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Associated Press

The Truman's Leave the Waldorf-Astoria Towers

Harry S. Truman has a big grin as he leaves the Waldorf-Astoria Towers with Bess Truman and their daughter Margaret tonight. Shortly before, the former president was served with a subpoena to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee on Friday. The Truman's left the hotel to attend the annual dinner of the City College of New York Alumni Association at the Hotel Commodore. The man between Bess and Margaret Truman is not identified. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman with Newsmen in New York City

Former President Harry S. Truman and newsmen are in a jovial mood in New York City today as the latter questioned him regarding a statement by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) in which he said he may invite the ex-chief executive to testify in a new probe of Americans suspected of atomic spying for Russia. Harry S. Truman told newsmen, "What I could tell you, you wouldn't print. Therefore, I say no comment." Harry S. Truman was interviewed after lunching with officials of the Harry S. Truman Memorial Library, Inc. Same as 94-72. From: Houston Post.

The Trumans are Greeted at Grand Central Station in Chicago

Former President Harry S. Truman and his family are greeted at Grand Central Station in Chicago today as they arrived to attend the Democratic party's biggest show since the national convention and campaign of last year. (Left to right) Jacob Arvey, national committeeman; Richard Daley, Cook County chairman; Harry S. Truman; Bess Truman; Margaret Truman; and Stephen A. Mitchell, national chairman. The three day meeting will include a $100-a-plate fund raising dinner and a report by Adlai Stevenson on his world tour. From: Houston Post.

The Truman Family attend Fred Vinson's funeral

Former President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman, and their daughter, Margaret, arrive at Washington Cathedral today for a funeral service for Chief Justice Fred Vinson, who died Tuesday. Harry S. Truman appointed Vinson to the nation's highest judicial post in 1946. The former President and Mrs. Bess Truman came here from Independence, Missouri, for the service. Margaret came from New York. Same as 68-1478, only better print. From: Houston Post.