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Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961

President Truman at a banquet with officers

President Harry S. Truman attending a dinner sponsored by the Forty-Eight State Wing Command of the Civil Aeronautic Patrol at the Statler Hotel in Washington. He is sitting with several officers at a long table. (L-R) Major General Fred L. Anderson; Assistant Secretary of War for Air Stuart Symington; President Truman; Colonel Earl Johnson; Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn; General Carl Spaatz; and Brigadier General Bill Hall.

President Truman Takes Oath of Office

President Harry S. Truman takes the oath of office after President Franklin D. Roosevelt's death in the Cabinet Room, Executive Offices, at the White House. Left to right: Francis Biddle, Attorney General; Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury (behind Biddle); Edward Stettinius, Secretary of State; Harry S. Truman; Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman; Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior; Margaret Truman; Harlan Stone, Chief Justice, United States Supreme Court; Sam Rayburn, Speaker, House of Representatives.