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Music in a Wartime Culture: Comparing the Music of WWI and the Current War on Terrorism

Students will identify several underlying themes of war inspired music and analyze the effect the author is trying to create.
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Captain Truman's World War I Letters

Students will read letters written by Capt. Harry S. Truman from France to his fiancée Bess Wallace and his cousins Mary Ethel and Nellie Noland and compare them to accounts of the experiences of his division (35th) during WWI.
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World War One in Songs and Pictures

After viewing the MovieMaker presentation titled, "WWI Cemeteries" students will listen to "Will Ye Go to Flanders" by Jane Tabor and complete Song Analysis with teacher.
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Recognition of Israel

Role playing activity in which students will portray historical figures who were influential in the U.S. recognition of the State of Israel.
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What Would You Do? Desegregating the Military

Students will analyze primary documents, make decisions in the role of Harry S. Truman, and participate in group discussion and debate to understand the complex decision making that went into Truman's decision to desegregate the U.S. military.
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1948 - Berlin Airlift

Students will analyze primary sources, participate in class discussion, and complete an individual writing assignment to understand the human impact of the Berlin Airlift.
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House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Students will read through the Bill of Rghts and put into their own words what those rights mean today. They will then prioritize those rights as they apply to students.
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Berlin Airlift

Students will be able to understand the purposes and outcomes of the Berlin Airlift, the Berlin blockade as a response to the growing Cold War and as the first battle of the Cold War.
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Israel on the map

Students will analyze how political boundaries change with major world events by examining primary documents in small groups.
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Desegregation and Civil Rights

Students will be placed in groups to analyze primary documents relating to civil rights during the post-WW1 to 1948 time period (both pro and con regarding desegregation). Together, they will create a timeline of the documents given.
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