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Portrait of Senator Harry S. Truman

Three-quarter portrait of Senator Harry S. Truman, hands in pockets, autographed (copy) to Jane Taylor's father, James M Taylor, lawyer and friend. Jane Taylor served as Senator Truman's secretary from 1934 to 1936. The autograph reads" To my good friend, Jas. M. Taylor, with every wish for his happiness & success. Harry S. Truman. (Same as 96-915 except for autograph) From: Jane Lacy (formerly Jane Taylor).

Nimitz Signs the Japanese Surrender Document Aboard the U.S.S. Missouri

The Japanese surrender aboard the U.S.S. Missouri. Chester W. Nimitz, Fleet Admiral, U.S. Navy, is seated at a desk signing the document as U.S. representative. A group of Naval officers stands around him. This copy of the photograph is inscribed, "To Ed Pauley - with best wishes and warmest regards," and signed by Nimitz in the lower margin as a gift to Ambassador Edwin W. Pauley.

Autographed Photo Truman Family and Vacation Party at Key West

President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and members of the President's party assemble for a photo taken on the lawn outside the presidential compound at Key West, Florida. The photo is autographed by all parties. Left to right, sitting, are: John R. Steelman, Bess Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, and William D. Hassett. Standing, left to right, are: Stephen J. Spingarn, General Robert B. Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charles G. Ross, General Harry Vaughan , General Wallace H. Graham, and David K. Niles.

President Harry S. Truman, Bess and Margaret Truman, and members of the Cabinet pose on the White House lawn

President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and members of the Cabinet pause on the White House lawn before leaving for the Capitol to attend a joint session of Congress. Left to right are: Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal, Attorney General Tom Clark, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Secretary of Treasury John Snyder, Secretary of Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. The photo is autographed by each person.