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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

August 26, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Thomas Webb Mr. Joseph Lynch (Invited the President to the National Celebreties Golf Tournament and Golf Tournament Banquet on September 20th. - Picture)
Honorable Morgan M. Moulder, Congressman from Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Mr. Boris Shishkin, AFofL (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable William Benton, Senator from Connecticut (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for appointment)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) OFF THE RECORD
General Hoyt Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force (Arranged by General Robert Landry)
Honorable Roger L. Putnam, Administrator, Economic Stablization Agency Honorable Ellis Arnall, Director of Price Stabilization Honorable Tighe E. Woods, Director of Rent Stabilization (Mr. Putnam called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week to request appointment. Dr. John R. Steelman advised of time also and stated he would probably attend.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment. Half hour)
(Major M. H. Manchester, Editor, Reserve Officers' Magazine) (General Harry Vaughan) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Mr. Gleason) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Foster (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Stephen Mitchell, Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Regular weekly appointment resumed for new Chairman, as in past with previous Chairman. Half hour)
(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Gleason)
Reverend Dr. Charles Lowry, Rector, All Saints' Episcopal Church (Dr. Lowry is author of Christ & Communism and President expressed desire to see him upon his return from trip to Italy and Germany. Dr. Lowry one of few Protestant Clergymen who supported President on issue of Ambassador to the Vatican. Arranged through David Lloyd.)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly Friday and requested appointment)
Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army (Secretary Pace has just returned from trip to Europe and wanted to report to the President on his trip. Arranged by Colonel Talbott. Half hour.)
Mr. Herbert Marcey (Former Chief of White House Police who retired about two years ago and wanted to see the President once more. Presented the President with a bushel of choice peaches. Arranged by Mr. Crim)
Honorable Samuel W. Yorty, Congressman from California (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and requested appointment. Just returned from trip to Europe.)
Colonel and Mrs. Edward V. Condon Major Stephen H. White Major Ray L. Miller Major Herman S. Miller Captain Donald B. Miller Captain Frank Hepler (The President presented to Colonel Condon the Silver Hawthorn Cluster for thirty years or more service in the National Guard of the State of Missouri. Photograph taken)
Honorable Robert R. Rose, Jr., Assistant Secretary of the Interior (Said goodbye. Mr. Rose running for Congress in Wyoming and just won Primary 5 to 1. Returning to Wyoming on leave of absence.)
Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly - leaving city tomorrow.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sewell) (Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster) (Miss Carolyn Webster) (Miss Marjorie E. Beck) (Paid respects to the President. Relatives of Mr. Earl Wayne Beck, the man the President nominated for appointment as Recorder of Deeds, Washington, D.C. Arranged through Mr. Vivian Truman. Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF THE RECORD.)
[Public Papers: Statement by the President: Labor Day]
(Admiral Sidney Souers) (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral William Leahy) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Lindley Beckworth, Congressman from Texas (Called Mr. Connelly)
Honorable Stanley Woodward, American Ambassador to Canada (Ambassador Woodward called Mr. Connelly two weeks ago to request appointment.)
Mr. Arthur Greenleigh, Chairman of the Advisory Committee and Executive Director of United Service for New Americans, Inc. Reverend Aloysius Wycislo, National Catholic Welfare Conference Dr. C. E. Krumbholz, National Lutheran Council Mr. Roland Elliott, Church World Service Mrs. Anna G. Kausman, United Service for New Americans, Inc. (These church agencies contributed valuable services in DP program and are regrouping to support emergency immigration legislation such as the President suggested to Congress. Appointment requested and arranged through Hon. John Gibson.)
Honorable Maple Harl, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Dr. James C. Forsee, Fitzsimmons Hospital, Denver) OFF RECORD (Chairman Harl called Mr. Connelly and requested appointment)
(Honorable Francis J. Myers, former Senator from Pennsylvania) OFF RECORD (Appointment requested through Jack Hayes OFF RECORD - WEST BASEMENT ENTRANCE)
Honorable David Bruce, Under Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment for State. Half hour)
(Pre-press) OFF THE RECORD
Press [Public Papers]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress on the Trade Agreement With Venezuela]
(Mr. Dexter Perry, of Independence, Missouri) (Mr. Alvin May) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sideny Souers) (General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Hon. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Fred N. Lang, of Kansas City, Missouri Mr. Neil F. Cline (Mr. Lang spoke with the President in Kansas City on August 1st re visiting the President and seeing the Executive Mansion)
(Mr. Richard E. Dougherty) (Mr. Douglas W. Orr) (Major General Glen E. Edgerton) (General Edgerton called Mr. Connelly and said that the Commission on Renovation was meeting today. The President indicated he would like to see these gentlemen.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Oscar Chapman, Secretary of the Interior) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Connelly sat in on this meeting)
(Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable James A. Farley of New York
(Mr. Dewey Long and Mr. Matthew Connelly) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Sidney Souers, Adviser to the President) OFF THE RECORD
Speech Conference
The President remained at the White House during the day.
