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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 25, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

Mr. Jerome Duggan, of St. Louis (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week from St. Louis and asked for this)
(Mrs. Mary Lasker) (Mrs. Florence Mahoney) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Eric Johnston (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Tuesday and asked for this.)
(Mr. E. B. McGovern, of Seattle, Washington) OFF THE RECORD (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly January 9th, stating he would be here at this time and hoped might shake hands with the President. Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President.)
Dr. James L. Morrill, President of the University of Minnesota, and Chairman of U. S. Advisory Committee on Education Exchange (His Washington office called Mr. Connellly and said that Dr. Morrill would be in city at this time and wanted to call on the President.)
(The President left from the rear of Blair House for the National Cathedral to attend the funeral of the late Robert P. Patterson) OFF THE RECORD
(Admiral Arthur William Radford) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Kenneth McKellar, Tennessee Congressman Louis C. Rabaut, Michigan Congressman J. Harry McGregor, Ohio Mr. Richard E. Dougherty Mr. Douglas W. Orr Major General Glen E. Edgerton Mr. Edward Neild Mr. John McShain Mr. William A. Delano Mr. Paul Hauck Mr. W. E. Reynolds, Public Broadcasting Service (The President had Mr. Matthew Connelly call this group in to discuss White House Renovation.)
(Honorable John Carroll) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Edward Neild) OFF THE RECORD
AT THE BLAIR HOUSE: (Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. Jack Romagna) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board, on the Labor Disputes in the Aluminum Industry]
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Fred J. Schmidt, of Kansas City) (Mr. John Simpson, of Kansas City) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President Off Record) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Carroll Dougherty Mr. George Cheney Mr. Andrew Jackson (Arranged by Dr. John R. Steelman; this is Railroad Emergency Board set up to handle dispute between Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen)
The President received the Members of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, as follows: Honorable John A. Remon, Chairman Conrad L. Wirth, Executive Officer Brig. Gen. Bernard L. Robinson, Engineer Commissioner Senator Matthew M. Neely, West Virginia Congressman John L. McMillan, South Carolina Hilyard R. Robinson Frederick Bigger John Nolen, Jr., Director Blair Lee, 3d. John Seicker, representing Forest Service Col. Earl E. Gessley, representing Chief of Engineers (The President expressed desire to meet with the Commission after the first of the year, and Mr. Remon notified Mr. Matthew Connelly that there would be full Commission in session on this date.)
The President presented the Distinguished Service Medal to Honorable W. Stuart Symington. General Robert Landry made the arrangements. The following guests were present: CLIFFORD, Hon. Clark FINLETTER, Hon. Thomas K., Secretary of the Air Force JOHNSON, Senator Lyndon, Texas LAIRD, Mrs. Virginia, Mr. Symington's secretary LEO, Mr. Steve LOVETT, Hon. Robert A., Secretary of Defense MAYBANK, Senator Burnet R., South Carolina PACE, Honorable Frank, Secretary of the Army RAYBURN, Honorable Sam, Speaker of the House RICHARDSON, Mr. Sid (Speaker brought Mr. Richardson) RUSSELL, Senator Dick, Georgia SOUERS, Admiral Sidney SPAATS, General Carl SNYDER, Honorable John W., Secretary of the Treasury SYMINGTON, Mrs. W. Stuart SYMINGTON, Honorable Stuart VANDENBERG, General Hoyt S. VINSON, Congressman Carl WADSWORTH, Mr. J. W. WILSON, Mr. Charles ZUCKERT, Mr. Gene
(The President and Mrs. Truman left from Blair House for the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, to attend the wedding of the daughter of Honorable and Mrs. William Boyle.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President remained at home at the Blair House.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Urging Action on the St. Lawrence Seaway]
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
(Honorable David Niles) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Hugh B. Mitchell, Washington Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington Congressman Henry N. Jackson, Washington Mr. Kirby Billingsley, Columbia River Development League Mr. Hirschell B. Newsome, Master of National Grange (Congressman Mitchell called Mr. Connelly last Friday and asked for this, stating they wished to discuss question of power in State of Washington.)
