Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret) Greets Secretary of the Army Elvis J. Stahr
Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret) Meets Second Lieutenant Linda K. Manning
Sixteenth Anniversary Celebration for the Founding of the Women's Army Corps (WACs)
Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret) at Homecoming Day, Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret.) Attends a Sixteenth Anniversary of the Founding of the Women's Army Corps (WAC)
From left to right, Mrs. R. H. Booth, Lieutenant Colonel Norma M. Flachsland, Mrs. B. M. Bryan and Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret.) pose for a photograph during a party at Fort Jay, New York, to celebrate the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the Women's Army Corps.
Officers of the Women's Army Corps (WAC) Host a Reception Honoring Colonel Mary Louise Milligan
From left to right, Lieutenant Colonel Pauline V. Houston, Chief WAC Officer Career Management; Mrs. Alice Milligan, mother of Colonel Milligan; Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret), second director of the WAC; Lieutenant Colonel Rebecca S. Parks, Office Director WAC. The officers are pictured at a reception at the Fort McNair Officers' Club honoring Colonel Mary Louise Milligan (not shown) upon her appointment as the fifth Director of the WAC.
Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret) Enters the Auditorium at Fort McClellan, Alabama
Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret) Attends Homecoming Day Dinner at Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret.) Becomes an Honorary Member of the Staff and Faculty of the United States Women's Army Corps (WAC) School
From left to right, Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret.), Lieutenant Colonel Sue Lynch, and Mr. William Leslie are pictured as Colonel Leslie learns that she is to be made an honorary staff and faculty member of the United States WAC school at Fort McClellan, Alabama.