The President left by train for a trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to deliver a Labor Day address. (Pennsylvania RR Extra)
Pass Chevelry loop Pick up road engine and reverse train; leave Chevelry loop at 12:01 a.m. e.s.t
Members of the party The President Matthew J. Connelly Joseph Short Charles S. Murphy David Lloyd David Stowe Kenneth Hechler Miss Rose Conway Major General Wallace H. Graham Jack Romagna Roger Tubby Dewey E. Long Harold B. Colvin Harvard E. Dudley Mrs. Kay Holloway Secret Service Agents
Newspaper Correspondents: Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Ernest B. Vaccaro~The Associated Press Dayton Moore~United Press Association Anthony H. Leviero~The New York Times Raymond J. Blair~The New York Herald Tribune Cecil Holland~The Washington Star Edward F. Ryan~The Washington Post Dewey Fleming~The Baltimore Sun Francis Stephenson~The New York Daily News Laurence Burd~The Chicago Tribune Jack Beal (Off at Cincinnati)~Time Magazine Robert Fleming (On at Chicago)~The Milwaukee Journal Photographers: George Skadding~Life Magazine Charles Corte~United Press Photos Charles P. Gorry~Associated Press Photos Maurice Johnson~International News Photos Charles Pedan~M.G.M. News of the Day Theodore Rickman~M.G.M. News of the Day Radio and Television: Arthur Barriault~National Broadcasting Company William Costell~Columbia Broadcasting System Louis Shollenberger (Return trip only)~Columbia Broadcasting System Lamar Allison (Return trip only)~C.B.S. Engineer John Edwards~American Broadcasting Company Horace Lambert~Telenews Productions Inc. Harold Lion~Telenews Productions Inc. Al. Simonson~N.B.C. Television John Langenegger~N.B.C. Television Western Union: Carroll S. Linkins Robert D. Wahlstrom (On at Crestline, Ohio)
Pass Landover
Ar. Baltimore Pick up diesel engines
Lv. Baltimore
Pass Cly (Pa.)
Ar. Harrisburg, Pa. Change train crews
Lv. Harrisburg, Pa.
Ar. Altoona, Pa. Change crews
Lv. Altoona, Pa.
Ar. Pittsburgh, Pa. Change crews, ice and water train (8:55 a.m. edt)
[Public Papers: Rear Platform Remarks in Pennsylvania and Ohio]
Lv. Pittsburgh, Pa. (9:25 am. edt)
Ar. Crestline, Ohio Change train crews, inspect equipment.
Lv. Crestline, Ohio
(c.s.t) Pass Lima, Ohio
(e.s.t.) Ar. Fort Wayne, Ind. Change to Central standard time; make diesel inspection and change engine crews. NOTE; Crew change and inspection will be made in yards. No station stop will be made
Pass Plymouth, Ind.
Ar. 12th St. Coach Yard, Chicago Turn over to Milwaukee railroad operating crew
Lv. 12th St. Coach Yard
Ar. Milwaukee railroad coach yard Ice, water and inspection of equipment by Milwaukee operating crew
Lv. Chicago (Milwaukee coach yard) No stops between Chicago yards and Milwaukee
Ar. Milwaukee, Wisc. The President will speak at 8:30 p.m. c.s.t (Train will be turned and properly serviced during time party is off; turning operation will require one hour and fifteen minutes)
[Public Papers: Labor Day Address in Milwaukee]
Lv. Milwaukee, Wisc. (Milwaukee railroad)
Ar. Chicago yards Deliver to NYC at 12:04 a.m. cst.
(cst.) Lv. Chicago (NYC extra)
Ar. Cincinnati, Ohio (NYC RR) Change train crews
[Public Papers: Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio and West Virginia]
Lv. Cincinnati (Baltimore and Ohio Extra)
Ar. Parkersburg, W. Va. Crew change
Lv. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Ar. Clarksburg, W. Va. Diesel inspection; ice & water if needed
Lv. Clarksburg, W. Va.
Ar. Grafton, W. Va. Change train crews
Lv. Grafton, W. Va.
Ar. Keyser, W. Va. Change diesel crews
Lv. Keyser, W. Va.
Ar. Martinsburg, W. Va. Brake inspection
Lv. Martinsburg, W. Va.