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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Volleyball Game in Key West

Volleyball game in Key West, Florida. Press Secretary Joseph Short is standing next to the volleyball net (fourth from left). General Harry Vaughan is fourth from the right, on the near side of the volleyball net. Administrative Assistant to the President David Lloyd is on the right, on the far side of the net. All others are unidentified. This photo was taken during President Harry S. Truman's eleventh vacation visit to Key West.

Airport at Nicaragua

United States and Nicaraguan military officers at an airport in Nicaragua. Those that can be identified are Brigadier General Cornelius Mara (eighth from left), Major General Harry Vaughan (ninth from left), General Wallace Graham (tenth from left), Colonel Jack Brause (fifth from right), and Colonel C. H. Deerwester (third from right). All others are unidentified.

Truman with Marine Corps Officers

President Harry S. Truman (in civilian clothes) shown with Marine Corps Officers during review of Marine formation during a trip to the Marine Corps School at Quantico, Virginia. Also present, walking behind Truman are General Harry Vaughan (foreground, second from right), Admiral Robert Dennison (foreground, third from right), and General Robert Landry (next to Dennison, partly obscured). All others are unidentified.

Overview of Democratic National Finance Committee Dinner

President Harry S. Truman, Vice-President Alben Barkley, and other notable Democrats are shown in this oversized photo taken at the Democratic National Finance Committee at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. Other prominent Democrats in the photograph include Clark Clifford, General Harry Vaughan, John W. Snyder and Press Secretary Charles Ross. ORIGINAL IS IN OVESIZED FILE