The President received the Members of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Postmasters: DICKMANN, Bernard F., President, St. Louis, Missouri HEDLUND, E. T., Vice President, Portland, Oregon McNAMARA, Raymond V., Vice President, Haverhill, Massachusetts ORCHARD, Mrs. Mansell, Vice President, Auburndale, Florida PUSKAR, Charles E., Secretary-Treasurer, Imperial, Pennsylvania WEAVER, Mrs. Dorothy, Vice President, Edmondson, Arkansas Executive Committee: CUMMINS, Margaret, Chattanooga, Oklahoma FITZGERALD, Dave, Glens Falls, New York FIXA, John F., San Fransisco, California GOLDMAN, Albert, New York, New York GRICE, E. P., Jr., Charleston, South Carolina HINSELMAN, William, Winner, South Dakota LUTZ, Robert, Morton Grove, Illinois MAURER, Al, Monroe, Michigan MAYO, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MOORE, J. Tracy, Greensboro, North Carolina MURPHY, Algy R., Troy, Ohio PASETTO, Sergio, Barre, Vermont PERKINS, Frank, Fremont, Nebraska QUILL, Dan, San Antonio, Texas SIBLEY, Mr. Neal, Postmaster, Baltimore SMITH, Hon. Arthur V., Pascagoula, Mississippi, Editor, Postmaster's Gazette SNYDER, John P., Oconomowoc, Wisconsin WIES, Shirley, Lowden, Washington (Arranged at the request of Bernard F. Dickman, President of the Association)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
Honorable Oscar L. Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior (One-half hour)
(Honorable Louis Johnson) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Samuel Rosenman) OFF THE RECORD
(Colonel Edward Condon) (Captain Russell Noblet) (Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD)
(Honorable David Niles) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Bert Femmer, National Committeeman for Young Democrats, State of Missouri (From New Madrid; appointment requested by Congressman Jones of Missouri.)
(Congressman Clarence Cannon, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last Friday and asked if he could see the President Off Record)
(Mr. Edward Murrow, of Columbia Broadcasting Company) (Mr. Joseph Short brought him in) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Murrow asked for this OFF RECORD appointment)
The President presented the Congressional Medal of Honor to Master Sergeant Hubert L. Lee, USA, and Sergeant Joseph Rodriguez, USA. The following guests were present in the Conference Room of the Old State Department Building for the ceremony: RELATIVES OF RECIPIENTS: LEE, Mr. Charles O. (father) PELEZO, Mr. and Mrs Vay (brother-in-law and sister of Sgt. Lee) RODRIGUEZ, Miss Josephine (sister) RODRIGUEZ, Corporal Ramon (brother) ARANDA, Miss Rose (fiancee of Sgt. Rodriguez) MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: KNOWLAND, Senator William F., of California NIXON, Senator Richard M., of California STENNIS, Senator John C., of Mississippi EASTLAND, Senator James O., of Mississippi SHEPPARD, Representative Harry R., of California SMITH, Representative Frank E., of Mississippi DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICIALS: WILLIAMS, Col. E. A., Army Headquarters Commandant ROTZ, Capt. Solomon G., Asst. to Army Headquarters Commandant BRADLEY, General Omar N., Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff HESS, Lt. Col. Buie, Adjutant General's Office THORPE, 1st Lt. Thomas D., Escort for Lee Party HARRIS, 1st Lt. Howard W., Escort for Rodriguez Party LOVETT, Hon. Robert A., Secretary of Defense BENDETSEN, Hon. Karl R., Asst. Secretary of the Army COLLINS, General J. Lawton, Chief of Staff, USA HULL, General John E., Vice Chief of Staff, USA TAYLOR, Lt. General Maxwell D., Deputy Chief of Staff, USA BEISHLINE, Col. John R., White House-Army Liaison Officer
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Presenting Medals of Honor to M. Sgt. Hubert L. Lee and Sgt. Joseph C. Rodriguez, USA]
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual Tuesday appointment)
(Mr. Nick Bez) (Mr. Don Loker) (Mr. Harold Carey) (Mr. Matthew Connelly brought them in.) OFF THE RECORD
General Carl R. Gray, Jr., Administrator of Veterans' Affairs
(General Carl R. Gray, Jr.) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget) (Admiral Robert Dennison) (General Gray asked that he be given half hour, the first fifteen minutes of which he would discuss certain items with the President alone, and for last fifteen minutes would be joined by Mr. Lawton and Admiral Robert Dennison to discuss construction items.)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Frank McKinney, Chairman, Democratic National Committee (Usual weekly appointment - half hour)
(Mrs. Truman gave a tea at the Blair House for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center at which the President "dropped in".)
