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Byrnes, James F. (James Francis), 1882-1972

Truman Announces Japanese Surrender

President Harry S. Truman (standing at desk) announces the surrender of Japan to reporters. Seated on couch, left to right: Reathel Odum; First Lady Bess W. Truman; Samuel Rosenman, Special Counsel; and John W. Snyder, Director, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. Also pictured: Secretary of State James Byrnes (behind President Truman, right). All others unidentified. Signed by President Truman and John Snyder.

Cabinet Members and Others at the White House

Cabinet members and others meet at the White House. From left to right, around the table: Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson; Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach; John Blandford, Jr. of the National Housing Agency; Julius Krug of the War Production Board; John Snyder of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion; William H. Davis of the Office of Economic Stabilization; Leo T. Crowley of the Foreign Economic Administration; Secretary of Commerce Henry A.

Swearing-In of Secretary Byrnes

Secretary of State James F. Byrnes (center) shakes hands with President Harry S. Truman (right) after being sworn-in as Secretary in the White House Rose Garden. Also pictured (second row, l-r): Former Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.; Senator Kenneth McKellar; Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson; and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan. All others unidentified.

Swearing-In of Secretary Byrnes

Secretary of State James F. Byrnes kisses the Bible as he is sworn in as Secretary of State in the White House Rose Garden. Also pictured, front row (l-r): Chief Justice Richard S. Whaley of the U.S. Court of Claims; Mrs. Maude Byrnes; and President Harry S. Truman. Second row (l-r): unidentified; Senator Kenneth McKellar; Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson; and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan. Standing behind Hannegan on the right is Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. All others are unidentified.

Swearing-In of Secretary Byrnes

Secretary of State James F. Byrnes (center) shakes hands with President Harry S. Truman (left) after being sworn-in as Secretary of State in the White House Rose Garden. Also pictured (second row, l-r): Former Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.; Senator Kenneth McKellar; Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson; and Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan. All others unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman, Bess and Margaret Truman, and members of the Cabinet pose on the White House lawn

President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and members of the Cabinet pause on the White House lawn before leaving for the Capitol to attend a joint session of Congress. Left to right are: Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal, Attorney General Tom Clark, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Secretary of Treasury John Snyder, Secretary of Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. The photo is autographed by each person.