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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Holds a Press Conference in Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman holds a press conference on the lawn of the Little White House while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Standing from left to right: Mr. Phil Regan, Mr. David K. Niles, Mr. Stephen Spingarn, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Mr. Donald S. Dawson, Mr. Matthew J. Connelly, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. William D. Hassett, unidentified, Major General Wallace H. Graham, and Mr. Charles G. Ross. The man writing on his knee next to Mr. Ross is Edwin W. Darby. Identifiable men sitting around President Harry S.

President Harry S. Truman and Members of his Staff at Key West

President Truman and other White House staff members congratulate General Robert Landry upon his promotion. This picture was taken while Truman was on vacation in Key West, Florida outside his residence on the naval base. Front row, left to right: David Stowe, David Lloyd, Colonel Francis Williams, General Harry Vaughan, General Robert Landry, President Truman, Admiral William Leahy, Admiral Robert Dennison, and Sidney Souers.

President Harry S. Truman Poses in Key West With His Party

First row left to right; Philip F. Maguire, Bruce D. Forsyth, George M. Elsey, Joseph G. Feeney, David D. Lloyd, Stephen J. Spingarn. Second row left to right; Clark Clifford, William Hassett, John W. Snyder, President Harry S. Truman, John R. Steelman, Charles Ross, Frank Pace, Jr. Third row left to right; Charles S. Murphy, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham, David Niles, Donald Dawson.

Press Conference in the Garden of the Little White House

President Harry S. Truman (seated center, in dark shirt with white collar) gives press a conference in the north garden of the Little White House at Key West, Florida. This press conference took place during President Truman's ninth vacation visit to Key West. Standing behind President Truman are select members of his staff that joined him on vacation. From left to right: two unidentified men, Roger Tubby, unidentified man, John Steelman, Charles Murphy, Joseph Feeney, William Hassett, Admiral William Leahy, Press Secretary Joseph Short, Admiral Robert Dennison, and General Robert Landry.

President Harry S. Truman Holds Press Conference in Key West

President Harry S. Truman (standing, foreground, left) holds press conference while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Standing behind President Truman are, from left to right: General Harry Vaughan, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, and Clark Clifford. Also present is Margaret Truman (right, leaning on the back of a chair occupied by a reporter). All other reporters, photographers, and journalists are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman at Opening Day

President Harry S. Truman prepares to throw the first ball at the 1951 opening game at Griffith Stadium in Washington. In the first row are, from left to right: two unidentified men, Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley, Vice President Alben Barkley, First Lady Bess W. Truman, President Truman, Washington Senators manager Bucky Harris, Senators President Clark Griffith, and New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel. Standing behind and between Griffith and Stengel is United States Supreme Court Justice Fred Vinson. In the second row are Admiral Robert Dennison and General Harry Vaughan (behind Mrs.

President Harry S. Truman Throws Out First Ball For American League

President Harry S. Truman throws the first ball at the 1951 opening game of the baseball season at Griffith Stadium in Washington, D.C. In the first row are, from left to right: Jane (Mrs. Alben) Barkley, Vice President Alben Barkley, First Lady Bess W. Truman, President Truman, Washington Senators manager Bucky Harris, Senators President Clark Griffith, and New York Yankees manager Casey Stengel. In the second row are Admiral Robert Dennison and General Harry Vaughan (behind Mrs. Barkley), Special Assistant Averell Harriman (behind Mr.