[Public Papers: Letter to Admiral McCormick Designating Him Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic]
The President signed a Proclamation calling upon officials and agencies of the Government to assist and cooperate with the Inter-American Cultural Trade Center in Miami, Florida and inviting the participation of all nations of the Western Hemisphere therein. (This proclamation was authorized by Public Law 853, 81st Congress, 2nd Session - list of guests follows:) WALKER, Dr. W. H., Chairman, Inter-Ameican Center Authority WALKER, Mr. Robert RIDDLE, Mr. Roy HOLLAND, Senator Spessard L., of Florida SMATHERS, Senator George A., of Florida JOHNSTON, Senator Olin D., of South Carolina
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Fifteen minutes)
(General Carl Spaatz) OFF THE RECORD (Came through General Robert Landry's office)
(Honorable Pete Jarman, American Ambassador to Australia (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Jules Feldmans, Charge d'Affaires of Latvia (Mr. Feldmans is representative of Latvia in U. S. with rank of Minister Plenipotentiary. Asked, through Protocol, to present to the President a book entitled "These Names Accuse" published by Latvian National Fund in the Scandinavian Countries, containing a list of Latvians deported to Soviet Russia in 1940 and 1941. The State Department thought it advisable that the President receive this book and have furnished the background material for the President's information concerning this publication.)
Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma Mr. Thomas Bennett (Senator Kerr called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked if he might bring in Mr. Bennett, son of late Dr. Bennett. Mr. Bennett wished to pay his respects.)
H.E. Sir Carl Berendsen, the Ambassador of New Zealand, and Lady Berendsen (The Ambassador asked, through, Protocol, if they might call at the Executive Office and say "goodbye" to the President and Mrs. Truman, who came to the office for this meeting. The Ambassador is retiring.)
(Mr. George Harrison, of Railroad Brotherhoods) OFF THE RECORD (Postponed to this time from yesterday)
Honorable Elis Arnall (The President, in answering a note Governor Arnall sent him, suggested he come in as he, the President, had some matters in which he thought the Governor was interested.)
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD (Called and asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this early in the day.)
(Honorable Frank McKinney, Chairman, Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD (Asked yesterday for ten minutes OFF RECORD)
(Honorable Frank Pace, The Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD (Asked to come a few minutes before the group meeting at 8:00 p.m.)
(Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense) (Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense) (Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., Secretary of the Army) (Honorable Dan A. Kimball, Secretary of the Navy) (Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press & Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(The President left the office for the Airport for a flight over the flooded rural districts of Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky.) (See attached sheet for details and list of those accompanying the President.)
