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Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961

Truman taking the oath of office

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office at the White House after the death of President Roosevelt. From left to right: Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor; Henry Stimson, Secretary of War; Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, War Production Board Administrator; James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture; Francis McNamee, Department Chairman, War Manpower Commission; Francis Biddle, Attorney General; Harry S.

Truman with Congressional leaders, autographed

First meeting of the "Big Four" Congressional leaders with President Harry S. Truman. Left to right, standing: Senate Majority Leader Ernest McFarland and House Majority Leader John W. McCormack; seated: Vice President Alben Barkley, President Harry S. Truman, and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn. This photo is autographed by all five men. Same photo, not autographed: 68-1548, 70-1097. Original oversize photo is located in vault.

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office

Harry S. Truman taking the oath of office at the White House after the death of President Roosevelt. From left to right: Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor; Henry Stimson, Secretary of War; Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce; Julius Krug, War Production Board Administrator; James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy; Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture; Francis McNamee, Department Chairman, War Manpower Commission; Francis Biddle, Attorney General; Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury; Harry S.