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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

September 02, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Pass Weaverton
Ar. Track 20, Washington Union Station Pennsylvania dining car will operate during round trip. Total train length (pulled tight) 843 ft. 9 inches. Total number of cars 10. Car No. 3 (from rear) will be used as a "press-club car" PA system will operate as far forward as the Pennsylvania dining car (No. 6 from rear end)
Admiral Ross T. McIntire (Asked if might see the President before tomorrow's meeting of Annual Employ Physically Handicapped, which the President will open)
(Mr. Ned Trapnell) (Mr. Joseph Short brought in OFF THE RECORD, did fine job of pre- senting truth about Executive Order 10290)
Honorable Stephen Mitchell, Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual weekly half hour meeting with the President)
Honorable Jesse M. Donaldson, The Postmaster General (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly to arrange)
(Mr. Wiliam Bray) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
(The President met in Cabinet Room, with group from Air Force, the Rand Corporation and National Security Resources Board, for briefing on defense of Capital. LOWER WEST DOOR, HALF HOUR OFF THE RECORD DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE FOWLER, Colonel John G. GARLAND, General William GRAHAM, Colonel Gordon HUNNER, Major Paul McCLELLAND, John C. RAND CORPORATION HENDERSON, Lawrence J. NILES, Walter W. NATIONAL SECURITY RESOURCES BOARD GORRIE, Honorable Jack LANCASTER, Presley, Jr. ASH, Russell LANDRY, Brig. Gen. Robert B., Air Force Aid to the President DENNISON, Rear Adm. Robert L., Naval Aid to the President
(Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Kass of New Mexico) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Edmund [Edmond] Hanrahan) (Asked to come in to invite the President to speak after Election) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
WHITE HOUSE Reception for group from Democratic National Committee, and others)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Issuing Order Establishing a Commission on Immigration and Naturalization]
(The President left for Labor Department Auditorium)
The President addressed opening meeting of the President's Committee on Employ the Physically Handicapped.
[Public Papers: Remarks to the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week]
(Honorable Joseph Lawler) (Honorable David Lawrence, Mayor of Pittsburgh) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York on Tuesday to ask for this)
(Mr. Abe Berliner, of Paterson, New Jersey) (Mrs. Berliner and two young sons) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly, wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly that he had something of importance concerning Democratic Nominee which he first wished to discuss with the President) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dean Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Honorable Oscar R. Ewing, Federal Security Agency) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State) (Honorable Dan A. Kimball, Secretary of the Navy) LOWER WEST DOOR OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Tom Gavin of Kansas City) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Henry Fowler, Defense Production Administrator (Honorable John R. Steelman) (The President asked Dr. John R. Steelman to arrange this)
[Public Papers: Letter to Henry H. Fowler Asking Him To Serve as Director, Office of Defense Mobilization]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, CIA) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Those absent: the Vice President, Treasury, Interior, Agriculture and Commerce; all others present.)
Congressman Michael J. Kirwan, Ohio (Called Mr. Connelly Tuesday and asked if might see the President before leaving the city)
Honorable Philip B. Fleming, American Ambassador to Costa Rica (Asked for this through Protocol)
(Honorable William Boyle, former Chairman, Democratic National Committee)OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Joseph Keenan, A.F.ofL.) OFF THE RECORD (Asked to come in on this date. Was leaving city in the afternoon.) (Remainder of the morning spent on work in the Executive Office and in seeing members of the Staff.)
(At home at the White House)
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, Concerning Air Service Between the United States and Mexico]
Honorable James M. Mead, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission (Asked if might come over and bring copy of "Mr. President", which he wished the President to sign for the Dean of the Diocese of Buffalo)
Honorable George H. Christopher, former Congressman from Missouri (Asked if might come in and discuss Missouri politics)
Honorable Carl R. Gray, Jr., Administrator of Veterans Affairs (Asked if might have half hour with the President)
His Excellency B. R. Sen, the Ambassador of India (Was leaving Washington for good and asked, through Protocol, if might pay respects to the President.)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and requested appointment)
Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force) OFF THE RECORD (Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, USAF) (Appointment requested and arranged through General Robert Landry)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Harry Hoffman) (General Harry Vaughan brought him in OFF THE RECORD.)
(Mr. Max Lowenthal) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Karl L. Rankin, American Charge d'Affaires ad interim at Taipai, Formosa (Mr. Rankin was told by Secretary of State he might ask to call on the President while in the country.)
