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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

January 17, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(Mr. Lester Markel, of New York Times) OFF THE RECORD (Arrange by Mr. Joseph Short who brought Mr. Markel in Off Record)
Senator Brien McMahon, Connecticut (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Monday and asked for this.)
Honorable J. Russell Young D. C. Commissioner (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly on Wednesday and asked for this; said he wished to discuss a personal matter.)
The President received a group of Business Paper Editors at the request of Paul Wooten. This group has been calling on the President twice a year. The following were present: ANDERSON, Harold, Plant Engineering BAKER, George, Chilton Publications BOLZ, R. W., Machine Design BOOKOUT, Ray, Plumbing and Heating Journal BRADBURY, William, Utilization BROWN, V. J., Gillette Publications BUZBY, Carroll, Chilton Publications CAMPBELL, Tom, Iron Age CAMPBELL, W. J., Steel CARMICHAEL, Colin, Machine Design CARSON, Lorraine, Dun's Review CHATFIELD, J. C. World Petroleum CHOATE, Rufus, Plumbing and Heating Journal COOMBES, Raymond, Mechanization COX, Maurice E., Optical Journal CROWE, James M., Chemical and Engineering News DIX, Arthur, Conover-Mast DOOLY, William C., Jr., The Constructor DUFFY, Harry, Chilton Company DUGHI, Alex J., Jr., Dun's Review ENDICOTT, C. G., Ahrens Publications ESS, T. J., Iron and Steel Engineer FAHRENDORF, P. M., Chilton Publications FILLMORE, Granville, Modern Machine Shop FIRTH, Norman, Dun's Review FISHER, Mahlon R., Constructioneer FITZGERALD, Ray L., Boot and Shoe Recorder FLANAGAN, Mark, Ohio Tavern News FOX, John, American Mining Journal GIBBS, Robert G., Chemical and Engineering News GILES, Richard Y., Printers' Ink GOULD, Robert F., Chemical and Engineering News GARY, Harold L., Industrial Press GREENE, A. W., Commercial Car Journal GREGG, A. N., New Equipment Digest GREVE, J. W., Machine Design GUDE, William G., Foundry GUSSOW, Don, Candy Industry HAMM, E. F., Jr., Traffic World HANSON, Tom, Plant Engineering HARTFORD, R. L., Machine Design HAWTHORNE, Randolph, Conover-Mast HYADOCK, John, Metal Working Heinritz, Stuart, Conover-Mast HERB, Charles O., Machinery HILDRETH, Joseph S., Chilton Company HODSON, Ervin, Jr., Screw Machine Engineering HOFFMAN, Ed, Ahrens Publications HOGREN, Vincent C., Machine and Tool Blue Book HOOK, George T., Iron Age HUBBARD, Philip H., Reinhold Publications HUNTINGTON, Dick, Ahrens Publications HUTTLINGER, Joe, World Petroleum JAENKE, R. C., Penton Publications KELLY, Fred, Refrigerating Engineering KENDALL, Frederick, Printers' Ink KENYON, Charles, Motor Age KERR, R. Y., American Lumberman KIEFER, Frank, Department Store Economist KING, Lansford, Jewelers' Circular-Keystone KLINE, Richard S., Gardner Publications KOHLBRENNER, Howard, Motor Age KRAYBILL, Richard, Dun's Review KREUTZBERG, E. C., Steel KRUCKMAN, Arnold, Hitchcock Publications KUNEY, Joseph H., Chemical and Engineering News LEIHY, C. W., Electrical Publications LINDSAY, George, Mechanization LUE, Merald, Reinhold Publications LURIE, Richard, American Exporter McKENNA, Robert E., Distribution Age MacNEW, Thomas, Automotive Industries MASON, Joseph B., Architectural Record MAYO, E. W., Jr., Sugar MORSE, A. M., Conover-Mast MUIR, Gilbert P., Tool Engineer MURPHY, Philip W., Dun's Review MURPHY, Walter J., Chemical and Engineering OVERMAN, Loring F., Industrial Press PEARCE, C. S., Cermaic Bulletin PHAIR, W. A., Hardware POPE, George A., Foundry PUTMAN, Russell L., Putman Publications PUTNAM, Allan Ray, Tool Engineer RANNELLS, Karl, Chilton Publications RAWSON, Charles B., Commercial Car Journal REMINGTON, William B., Progressive Architecture RICE, F. O., New Equipment Digest RICHARDSON, W. A., Medical Economics ROGERS, T. A., Rogers Publications ROSCOE, George B., Qualified Contractor ROWLANDS, Leonard V., Hardware Age SCHOEMER, John R., Hardward Consultant and Contractor SCHOR, Harold, Design News SCHULHOF, William, The Office Magazine SHANER, E. L., Penton