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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

February 03, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(The President spent the morning and early afternoon at the Blair House)
(The President and Mrs. Truman motored to the Lisner Auditorium for a concert of the Greek pianist, Gina Bachauer.)
(Hon. Frank McKinney, Chairman, Democratic National Committee) (The President saw Mr. McKinney OFF THE RECORD at the Blair House.)
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Earnest W. McFarland, of Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, of Massachusetts
Admiral William D. Leahy
Honorable Alan G. Kirk, American Ambassador to the U.S.S.R. (Asked for this through Protocol)
Mr. Wayne Williams, of Denver, Colorado (Arranged at the request of Secretary Oscar Chapman, who said Mr. Williams is a great admirer of the President - shook hands)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)
(The President left for the Capitol, where he attended a luncheon at 1:15 pm in the Speaker's Dining Room, given by Congressman Phil Welch of Missouri for the Democratic Delegation from Missouri)
Mr. Gus Garcia (Mr. David Stowe arranged this)
(The President posed for newsreels and stills for the Red Cross speech)
(Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State) (Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) (Honorable William C. Foster, the Deputy Secretary of Defense) (Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Mutual Security Administrator) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on Determining To Increase Defense Assistance to France, Greece, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia]
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of State of New Hampshire Concerning the Presidential Preference Primary]
General of the Army, George C. Marshall (In city and wanted to come in and pay respects)
Congressman Wright Patman, Texas (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. Edward Jacobson, of Kansas City (Wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly last month that he would be here enroute to Florida for a vacation and hoped might see the President)
Honorable Jack Corrie, Chairman, National Security Resources Board (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this)
H.E. Senor Don Fernando Berckemeyer, the Ambassador of Peru (Asked for this through Protocol; Mr. Simons thought he would discuss the Tuna situation - Mr. Simons sat in)
Congressman Richard Bolling, of Missouri (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army) (Honorable Elmer B. Staats, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget) (Mr. Frank Pace asked for this OFF THE RECORD)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (One-half hour)
Congressman Robert Crosser, Ohio (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this)
(Mr. Albert Hillix) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Matthew Connelly brought him in to see the President)
(The President "dropped in" on a tea at the Blair House given by Mrs. Truman for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Center.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President, accompanied by Admiral Robert Dennison, General Robert Landry, and Mr. Joseph Short "dropped in" on a Congressional dinner given by the Veterans of Foreign Wars at the Statler Hotel.)
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Veterans of foreign Wars Dinner]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the Death of King George VI]
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kennedy, of San Diego, California (Mr. Kennedy is Chairman of the Board of KFMB; wrote Mr. Connelly that they expected to be here at this time and hoped they might call on the President at this time)
(Mrs. India Edwards) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. James Patton, President of the Farmers Union (Called Mr. Connelly last week; said he wished to discuss some political matter but main thing was the present agricultural situation on the Hill and some mutual security legislation)
(Honorable Dale E. Doty, Assistant Secretary of the Interior) (Mr. Connelly called him yesterday and asked that he come in OFF RECORD. Suggestion of Mr. Dawson)
H.E. Senor Jaime Torres Bodet, The Director General of UNESCO and former Foreign Minister of Mexico Honorable Howland Sargeant, Assistant Secretary of State (Arranged at request of Protocol - a courtesy call)
(Mr. Feltham Watson, of St. Louis) OFF THE RECORD (Has been in Department of Justice for several years; wanted to pay respects; came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD)
Honorable Edward P. Morgan, Office of Price Stabilization (Called Mr. Connelly Monday and asked for this)
The President persented the Congressional Medal of Honor to Staff Sergeant Archie Van Winkle, USMCR. The following guests were present: S/Sgt. Archie Van Winkle Mr. A.C. Van Winkle (father) Mr. R.A. Van Winkle (brother) Mrs. Don Daigler (sister) Mr. Melvin E. Cox (cousin) First Lt. P.E. Denny, USMC Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense Senator Warren G. Magnuson, Washington Senator H.P. Cain, Washington Honorable H.M. Jackson, Washington General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral W.M. Fechteler, USN, Chief of Naval Operations Honorable Francis Whitehair, Under Secretary of the Navy General L.C. Shepherd, USMC, Commandant of Marine Corps Major General G.C. Thomas, USMC, Asst. to Commandant of Marine Corps Major General J.T. Walker, USMC Brigadier General W.J. Scheyer, USMC Brigadier Genral H.L. Litzenberg, USMC Lt. Colonel F.C. LaHue, USMC Lt. Colonel Richard Johnson, USMC Mr. Clayton Fritchey Mr. Henry Broderick Mrs. Henry Broderick
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for All Souls Church, to attend the funeral of Honorable Harold L. Ickes)
(Honorable William M. Boyle, former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Burnet R. Maybank, of South Carolina Senator J.W. Fulbright, of Arkansas Senator Homer E. Capehart, of Indiana
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Edward McKim) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Dwight Palmer, Chairman, Committee on Government Contract Compliance (Arranged at suggestion of Philleo Nash)
Senator William Benton, Connecticut (Called Mr. Connelly a week ago and asked for this)
Lt. Governor James T. Blair, Jr., and Mrs. Blair (Mr. Blair wired Mr. Connelly January 1st, saying they would be in the city at this time and asking if both of them might call on the President)
Congressman Arthur Klein, New York (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (One-half hour)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Honorable William M. Boyle) OFF THE RECORD
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
(Mrs. Truman gave a tea at the Blair House for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Center. The President "dropped in" on the guests) OFF THE RECORD
Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona (Called Mr. Connelly Wednesday, February 6th, and asked for this. One-half hour)
(General Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Vice President [Alben Barkley] absent; W. Averell Harriman absent; Under Secretary Galvin for Labor; all others present.)
