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Hannegan and Others In Ireland

Photograph from Postmaster General Robert Hannegan's trip to Ireland. Left to right: Sean Nunan, Consulate General of Ireland; Joseph Nunan; Robert E. Hannegan, Postmaster General; Patrick Little, Irish Minister of Posts and Telegraphs; Gael Sullivan, Assistant Postmaster General. Photo is autographed: "With Kind Regards from Patrick J. Little."

Truman After His Arrival in Miami

President Harry S. Truman smiling and pointing to his watch upon his arrival in Miami. He traveled to Miami to deliver a speech at the Golden Jubilee Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The bottom of the photo is inscribed by President Truman: "To Abbie Rowe, a good, careful "one more club" member with kindest regards. Harry S. Truman."

Charles Ross, President Truman and Edward T. Folliard on Williamsburg

Left to right: Charles Ross, President Harry S. Truman, and Edward T. Folliard (White House reporter from the Washington Post) on the sun deck of the Williamsburg, off Bermuda. The picture was autographed in either 1957 or 1958 by Edward T. Folliard as follows: "For President Harry S. Truman, who in the momentous years 1945-53 held the line for the Free World. Edward T. Folliard." (Same as 67-5241 except for autograph) From: Edward T. Folliard.

Former President Harry S. Truman and Others at the Sam Rayburn Library Dedication

From left to right, Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, former President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman, Representative Sam Rayburn and an unidentified man attend the dedication of the Sam Rayburn Library in Bonham, Texas. A young boy, Andrew Connor, is seeking an autograph from former President Truman. All others are unidentified.

Portrait of President Harry S. Truman autographed to General Robert Landry

Official Navy portrait of President Harry S. Truman sitting in a chair (see also 77-4028), autographed (copy) as follows: "To Major general Robert Landry, an able and efficient aide for Air whose judgement is trustworthy and who is an honorable man. With kindest regards & best wishes for a long and distinguished career. Harry S. Truman - White House, Jan. 17, 1953" From: Robert Landry.