Honorable Robert Butler (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Miss Bertha Joseph) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Stephen Mitchell, Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual Tuesday appointment; half hour)
(Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, of Kansas City, Missouri and two daughters) OFF THE RECORD (Handshake)
General A. F. Lorenzen, Ret'd (Wrote Mr. Connelly in August and asked for this)
Honorable Randolph Carpenter, former Commissioner, U. S. Motor Carrier Claims Commission, Kansas City (Wrote the President August 23rd that he expected to be here at this time and wanted to call)
Congressman Leo W. O'Brien, New York (At request of Oscar Ewing; Congressman O'Brien is from Albany and was elected in special election on April 1st to succeed the late Congressman Byrnes)
(Honorable Louis Johnson) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Harry Schwimmer, of Kansas City, Missouri) (Mr. William Spann, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD)
Miss Suzanne Johnson, Queen, the 1952 President's Cup Regatta Mrs. Elizabeth Amole Stearns Mr. John Remon, President, the President's Cup Regatta Association Mr. Edward C. Baltz Mr. Edgar Morris, Chairman, Coronation Committee (Annual call to extend to the President and his family invitation to attend Gold Cup Races, September 19-21)
Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce (Requested this appointment)
Congressman Cleveland M. Bailey, of West Virginia (Was leaving for West Virginia and said it was vital that he talk to the President about politics in West Virginia before leaving.)
General Graham brought in group from Mercersburg Academy
Honorable Elmer Staats, Acting Director, Bureau of the Budget
Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director for Mutual Security AT THE WHITE HOUSE
(Honorable Dwight Palmer) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
The President participated in ceremonies in connection with the issuance of a stamp commemorating Women in the Armed Services. Rose Garden. The following were present: ALBRO, Miss Norma Lee ALEXANDER, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. and Jerry AUSTIN, Dean Myrtle AUTREY, Mrs. Coleen BARBER, Miss Mary I. BERDING, Mr. Andrew H. BLACK, Mr. Ramsey S. BLEWETT, Captain Evelyn J. BRENNAN, John A. BROOKS, Mrs. R. Max BRUNS, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. BRYANT, Colonel Ruby F. BUCK, Mrs. J. L. Blair BURKE, Hon. Vincent C. CLARK, Lt. Col. Florence Marie COLLINS, Brigadier General James F. COOLIDGE, Hon. Charles A. DOKKEN, Major Ruth C. DRAZEK, Lt. Lillian B. DUNTON, Major James G. EBELING, Miss Lena E. ECKOFF, Miss Phyllis ELLIS, Mrs. Crawford FARRELL, Lt. Mary W. FAWCETT, Mr. James Waldo FELLERS, Robert E. FOLSOM, Lt. Dorothy E. FOSTER, Deputy Secretary and Mrs. William C. GAMES, Colonel E. B. GEORGE, Major C. J. GIBBONS, Miss Mary L. GIBSON, Captain Winnie GILBRETH, Dr. Lillian M. GLASS, Mr. Sol GOULD, Mrs. Beatrice B. GREGG, Isaac HALL, Hon. Alvin W. HALLAREN, Colonel Mary A. HANCOCK, Captain Joy B. HARRIS, Mrs. J. Ramsay HILLMAN, Mrs. Sidney HINES, Mr. Philip F. IMHOFF, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence JOHNSON, Lt. Commander Anna M. JOHNSON, Admiral Jesse G. JONES, Miss Claire KENDALL, Miss Cynthia KENWORTHY, Dr. Marion E. LANG, Mrs. Claire M. LAWLER, Hon. Joseph