Honorable Oscar Ewing, Federal Security Administrator (Asked for this some time ago)
Honorable Roger Putnam, Economic Stabilization Administrator (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this)
(The Reverend Daniel A. Poling) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Connelly wrote Dr. Poling January 25th telling him the President hoped he could come down for an "off record" talk)
The President received a group of Boy Scouts in honor of Boy Scout Week ANGUS, Richard, Quincy, Illinois BARKER, Paul, Fargo, North Dakota BELL, Mr. Daniel W., National Executive Board, Boy Scouts of America, Washington, D.C. GARRISON, David, Mercer Island, Washington GUSTAFSON, Richard, Scottsbluff, Nebraska HOARE, John, Jr., Watkins Glen, New York HUNTT, Richard Lee, Fairfax, Virginia LIMON, Romeo, San Antonio, Texas McCUEN, Peter Allen, Bakersfield, California McILROY, Joseph, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania MELENDEZ, Edward M., Obrero, Santurce, Puerto Rico MORAN, Carroll Gene, Fairmont, West Virginia ROGERS, David, Holyoke, Massachusetts SCHIFF, John W., President, Boy Scouts of America, New York, New York SCHUCK, Dr. Arthur A., Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America SIBLEY, William A.L., Jr., Union, South Carolina SMITH, Mr. John M., Asst. Director of Camping and Special Events, Boy Scouts of America, New York, New York STRATTON, Mr. Leslie C., National Director of Public Relations, Boy Scouts of America SUGG, William E., 419 Skyline Drive, North Little Rock, Arkansas WOZENCRAFT, Mr. Frank W., National Executive Board, Boy Scouts of America, Washington, D.C.
Honorable Robert Butler
Mr. Charles Farmer, former Corporal, USA Miss Helen Baker, Mr. Farmer's fiancee Mr. Harold Stagg, of Army-Times Mr. Monte Bonjailn, of Army-Times
Congressman Brent Spence, Kentucky (Called Mr. Connelly on Wednesday and asked for this)
(Mr. John Rierwirth) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Scott Lucas) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Frank McKinney) OFF THE RECORD (One-half hour)
Honorable Stanton Griffis, former Ambassador to Spain (Called Mr. Connelly Wednesday and said he was in town and hoped he could see the President)
Honorable Edward L. Norton, Member, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System (Called Mr. Connelly yesterday)
(The President and Mrs. Truman laft Blair House for the Gayety Theatre to attend Cornelia Otis Skinner's "Paris '90") OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Appointing the Members of the Missouri Basin Survey Commission]
(Admiral Robert Dennison) (Captain H.R. Rickover) OFF THE RECORD (Commander R.H. Rodds) (In Cabinet Room - display of atomic power engine)
(Mr. Philleo Nash) OFF THE RECORD
(The President posed for pictures for the Navy Department Photographers) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Deputy Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman left Blair House for the Corcoran Gallery of Art where they attended a privately-owned exhibition)
(The President motored to the Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he visited with the Vice President, Honorable Alben Barkley) OFF THE RECORD
(The President returned to the Blair House)
(The President went over to the Executive Mansion for a tour of the newly-renovated White House)
(Dr. Frank Graham) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Donald W. Nyrop, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Charles B. Stauffacher) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and asked for this. Mr. Stauffacher is Assistant to the Director of Defense Mobilization)
The President received the National Officers of the Future Farmers of America: Donald Spaheli, of Hurricane, Utah, President Gerald Reynolds, Corfu, New York, North Atlantic Vice President Billy Howard, Plains, Georgia, Southern Vice President Dallas High, Central Vice President, Ohio City, Ohio Duane Drushella, Scio, Oregon, Pacific Vice President Charles Ocker, Cameron, Missouri, Student Secretary Honorable Oscar R. Ewing, Federal Security Administrator Dr. Earl J. McGrath, Commissioner, Office of Education Dr. W.T. Spanton, Chief, Agricultural Service, Office of Education Dr. A.W. Tenny, Executive Secretary of Future Farmers of America in the Office of Education Dr. R.W. Gregory, Head of Vocational Education, Office of Education (Requested Saturday by Honorable Oscar Ewing. The President received this group in the past.)
(Mr. William Bray) OFF THE RECORD
Dr. John A. Hanna, President, Michigan State University (Arranged by Dr. John R. Steelman; re Point Four Meeting)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment)