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American History

Between the Wars: Treaty of Versailles

Individual Assignment - write an essay over the Treaty of Versailles and the causes of World War II.
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Opposing Views Over the New Deal Expansion of the Federal Government

At the end of the lesson on the New Deal, the students will be assigned one of the following individuals (Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Alf Landon, Huey P. Long, and Father Charles Coughlin) to research views on the New Deal.
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League of Nations Fishbowl Debate

Fishbowl/Open Debate over the question, The United States should have ratified the Treaty of Versailles and Joined the League of Nations.
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Gaines v. Canada Mock Trial

In a cooperative learning project, students will participate in a mock trial, arguing the facts and constitutional ramifications of the 1938 Supreme Court case Gaines v. Canada [Univ. of Missouri].
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Only Yesterday: Morals, Manners & Mayhem in the 1920s

Students will read chapter five from Fredrick Lewis Allen's Only Yesterday, "The revolution of Manners & Morals" as a guide to the seismic shifts in American popular culture during the 1920s.
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Truman's Roads Program

Students will be exploring the impact of road building and how that affected future American urbanization and prosperity. Students will conduct research cooperatively in groups of 3-4 while turning in individual papers
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Jazzed, Boozed, and Busted: 1920

Students will be required to put together a PowerPoint or poster board presentation on a theme from the Roaring Twenties. The presentation (PowerPoint slides or poster board) must include pictures, descriptions, and various other items.
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Historical Photographs of Independence: Harry S. Truman and the "Road" to the Presidency

This will be an introductory paired learning activity. The students, working in teams, analyze the rapid rise in automobiles and the growing need for a stable road system in the United States/Missouri.
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Kansas City Jazz of the 1920s and 30s

Students will study Kansas City Jazz of the 1920s and 1930s.
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Black Leaders of the 1920s and 30s

Students will study and write about famous black Americans in the 1920s and 1930s.
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