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Truman campaign car

The back of an automobile, with 1948 New York license plates, decorated show support for the Democrats in the 1948 election. The photo is autographed: "To my good friend Vic Messall with kindest personal regards, Dan McCarty."

President Harry S. Truman and Cardinal Richard J. Cushing

President Harry S. Truman and Archbishop of Boston Richard J. Cushing stand side-by-side and look down to inspect an unknown object. The photograph was taken at the Archbishop's residence in Brighton, Massachusetts during Truman's 1952 campaign trip to Boston. The photo is autographed as follows: To Our President - A courageous leader of his people - With affection and admiration - Richard J. Cushing. From: Truman home.

President Harry S. Truman and reporter Robert G. Nixon in the Oval Office

Robert Nixon (right), reporter from the International News Service, interviews President Harry S. Truman in the Oval Office. The photo is autographed: "To President Truman - whose sincere efforts in behalf of this nation & in the cause of world peace have aroused my profound admiration - Bob Nixon." (Same as 71-831 except for autograph). From: Truman Home.