Publications SHAW, Jerry, Tires Service Station SKUBIC, E. B., Plant Engineering SMITH, S. H., Traffic World STEINBACH, Frank G., Foundry STETSON, George, Mechanical Engineering STRATTON, Cliff, Capper Publications STROCK, Cliffor, Heating and Ventilating STROUPE, Ray, Chilton Publications SUCH, Irwin, Steel SULLIVAN, George, F., Iron Age TIGHE, Frank, Motor Age TINGLE, Leonard, Progressive Grocer TODOROFF, Albert, Locker Management TURPIN, M. C., Refrigerating Engineer VAN ANTWERPEN, F. J., Chemical Engineering Progress VAN KAMPEN, Robert C., Machine and Tool Blue Book VITT, George N., American Exporter Industrial VOEGELE, W. O., Ahrens Publications VOGEL, Fred W., Modern Machine Shop WARREN, James S., Ahrens Publications WECKSLER, A. N., Conover-Mast WILD, R. S., Hardware Age WOODREUFF, W. E., The Constructor WOOTON, Paul, Chilton Publications ZIMMERMAN, J. W., Super Marker Merchandising ZUBER, J. W., Steel (Half hour)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment; had to go to the Capitol to Joint Session at 12:30 p.m. when he ordinarily come to White House; however, said he needed badly to see the President today.)
(Honorable Thomas Finletter, the Secretary of the Air Force) (Asked for this Off Record) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Gordon E. Dean, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) (Honorable T. Keith Glennan, Member, A.E.C.) (Honorable Thomas E. Murray, Member, A.E.C.) (Honorable Sumner T. Pike, Member, A.E.C.) (Honorable Henry D. Smyth, Member, A.E.C.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Claude Pepper, former Senator from Florida) OFF THE RECORD
(The President "dropped in" on a tea at Blair House which Mrs. Truman gave for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center.)
AT THE BLAIR HOUSE: (Mr William Hillman) (Mr. Jack Romagna) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Churchill Concerning the Atlantic Command]
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (This was a briefing session in the Cabinet Room on the Seminar to be held Saturday morning.)
Mr. Horace B. Deal, of St. Louis (Old friend of the President's; wrote to Mr. Connelly early in the month and asked for this.)
Congressman Alfred D. Sieminski, of New Jersey (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Major General R. J. Marshall, Superintendent, Virginia Military Institute) OFF THE RECORD (Discussed "George Catlett Marshall Research Center")
Honorable Paul Hoffman (Called Mr. Connelly January 14th and said he would be in Washington and hoped he might call on the President)
The following British Government officials and American officials met with the President in what was considered a "courtesy call" for the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill: The Rt. Honorable Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain Sir Norman Brook Lord Cherwell Sir Oliver Frank, British Ambassador Admiral Sir Rhoderick McGrigor Mr. Gore-Booth U. S. Participants Honorable Dean Acheson, Secretary of State Honorable Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense Honorable Frank Nash, Defense Department, Asst. to Secretary Admiral William M. Fechteler, Chief of Naval Operations Honorable Walter Gifford, American Ambassador to Great Britain Honorable H. Freeman Matthews, Department of State, Deputy Under Secretary Honorable George W. Perkins, Assistant Secretary of State
(Honorable Michael DiSalle, Director, O.P.S.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left for the Department of State Auditorium, where he attended the Budget Seminar)
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference on the Budget]
(Mr. Charles Murphy) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Frank Land) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable John Carroll) OFF THE RECORD
(Ambassador Joseph Davies) (Mr. Roger B. Holtz, Superintendent Schools, Watertown, Connecticut) (Mr. John D. Clifford, Editor, DAILY TIMES, Watertown, Connecticut) OFF THE RECORD
(The President remained at home at the Blair House with his family for the entire day.)
