim; invited the President to speak at cornerstone-laying ceremonies of projected Washington Hebrew Congregation Temple, to be built this year, which year marks 100th Anniversary of founding of Congregation.)
Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, N.S.R.B. (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Martin H. Kennelly, Mayor of Chicago, Illinois (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from Chicago last week and asked for this.)