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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Leslie Coffelt Funeral

President Harry S. Truman (center group, front) and First Lady Bess W. Truman (center group, center) at Arlington National Cemetery, attending funeral services for Private Leslie Coffelt of the White House Police, who was killed while protecting President Truman from an assassination attempt on November 1. Walking behind President and Mrs. Truman are (left to right) General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, and General Wallace Graham. All others are unidentified.

Truman Press Conference in Key West

President Harry S. Truman holding a press conference on the lawn of the Little White House. Standing from left to right: Mr. Phil Regan, Mr. David K. Niles, Mr. Stephen Spingarn, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Mr. Donald S. Dawson, Mr. Matthew J. Connelly, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. William D. Hassett, unidentified, Major General Wallace H. Graham, and Mr. Charles G. Ross. The man writing on his knee next to Mr. Ross is Edwin W. Darby. Identifiable men sitting around President Harry S. Truman (center, in white chair) are Mr.