J. LEE, Mrs. Bradner W., Jr. LINDQUIST, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. LLOYD-JONES, Dr. Esther LORD, Mrs. Oswald B. LOVETT, Secretary of Defense and Mrs. Robert A. LUCAS, Mrs. Alfred S. McCAUL, Brigadier General Verne J. McMANUS, Mrs. R. Louise McNEIL, Hon. W. J. McQUATTERS, Lt. Col. Geneva F. MAHONEY, Mrs. Florence MARKEL, Mrs. Hazel MARTIN, Captain F. B. C. MEE, Lt. Col. Fenton J. MORTON, Miss Betty MURRAY, Hon. Florence K. MYERS, Hon. Walter NIERGARTH, Brigadier General O. O. NORTH, Hon. Roy M. NUTHALL, Major Alfred PERRY, Colonel Miriam E. PHILLSBURY, Mrs. Philip W. QUICK, Mr. Spencer RANDALL, Colonel Carey A. REDDING, Hon. John ROEBLING, Mrs. Mary G. ROSENBERG, Hon. Anna M. RUSSELL, Mrs. Henry Potter SAMMONS, Mrs. E. C. SCOTT, Dr. K. Frances SHAUGHNESSY, Miss Margaret SHAVER, Miss Dorothy SHELLY, Colonel Mary J. SMITH, Brigadier General Sory SOUTHALL, Miss Sara E. STUART, William M. TAYLOR, Miss Elizabeth P. TOSTI, Mr. Louis TOWLE, Colonel Katherine A. TRIMBLE, Lt. Elgen L. TROXELL, Mrs. Mark G. TYROLER, Mr. Charles VANDERBILT, Mrs. Alfred Gwyane WHITE, Miss Helen C. WHITNEY, Mrs. John Hay WICKLIFFE, Colonel Nell WOLF, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas WOLF, Misses Barbara and Anne ZELLER, Colonel Verena M. BRAY, Honorable William J., Asst. Postmaster General DeVOSS, Major James t. Military Personnel Army: Major Jimmie B. Dollahite Lt. Martha Leiman M/Sgt Jean I. McLaren M/Sgt Sophie Silfen Sfc Pauline Moore Sfc Doris A. Pels Sgt Jeannine E. Haley Sgt Barbara Higgins Sgt Annelouise Koke Sgt Hilda Mello Sgt Darlene Meyers Sgt Dorothy Zanelli Cpl Georgie E. Barber Cpl Phyllis Bogardus Cpl Grace A. Craig Cpl Faye M. Deering Cpl Harriette E. Fields Cpl Joan R. Gigious Cpl Mac K. Massey Cpl Mildred J. Merrell Cpl Irene A. Piotsky Cpl Elizabeth J. Raft Cpl Jean C. Zeinart Pfc Constance M. Christmas Pfc Joan Holzer Pfc Maureen Hurley Pfc Colleen J. Pipgrass Pfc Wanda E. Yancey Pvt Christine Hall Pvt Olga Indracek Pvt Delores Kerns Pvt Mary A. McCarter Pvt Marcella E. Pelletier Pvt Patricia Rothmeir Navy: Margaret Caristinos, SA Janet Gruver, SA Ann Huffnus, SA Kathleen Rickaby, ESB1 Georgiana Raleigh, SA Evelyn Hamilton, SA Bertha Payne, SN Margaret Getz, SA Phyllis Morris, SN Jean Wallace, SA Mary Potts, PHAA Peggy Weeks, SA V. Jackson, PNC S. Dzierura, YN1 B. McEvoy, YNSA B. Holser, SN V. Morris, YMSA G. Senerty, YNSN N. Kinsey, SA A. James, SN V. Verplanke, SA N. Johnson, SN Mary Crowley, SN Blanche Jaco, YNSN Elizabeth Mayer, CT3 Vickie Gubule, TESN Eleanor Campbell, PNC Patsy Spangler, SN Beverly Fitzgerald, PN3 Joyce Antebi, SA Cecilia Bonnin, SA Janet Dixon, SA Malvina Weiss, YNSN Maggie Kaunohi, SA Elizabeth Pritchard, NYT1 Mattie Wilson, YNT1 Ada Lou Reed, LT (j.g.) Air Force: Captain Marjorie M. Smith S/Sgt Martha E. Wallace A/1C Merle V. Belcher A/1C Lucille A. Boles A/1C Carolyn L. Starkey A/2C Charlotte E. Harris A/3C Iberta Lones M/Sgt Elizabeth A. Charnock T/Sgt Patricia M. Lord S/Sgt Bessie L. Branham S/Sgt Ora E. Burrows S/Sgt Eleanor M. Scott S/Sgt Joe Bowles A/1C Elizabeth Borkoski A/2C Shirley M. Wildrom A/3C Evelyn Saunders S/Sgt Evelyn Charrier S/Sgt Malvena Colacecchi A/1C Irene McPhee A/2C Irma McCoy S/Sgt Joyce M. Reinolt S/Sgt Irene Webb A/1C Teofillia F. Himkus M/Sgt Ruth Thomas T/Sgt Edith K. Beaver T/Sgt Abbie Taylor S/Sgt Maggie Stevenson A/1C Georgia