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Election Activity

Students will work in the computer lab to examine campaign methods of President Harry Truman during the 1948 campaign. They will compare these to methods being used by Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama in 2008.
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Berlin Airlift

After a short PowerPoint introducing the Berlin Blockade, the students will participate in a cooperative learning activity emphasizing the study of primary sources to increase understanding of Truman's decision to continue the Berlin Airlift.
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Desegregation of the Armed Forces

Students will gain experiences in decision-making processes, analyzing primary source documents, technological research skills, and gain an understanding of President Truman's role in Civil Rights in America.
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1948 Election

Students will work with the party platforms for the four major parties participating in the Election of 1948 (Democratic, Republican, States' Rights Democratic, and Progressive parties).
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Desegregation of the Armed Forces

The students will analyze six groups of primary sources documents related to the desegregation of the armed forces on July 26, 1948. They will work together to gain a broader understanding of both the immediate and long-term ramifications.
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1950 Congressional Election

Students will analyze results of the 1950 congressional elections to determine how/why the Democrats lost enough seats to cause President Truman to lose a working majority in Congress.
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Recognition of Israel

After viewing the PowerPoint titled Israel and the American Cyrus which deals with the influences on President Truman's decision to recognize Israel and the birth of Israel as a nation, students will write to prompts.
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For Two Sticks of Gum: The Berlin Airlift

Students will study the Berlin Airlift and the role Gail Halverson played in shaping this famous Cold War event. The lesson includes a lecture on the Berlin Airlift, a video presentation by Gail Halvorsen, a critical thinking worksheet, and a PowerPoint.
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1948 Election Strategy

Using cooperative learning small groups will analyze and summarize key aspects of the Clifford-Rowe Memorandum.
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1948 Election: Rockwell Painting

Assignment is both individual and cooperative. Students will use the Norman Rockwell Post cover "Family Squabble". Students will work in pairs to analyze the painting using the attached worksheet.
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