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Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961

Dedication of Truman Library

An unidentified man speaks at the podium during the dedication of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. Standing behind the podium are (from left to right) Sam Rayburn, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, former President Herbert Hoover, former President Harry S. Truman, Basil O'Connor, and unidentified others.

President Harry S. Truman Awards Congressional Medal of Honor

President Harry S. Truman is shown awarding the 100th Congressional Medal of Honor to Sergeant Jake Lindsey, Lucedale, Mississippi, in a ceremony before a joint session of Congress. General George C. Marshall is shown standing directly behind President Truman and Colonel Harry Vaughan, Military Aide to the President, is standing in uniform on the far left. On the rostrum in the background is Senator Kenneth McKellar, left, President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House Same Rayburn next to him. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Awarding Medal of Honor

President Truman is shown awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to Sergeant Jake Lindsey, Lucedale, Mississippi during an award ceremony held during a joint session of Congress. Sergeant Lindsey is the 100th soldier to receive the award. Watching the ceremony standing on the right behind President Truman is General of the Army George C. Marshall. On the rostrum is Kenneth McKellar, far left, President Pro Tempore of the Senate and on the right Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House. Others in view are not identified.

Political Cartoon by Burris Jenkins, "She Ain't What She Used To Be!"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon, entitled "She Ain't What She Used to Be!" by Burris Jenkins, originally published in the New York Journal-American. It depicts a donkey labeled "NEW DEAL" looking weak while Sam Rayburn, Alben Barkley, and J. Howard McGrath try to help the horse while other men try to harm the horse. James Farley is standing in the corner. Harry S. Truman labeled "LIGHT HORSE HARRY" approaches the horse in a jockey uniform and carrying a saddle. The original drawing of this cartoon is in the Truman Library museum collection.

Governor Beauford Jester Speaks at Campaign Event for President Harry S. Truman

Texas Governor Beauford Jester speaks from behind a podium at a campaign event for President Harry S. Truman in Fort Worth, Texas. Also present behind Governor Jester are Congressman Lyndon Johnson (front row, left), President Harry S. Truman and Congressman Sam Rayburn (fourth and fifth from the left), Creekmore Fath (front row, third from right), Margaret Truman (back row, fourth from left), and First Lady Bess W. Truman (back row, sixth from left). All others are unidentified.

Texas Governor Beauford Jester Speaks at Truman Campaign Event

Texas Governor Beauford Jester speaks from a lectern at a campaign event for President Harry S. Truman in Fort Worth, Texas. Seated behind Governor Jester are Fort Worth Star-Telegram publisher Amon G. Carter, President Truman, and Congressman Sam Rayburn (front row, from the left), Creekmore Fath (front row, right), Margaret Truman, Minnie Meacham Carter, and First Lady Bess W. Truman (back row). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Receives a Sombrero from the Mexican Chamber of Commerce

President Harry S. Truman (center) greets Raymond South, San Antonio Commissioner of Fire and Police (second from right) after receiving a sombrero from Ramon Galinde, President of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce (third from left) while in San Antonio, Texas. Also present are Fred Palmer, San Antonio Chief of Police (left), Congressman Sam Rayburn (third from right), and Governor Beauford Jester of Texas (right). Others are unidentified.