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Associated Press

Harry S. Truman and Family in Car in New York City

A carefree smile covers the face of former President Harry S. Truman as he starts his drive home to Independence, Missouri, from the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel here in New York City today. Waving goodbye is Mrs. Bess Truman and partially hidden in the rear is their daughter, Margaret, who was dropped off at her New York hotel. Truman said he spent a "very happy and satisfactory week" in New York. Same as 68-1480 and 77-2295, only slightly better print. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman Visits Frank E. McKinney

Former President Harry S. Truman motoring home to Missouri from an eastern trip, is shown chatting with Frank E. McKinney, Indianapolis banker and former Democratic National Chairman, who was his host overnight. The former president is showing McKinney a pamphlet on the Harry S. Truman Library which contains documents pertaining to Truman's historic years in the White House. They are in Indianapolis, Indiana. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman and Strom Thurmond at Reserve Officers Association Convention

Former President Harry S. Truman (left) has a warm handshake for Strom Thurmond, former governor of South Carolina and Dixiecrat candidate for President in 1948, as the two met in a receiving line at the Reserve Officer's Association convention dinner in Philadelphia tonight. When questioned later on what words passed between them, Thurmond said it was just a "greeting of one reserve officer to another." Both Truman and Thurmond are colonels in the U.S. Army. In center is Capt. Robert G. Burke, USNR, national president of the Reserve Officer's Association. From: Houston Post.

The Truman Family Arrives at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco

Former President Harry S. Truman grins broadly as he is besieged by a group of admirers upon his arrival at the Fairmount Hotel here in San Francisco, California, today. Behind Truman is his wife, Bess. Mr. Truman and his wife, along with their daughter Margaret, are scheduled to sail from here tomorrow bound for a vacation in Hawaii. From: Houston Post.

Truman Gives First Public Address after Leaving Office

Jefferson City, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman (second from right) smiles as he is applauded by members of the Missouri Legislature before giving his first public address since leaving the White House. On rostrum with the former President are: (L to R) House Speaker Lester A. Vonderschmidt, Lieut. Gov. James T. Blair, and Gov. Phil M. Donnelly. From: Houston Post.