[Public Papers: Annual Budget Message to the Congress: fiscal Year 1953]
(Honorable W. Averell Harriman, Director of Mutual Security) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable William H. Draper, Jr. (Called Mr. Connelly)
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, Arizona Congressman John W. McCormack, Massachusetts
(Honorable William McChesney Martin) (Mr. Abbott L. Mills) OFF THE RECORD
His Exellency William Drees, Prime Minister of the Netherlands His Excellency Dr. J. H. van Roijen, the Ambassador of the Netherlands (This was a courtesy call preceding the luncheon at 1:00 p.m.)
The President received the Members of the Subcommittee of the National Farm Labor Advisory Committee: Mr. Max Henderson, Michigan Mr. John Newman, California Mr. Casey Abbott, Arizona Mr. Cecil Clark, Washington Mr. J. B. Kirkland, Texas (Arranged by Mr. David Stowe)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Honorable Frank Nash, the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, called re the Secretary of Defense coming and Mr. Connelly told him to have the Secretary come at this time. Regular Monday appointment for State.)
(The President gave a stag luncheon at the Blair House for the Prime Minister of the Netherlands. The following guests were present: The President H. E. Willem Dress, Prime Minister of the Netherlands H. E. The Ambassador of the Netherlands The Vice President [Alben W. Barkley]~The Secretary of Agriculture [Charles F. Brannan] The Speaker of the House [Sam Rayburn]~The Secretary of Labor [Maurice J. Tobin] The Secretary of State [Dean G. Acheson]~Hon. W. Averell Harriman The Secretary of Defense [Robert A. Lovett]~Senator Theodore Francis Green Senator Alexander Wiley~Representative Charles A. Eaton Representative James P. Richard~Hon. Joseph Short Hon. George W. Perkins~Hon. Seldon Chapin (Ambassador)
(Honorable Frank Pace, the Secretary of the Army) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Jacob Blaustein (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
(Mr. Harry Frazee) OFF THE RECORD (Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off the Record)
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Urging Action on Mine Safety Legislation]
Honorable Frances Perkins, Commissioner, Civil Service Commission (Called Mr. Connelly a week ago and asked for this.)
Congressman Ray J. Madden, Indiana, Chairman, House Katyn Massacre Committee Congressman Daniel J. Flood, Pennsylvania Congressman Thaddeus M. Machrowicz, Michigan Congressman Foster Furcolo, Massachusetts Congressman George A. Dondero Mr. John J. Mitchell, Counsel of Committee Congressman Alvin E. O'Konski, Wisconsin Congressman Timothy P. Sheehan, Illinois (Congressman Madden asked Mr. Connelly if this Committee might call on the President.)
Congressman William L. Dawson, Illinois (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Congressman Charles A. Wolverton, New Jersey (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Honorable Chester Bowles, American Ambassador to India (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Selden Chapin, American Ambassador to the Netherlands (Asked for this through Protocol)
Honorable Herman B. Baruch, former Ambassador to the Netherlands (Asked for this through John Simmons)
Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army Honorable Earl D. Johnson, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Secretary Pace asked for this, stating Secretary Johnson was leaving for Japan shortly and wanted him to first talk with the President.)
Congressman Harry R. Sheppard, California Congressman Clair Engle, California (Congressman Sheppard called Mr. Connelly yesterday and asked if they might come in and discuss California politics with the President.)
(Honorable William McC. Martin, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System) (Mr. James Robertson) (Mr. Martin arranged this with Mr. Connelly on Monday when he was in office. Off Record) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Carl Murphy (Mr. Murphy represented the President at the Inaugural of the President of Liberia, being one of a Mission of three, the others being the American Ambassador to Liberia, and Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune. Mrs. Bethune was to have accompanied Mr. Murphy, but became ill. Arranged at the suggestion of Philleo Nash.)
(The President dropped in on a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy) OFF THE RECORD
(The President dropped in at a tea given by Mrs. Truman at Blair House for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Naval Medical Center.)
