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United States Women's Army Corps Twentieth Anniversary Reception in Patton Hall at Fort Myer, Virginia

Current and former Women's Army Corps (WAC) officers are manning the receiving line at a reception honoring the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the WACs. From left to right: unidentified woman (back to camera); Colonel Irene Galloway; Colonel Mary Hallaren (Ret.); Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret.); Lieutenant Colonel Catherine H. Foster; Colonel Mary Louise Rasmuson (mostly obscured); and Major Mildred Bailey. The reception was held in Patton Hall at Fort Myer, Virginia.

Reception Line at the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Women's Army Corps (WAC)

From left to right, Colonel Mary Hallaren (Ret), Third Director of the WAC; Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret), Second Director of the WAC; Mrs. Hallaren, Colonel Hallaren's mother; Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson; and Mrs. Milligan, Colonel Rasmuson's mother, in a receiving line at a reception. The reception in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the WACs and was held at Patton Hall, Fort Meyer, Virginia. Others in the background are unidentified.

Unites States Army Corps Twentieth Anniversary Assembly at Fort Myer, Virginia

Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson (standing) speaks to the guests at the assembly to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Women's Army Corps. Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret.) is pictured in the second row from the front, second from the left. Seated next to her his her husband William Leslie. The celebration was held at Fort Myer, Virginia. All others are unidentified.

United States Women's Army Corps (WAC) Twentieth Anniversary Reception at Patton Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia

Current and former Women's Army Corps (WAC) officers are manning the receiving line at a reception honoring the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the WACs. From left to right: Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret); Mrs. Paul Gavin; Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson; Major General Paul Gavin; Major Mildred Bailey; Mrs. David W. Traub; and Lieutenant General David W. Traub. The reception was held at Patton Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia.

Women's Army Corps (WAC) Officers at the WAC's Twentieth Anniversary Reception

From left to right, Colonel Irene Galloway, Fourth WAC director; Colonel Mary Hallaren (Ret) Third WAC director; Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret), Second WAC director; Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson WAC director and Major Mildred Bailey, Commanding Officer WAC, Detachment, Fort Myer, Virginia are attending a reception honoring the twentieth anniversary of the Women's Army Corps. The reception was held at Patton Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia.

Unites States Women's Army Corps (WAC) Twentieth Anniversary Reception at Patton Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia

Current and former Women's Army Corps (WAC) officers are manning the receiving line at a reception honoring the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the WACs. From left to right: Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret); Mrs. Walter Weible; Colonel Mary Louise Milligan Rasmuson; Major Mildred Bailey; Lieutenant General Walter Weible (Ret). The reception was held at Patton Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia.

Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret) is Honored at Fort McClellan, Alabama

Former Director of the Women's Army Corps (WAC), retired Colonel Westray B. Leslie is paying a visit to the Women's Army Corps School at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Standing on the stairs from left to right: Major E. Janet Chapman, Director of Instruction at the WAC School; Colonel Westray B. Leslie (Ret); Lieutenant Colonel Sue Lynch, WAC Center Commandant (behind Colonel Long); Sergeant Major Gaile Bossert; and Mr. William Leslie. Others are unidentified.

Cake Cutting Celebration for the Sixteenth Anniversary of the Women's Army Corps

A cake cutting celebration takes place at Fort Jay, New York for the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of the Women's Army Corps (WAC). From left to right: Major H. B. Meisner, First Army Comptroller Section; Lieutenant Colonel Norma M. Flachsland, First Army WAC Staff Advisor; Lieutenant General B. M. Bryan, Commanding General of the First Army; Mrs. Betty Talbot Blackwell, editor of "Mademoiselle" magazine and member of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services; Colonel Westray Battle Boyce Leslie (Ret), second director of the WAC; and Captain Moorsman from Fort Slocum.