Trip of the President West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky Flood Area Thursday, January 31, 1952 Lv. Washington........(USAF Plane #8615)...11:15 a.m. Fly non-stop over flooded regions of Ohio and Kentucky. Return to MATS terminal approximately 3:30 p.m. Members of the Party The President Mr. Matthew J. Connelly General Harry H. Vaughan General Robert B. Landry Admiral Robert L. Dennison Hon. Raymond Foley Mr. Roger Tubby Captain Ray Miller Major General G. J. Nold Acting Chief of Engineers will accompany the Presidential Party
Press Section: Pan American Clipper Golden Gate
Members of the party
Mr. Vern Hauglund,~The Associated Press Miss Ruth Gmeiner,~United Press Association Mr. Riwin Safchik,~International News Service Mr. Jack Doherty,~New York Daily News Mr. Paul Kennedy,~New York Times Mr. Ed Darby,~Time Magazine Mr. William Henry,~Mutual Broadcasting System Mr. Hollis Seavey,~Mutual Broadcasting System Mr. Frank Bourgholtzer,~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. John Edwards,~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Costello,~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. Frank Cancellare,~United Press Photos Mr. Henry Burroughs,~Associated Press Photos Mr. Henry Walker,~Life Magazine Photos Mr. Al. Simonson,~N.B.C. Television Mr. William K. Smythe,~U.P. Movietone Television
Mr. Robert Mulligan, International News Photos, Mr. James Lyons, Universal Newsreel, and Mr. Robert Hess, Telenews, INS, INP., will fly with the Presidential party and operate on a pool basis for stills, newsreels and television coverage. Mr. Dewey E. Long Mr. Carroll S. Linkins Mr. Gerald H. Behn Mr. John Sherwood Mr. Emory P. Roberts Mr. Bartley A. Fugler Mr. Joseph W. Lemons Mr. Robert A. Duffy Mr. Harry Charnley Mr. Wayman McGarrh Mr. Phillip Orman M/Sgt. Earl F. Gasber
Pan American Clipper Golden Gate N-1023-V crew: Captain:~George Rozwenc 1st Officer:~James Holliday Navigator:~Paul Ridley 1st Engr:~Edward Urban 2nd Engr:~Michael Urben Purser:~Livio Rasero Steward:~Mimosa Giordano Stewardess:~Doris Neill Stewardess:~Helen Urbach Mr. William I. McEvoy~Pan American Airways Mr. Roger B. Doulens~Pan American Airways US Airforce Plane # 8615 Commander:~Major Lewis O. Hanson 1st Pilot:~Major John O. Drew Navigator:~Jacques Keshishian Navigator:~Major E. P. Christensen Sgt. H. B. Ward, Radio Operator Sgt. William Acker, 1st Engineer W/O M. M. Ebinger, 2nd Engineer Sgt. Robert E. Hughes, Flight Attendant Sgt. T. Mitko, Attendant
(The President returned to Washington and motored directly to the Blair House, where he "dropped in" on a tea at the Blair House for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center given by Mrs. Truman.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Frank McKinney, Chairman, Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD - AT THE BLAIR HOUSE
(Senator Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma) OFF THE RECORD - AT THE BLAIR HOUSE
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Urging Extension and Strengthening of the Defense Production Act]
Admiral Lynde D. McCormick (Arranged by Admiral Robert Dennison)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Admiral Sidney Souers) OFF THE RECORD (Honorable James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Under Secretary Galvin for Labor; Commerce not represented; all others present)
Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General Honorable Philip Perlman, the Solicitor General Honorable Newbold Morris
Honorable Edward Barrett (Former Assistant Secretary of State - asked to say "goodbye" to the President)
Honorable Ernest Gruening, Governor of Alaska (Asked if he might see the President fairly soon as there were matters coming up on the Hill which he would first like to discuss with the President.)
Senator Guy M. Gillette, of Iowa (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly and said he wanted to discuss with the President a Missouri River project of great interest to the people of Iowa and Nebraska; that full discussions had been completed with the Chief of Army Engineers, General Pick, who informed the Senator that subject one would require the President's approval)
Honorable Francis Matthews, American Ambassador to Ireland (Asked if he might come in again)
(Honorable George E. Allen) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Dennis Hurley, Corporation Counsel, New York City (Arranged by Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(Hon. S. Everett Gleason, Deputy Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Sidney Souers)
(Honorable Clark Clifford) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable George Killion) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Stowe) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Donald Dawson) OFF THE RECORD
(Speech Conference in the Cabinet Room)