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Truman Commission Reorganizes Executive Branch

President Harry S. Truman (seated center) is flanked by members of a 12-man commission engaged in a study to increase the efficiency of the Executive Branch of the government. Front, L to R: George H. Mead, Dayton, Ohio; former President Herbert Hoover; President Truman; Joseph P. Kennedy; and Senator John J. McClellan (D-Arkansas). Rear, L to R: Representative Clarence J. Brown (R-O); Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal; Arthur S. Flemming, Civil Service Commission; Secretary of State Dean Acheson; James Rowe; and Representative Carter Manasco (D-Alabama). From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman Casts his Ballot in Jackson County

Former President Harry S. Truman flashes a big smile as he steps from the voting booth today in the Memorial Building in Independence, Missouri. He had just cast his ballot on one of Jackson County's new voting machines (seen in background). This was the first time the machine had been used in a general election. However, a similar one was used in Missouri's August primary. Prohibited from taking his usual long morning walk, Harry S. Truman said that he was able to take advantage of the election today to make the two-block walk from his home. From: Houston Post.

Bess Truman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Edith Galt Wilson, all Former First Ladies

Washington, D. C. Mrs. Woodrow (Edith) Wilson looks up as she has a word tonight with two other former first ladies of the land, Mrs. Harry S. (Bess) Truman, (left), and Mrs. Franklin (Eleanor) Roosevelt, and the gathering of the top Democrats attending the testimonial dinner for House Speaker Sam Rayburn. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman in Television Broadcast about Harry Dexter White Case

Former President Harry S. Truman sits at a desk in a television studio (WDAF-TV) in Kansas City, Missouri tonight just before going on the air with a nationwide radio and television broadcast giving his side of the Harry Dexter White case. The former Chief Executive sits beneath a battery of lights before the cameras with his speech before him. From: Houston Post.

Harry and Bess Truman Have Breakfast at Union Station, St. Louis

Harry S. Truman thumbs through a newspaper at St. Louis Union Station as he and Mrs. Bess Truman await their breakfast order -- scrambled eggs and bacon -- today. The former President had little to say about his speech to the nation tomorrow night, but told newsmen his comments on the Harry Dexter White case would give them "something to write about tomorrow night." The Trumans, home-bound after a New York visit, changed trains here en route to Independence, Missouri. From: Houston Post.

Former President Truman Declares a Political Lie

Former President Harry S. Truman was serious Friday as he scanned a news report of a speech made by Attorney General Herbert Brownell. The Attorney General charged Harry S. Truman named an official to a high post despite two FBI reports branding the man, the late Harry Dexter White, as a Soviet spy. Harry S. Truman declared the statement was a "political lie." The former President is in his office at the Federal Reserve Bank building. From: Houston Post.

Samuel Rosenman and Harry S. Truman at Press Conference in New York City

Newsreel, television cameras, and microphones make it difficult for Harry S. Truman and Samuel Rosenman to exchange a confidential aside at the Truman press conference in New York City today at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Rosenman, for many years a White House advisor during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, was a member of the ex-President's party at the conference, during which Truman made public his letter to the House Un-American Activities Committee turning down the committee's subpoena. The Committee is investigating the Harry Dexter White case. From: Houston Post.