Baggett A/1C Nancy Brothers A/2C Virginia Hernandes A/2C Jewel Newton A/3C Katherine Davis T/Sgt Eleanor D. Rasche M/Sgt Anita May S/Sgt Marilyn White A/1C Nancy Moore A/2C Elizabeth Morris A/1C Johnie Braswell S/Sgt Nellie Gill Marine Corps: Cpl. Alma C. Akeo Cpl. Mary E. Anoe Cpl. Norma J. Atkinson Cpl. Estelle R. Bellanance S/Sgt. Mary L. Boyd T/Sgt. Norma Boynton Cpl. Nan K. Broyles Sgt. Francis M. Capps Cpl. Florence E. Castle Cpl. Guynelle Cockran Sgt. Evelyn M. Crumlish Sgt. Virginia M. Dehmer Cpl. Theresa M. Domato Sgt. Catherine G. Farrell Cpl. Betty J. Fowler Sgt. Delfa M. Fuchs Sgt. Ora L. Futral Pfc Marilla D. Glasgow S/Sgt Lorraine G. Godot Cpl. Sheila A. Hansen Sgt. Nancy J. Hartin Sgt. Nancy Havener Cpl. Joyce N. Jennings Sgt. Betty D. Kell Sgt. Alberta R. Kline Sgt. Rosemary M. Lane S/Sgt. Eloise J. Masters Sgt. Barbara Mitchell SGt. Eloise M. Ponthieu Sgt. Ethelyn E. Raugh Sgt. Rochelle L. Sadd Cpl. Marlene M. Smith S/Sgt. Mary L. Thompson Cpl. Melbadine Todd Cpl. Joan E. Waugh Sgt. Virginia A. Dupuy Cpl. Barbara J. Newton Sgt. Pauline S. Stark Cpl. Agatha D. Hoffman Sgt. Mary H. Judd 2nd Lt. Cary J. Harms Office of the Secretary of Defense: A/1C Alta Parker, USAF Cpl. Frances Klein, USMC Cpl. Lorraine Schwanke, USA Seaman Thelma Brunty, USN Lieutenant Montez Tjaden, USN M/Sgt Cecil W. Stoughton, USAF Photographers Mate 2d Eugene Scott, USN Warrant Officer Donald W. Wingfield, USA Army Nurses: Major Carrie E. Barrett Major Bertha E. Pollard Major Brunetta A. Kuehlthau Captain Kathryn M. Meyer Captain Gladys T. Hook 1st Lieutenant Cecile J. Henkins 1st Lieutenant Marguerite A. Holmes 1st Lieutenant Florence V. Ranberg 1st Lieutenant Frances C. Register 1st Lieutenant Leah B. Voorhees Navy Nurses: Lt. Lillian Stuart Lt. Julia Silver Lt. Ruth Crofton Lt. M. R. Cavey Lt. L. E. Baines Lt. R. J. Fisher Lt. (j.g.) Dorothy Cornelius Lt. (j.g.) E. J. Stapleford ENS M. A. Ellis ENS A. E. Kailan 1100th USAF Ceremonial Squadron: 1st Lt. John T. Murphy S/Sgt. Billy S. Rowland S/Sgt. Francis Smrcina S/Sgt. Donald Banovich S/Sgt. Thomas J. Hall A/1C Melvin Loving A/1C Harry Hennigh A/1C Salem J. Homrighausen A/1C Robert Laster A/1C Harry Barnhart A/1C Richard Shedron A/1C William G. Floros A/1C James Hester A/1C Dale Mitchell A/1C Russell Jackson A/1C William C. Overstreet A/1C Clyde Howard A/1C Fleming Shelton A/1C Donald Smit A/1C Harold Davidson A/1C Calvin Maitland A/1C Robert Kroschwitz A/1C Jefferson H. DeHart A/1C George Rasmussen A/1C Robert R. Kropp A/1C John Eisenbarth A/2C Andrew Erny A/2C John W. Wolfe A/2C Edward C. Farrell A/2C John Griffin A/2C Rudolph Schuster A/2C Richard Tobin A/2C Ernest Meyer Company "A" 1st Battalion, 3rd Infantry: Major Paul L. Tepe 1st Lt. Charles E. Rammel M/Sgt. William P. Taylor Cpl. Anthony V. Visminas Cpl. Joseph R. Donato Pfc. Michael J. Dzuray Pfc. Kenneth L. Frantz Pfc. Paul D. Gehringer Pfc. Donald C. Lee Pfc. Richard A. Lips Pfc. Arthur L. Miller Pfc. Frederick R. Morriss Pfc. Edward L. Otto Pfc. Edward J. Quieser Pfc. Thomas F. Reese Pfc. Henry C. Saylor Pfc. Robert D. Sweem Pfc. Joseph L. Zamiska Pfc. Stephen J. Urbanski Pfc. William E. Blanchard Pfc. Cecil L. Criner Pfc. Harold E. Fried Pfc. John T. Griffin Pfc. Thomas F. McAraw Pfc. Thomas M. Roe Pfc. Herbert H. Sponseller Pfc. Henry D. Trivelli Pfc. Wilbur C. Stivers Pfc. John M. Pasola Pfc. Carl C. Salyer Pfc. Robert G. Freker