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American History

Appreciate the Jazz Age

Activities to help students gain a more distinct knowledge of the Jazz Movement of the 1920s.
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Harry Truman - 1920s Road Building

Students will work in pairs, using primary documents and readings from secondary sources to discover how Harry Truman was a forward thinking individual as shown in road building for Jackson County.
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Letters to a President

Students will study and analyze letters written to Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Great Depressions while he was implementing the New Deal programming. The students will reflect and compare the Great Depression to our current economic situation.
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The New Deal: Yesterday and Today

Students will be analyzing New Deal programs and comparing them to similarly funded government programs we have today. They are to determine who the programs benefit and if they should remain intact.
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1920s Newspaper

Putting together a 1920s newspaper as a group - each student will contribute an individual articles.
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To League or Not to League?

Socratic Circle, Individual Assignment-Poster focused on League of Nations.
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Create Your Own DBQ

Students will be creating their own Document-Based-Question. The assignment requires students to research and include primary and secondary documents that are related directly to the question they have written.
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The Red Scare Through Political Cartoons & Satire

Political Cartoons from the Red Scare will be analyzed.
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