[Public Papers: Letter to Eric Johnston Requesting Him To Serve as Chairman of the International Development Advisory Board]
(Honorable Michael DiSalle, Director, Office of Price Administration) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General (Called Mr. Connelly late yesterday and asked for this.)
(Mr. Ted Marks) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. Joseph Simonson, Executive Director, National Lutheran Council Reverend Robert E. Van Deusen, Washington Secretary of the Division of Public Relations of National Lutheran Council (Mr. Simonson wrote originally to Mr. Connelly last fall asking if he might see the President, stating National Lutheran Council was anxious to render a service on behalf of all their partici- pating bodies in a mutually helpful program of approach to national government, and would like to discuss this with the President. Mr. Connelly explained difficulty of arranging such an appointment before January.)
Honorable Paul Fitzpatrick, New York Democratic State Chairman (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. G. T. Baker, President, National Airlines (Wrote Mr. Connelly in January, stating would be in city and hoped might shake hands with the President.)
Honorable John Nangle, National Committeeman from Missouri (Wrote Mr. Connelly and asked for this.)
H.E. M. A. H. Ispahani, the Ambassador of Pakistan (Leaving Washington for good and asked for appointment to say "goodbye"; also asked for autographed picture, which the President handed to him.)
Honorable Warren Lee Pierson Honorable James Webb, Under Secretary of State (Mr. Pierson has been serving since June 1951 as United States Representative on the Tripartite Commission on German debts in London; soon to return to London to head U. S. delegation at international conference to develop a comprehensive overall plan for settlement of Germany's prewar debts. Asked for this through Protocol.)
Senator Earle C. Clements, Kentucky Senator Thomas R. Underwood, Kentucky (Senator Underwood asked Mr. Connelly to arrange, stating they wished to discuss with the President the appointment of J. Gregory Bruce to the U. S. Tax Court to succeed Judge Disney. Bruce is at present Chief of Fraud Section of Claims Division of Department of Justice.)
(Honorable Joseph E. Davies) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Morris Ernst) OFF THE RECORD (One half hour)
(Honorable Charles Wilson, Director of Defense Mobilization) OFF RECORD
Honorable Francis Matthews, American Ambassador to Ireland
Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury
Congressman Walter K. Granger, Utah Judge Willis Ritter Mr. George Hatch (Congressman Granger called on this date and requested an appointment.)
(Senator Brien McMahon) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Ted Marks) (Mr. Salvatore Di Grandi, of Rome, Italy) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable J. Howard McGrath, the Attorney General) (Honorable Philip Perlman, the Solicitor General) (Honorable A. Devitt Vanech, Assistant Attorney General) (Honorable Joseph Duggan, Assistant Attorney General) (Honorable Robert Ramspeck, Chairman, Civil Service Commission) (Honorable William F. Finan, Bureau of the Budget) (Honorable John Carroll) (Messrs. Matthew Connelly, Joseph Short, Donald Dawson, David Lloyd, Charles Murphy & Hansen) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Henry S. Villard, American Minister to Libya (Newly appointed; asked for this through Protocol)
Congressman Brooks Hays, Arkansas Congressman James W. Trimble, Arkansas (Congressman Hays called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
(Mr. Walter R. Barnes, of Kansas City, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD (Old friend - in Washington attending OPS School; asked if might call before leaving for home Friday evening. Came to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President Off Record.)
Congressman Daniel J. Flood, Pennsylvania Mr. Tom Kennedy, Treasurer, International United Mine Workers (Congressman Flodd asked for this to discuss Montana Natural Gas Picture.)
(Pre Press)
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, National Security Resources Board (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly yesterday and asked for this.)
(The President dropped in on a tea at the Blair House given by Mrs. Truman for veterans in Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center.) OFF THE RECORD
(The President left Blair House for the home of Honorable Clark Clifford, to attend a birthday party for the Chief Justice [Fred Vinson].) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Thomas C. Buchanan, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission) (Asked Mr. Matthew Connelly for this OFF RECORD)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, Central Intelligence Agency) (Mr. James Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) (Admiral Sidney Souers)
Cabinet [Meeting] (Vice President absent; Under Secretary Galvin for Labor. All others present.)