Pvt-2 Norman R. Anderson Pfc. Kenneth E. Alvis Pvt-2 Edward L. Hoover Naval Honor Guard Lt. J.G. R. M. Bell V. E. Hankins R. A. Sharfstein W. A. Ruby J. T. Shattuck E. E. Owen C. E. Wass A. Barone W. W. Birdsell R. Richeson W. J. Canavally W. R. Walker J. C. Lyons R. J. Smith B. L. Gunsolas C. B. Mathews L. Blankenship R. E. Devoe R. G. Faucette D. R. Pickman R. L. Blair L. S. Franecki G. W. Keyser R. W. Nothdorg W. T. Lapree L. E. Sommer R. F. Znidarsic A. E. Erickson N. A. Stinson R. C. Kosidowski H. J. Tompkins E. E. Williams D. Reese Marin Corps Institute Detachment: Lt. Needham, Platoon Leader S. Sgt. Yeakel, Platoon Sergeant Sgt. Reeves, Platoon Guide Sgt. Fortier Sgt. Pastorkovich Sgt. Sherwood Sgt. Sullivan Sgt. Wulp Cpl. Armstrong Cpl. Bader Cpl. Bohner Cpl. Burge Cpl. Chaifetz Cpl. Cunningham Cpl. Dubrovich Cpl. Epstein Cpl. Grout Cpl. Hare Cpl. Hardtke Cpl. Harris Cpl. Imbilli Cpl. Lynch Cpl. Lyons Cpl. Miller Cpl. Shimberg Cpl. Steely Cpl. Tice Cpl. Watters Pfc. Cotter Pfc. Floyd Pfc. Harrelson Pfc. Muhaw Pfc. Walker The order of this ceremony was as follows: Secretary Lovett spoke. Mrs. Rosenberg spoke. The Postmaster General [Jesse M. Donaldson] presented to the President the commemorative stamp albums, each one marked with the name of the Directors of the Women's Services. The President made a brief statement on services rendered by women in Armed Forces, and then turned to the Women Directors and presented them with their albums in turn. The Band played Armed Services song and the women in platoons sang. The President was then photographed with four women from each branch of the Armed Services, thereby completing the ceremoney.
[Public Papers: Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the Issuance of the "Women in the Armed Services" Commemorative Stamp]
Mr. Dan W. Oram, of Hammond, Indiana Miss Doris J. Ray (At request of Congressman Madden; Mr. Oram was Commissioner of Lake County, Indiana - handshake only)
(Honorable Oscar Ewing, Federal Security Administrator) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Cole, of Patterson, New Jersey) (Dr. John R. Steelman brought him in OFF THE RECORD)
(Dr. Howard Rusk) (Mrs. Albert Lasker) (Mrs. Florence Mahoney) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral William M. Fechteler, Chief of Naval Operations) OFF THE RECORD
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Hon. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (State not represented; Northrop for Interior; McCormick for Agriculture; Galvin for Labor; Foley for Treasury. Vice President absent; all others present.)
Dr. Howard Mitchell, Conductor, the National Symphony Orchestra Mr. William Carmichael, Director, Public Relations Mr. Theodore Noyes McDowell, Campaign Chairman (Asked if might call on the President to present annual season's tickets for National Symphony)
Honorable J. Monroe Johnson, Interstate Commerce Commission (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
Honorable Telford Taylor, Administrator, Small Defense Plants Administration (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this.)
Honorable Jack K. McFall, American Minister to Finland (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Cyrus Ching (Dr. John R. Steelman arranged and accompanied Mr. Ching.)
(Honorable Gordon E. Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) OFF THE RECORD