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Armed forces officers

President Harry S. Truman Salutes Colors With Princess Elizabeth

President Harry S. Truman (front row, right) receives a salute from the members of the armed forces at Washington National Airport upon the arrival of Princess Elizabeth of Great Britain (second from right). Others present include Prince Philip (third from right, standing slightly behind Princess Elizabeth), First Lady Bess W. Truman (left), Margaret Truman (third from left), General Harry Vaughan (behind Prince Philip and Princess Elizabeth), Admiral Robert Dennison (behind President Truman), and General Robert Landry (third row, behind President Truman).

President Harry S. Truman Throws Out First Ball For American League

President Harry S. Truman (front row, standing, fourth from right) holds a baseball presumably given to him by Clark Griffith, President of the Washington Baseball Club (front row, standing, third from right). Two unidentified baseball players are also present. Seated in the stands, front row, left to right are: General Harry Vaughan, Margaret Truman, Evlyn (Mrs. John) Snyder, and First Lady Bess Wallace Truman. Seated behind them are, left to right: Admiral Robert Dennison, Charles Ross, William Hassett, and Matthew Connelly. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Greets Officers Aboard the HMS Renown

President Harry S. Truman (foreground, right, with back toward camera, in civilian clothes) shakes hands with an unidentified officer, while King George VI of England (foreground, left, with back to camera). President Truman is on board the HMS Renown, paying a visit to King George VI as he prepares to return to the United States after the Potsdam Conference. All others in the background are unidentified.

Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference

Allied leaders sit down for the opening session of the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany. President Harry S. Truman is seated foreground (back to camera). Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin is at right. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is at left. Secretary of State James Byrnes is seated to the right of President Truman. Admiral William Leahy is seated two to the right of President Truman. British foreign minister Anthony Eden is to the left of Winston Churchill. Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov is to the left of Prime Minister Stalin. All others are unidentified.