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Yalta Conference Activity

Students will fulfill the role of the political leaders at the Conference at Yalta and reenact the conference. They will debate the issues discussed at the conference to determine if they come to the same ends as what actually happened in 1945.
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Candy Bomber Activity: Berlin Airlift

The daring activities of Gail Halvorsen will be presented in class. Students will then be asked to formulate a plan to create and hopefully implement their own service activity.
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Berlin Airlift

Create a meal (or meals) to complete a day's worth of calories for Berliners at the time of the Airlift and present to class in order to visualize what they were actually eating.
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Emma Goldman: A Fight For Women and Equal Rights

This will be an individual learning assignment that will require the use of artifacts and other primary sources from the Emma Goldman Papers project by the University of California-Berkeley and Public Broadcasting Station (PBS).
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Race and Society in Professional Baseball: 1880s-1972

There will be cooperative learning as students will be working in groups of 4-5 and analyzing secondary sources concerning Cap Anson and primary sources from after Jackie Robinson's playing days.
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Mr. Truman as a Senator

Using primary sources from the Harry Truman Library, the students will develop an understanding of some of the requests made of a United States Senator and how the senator and his staff handle these requests.
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Treaty of Versailles- Impact on foreign relations

By analyzing and conceptualizing the Treaty of Versailles and the major players in the peace process, students can begin to delve into the complexities of the underlying issues of the peace treaty.
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Comparing the Articles of Confederation and the League of Nations

Discussion, group research, individual paper.
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League of Nations Fishbowl Debate

Fishbowl/Open Debate over the question, The United States should have ratified the Treaty of Versailles and Joined the League of Nations.
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Gaines v. Canada Mock Trial

In a cooperative learning project, students will participate in a mock trial, arguing the facts and constitutional ramifications of the 1938 Supreme Court case Gaines v. Canada [Univ. of Missouri].
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