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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Truman with Vacation Guests

President Harry S. Truman poses at the airport at Boca Chica, Florida with newly arrived vacation guests. From left to right: Admiral William Leahy, Judge Caskie Collet, President Truman, John R. Steelman, and General Harry Vaughan. Photo in the album The President's Vacation Trip to Key West 17-23 November 1946.

Visit by President of France

President Harry S. Truman (front, right) and the President of France, General Charles de Gaulle (front, left), attend the welcoming ceremonies for the General's visit on the front lawn of the White House. Also pictured, second row: Admiral William Leahy (left, mostly obscured); and Major General Harry Vaughan (second from right). All others are unidentified.

Army-Navy Football Game

President Harry S. Truman (front row of presidential box, fifth from left) and First Lady Bess W. Truman (front row of presidential box, third from right) attend the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Also pictured: Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark (front row of box, second from right); Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder (front row of box, right); and General Harry Vaughan (standing behind President Truman). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Army-Navy Football Game

Front row of the presidential box, from left to right: General Wallace Graham; unidentified; W. Averell Harriman, Special Assistant to the President; unidentified; unidentified; President Harry S. Truman; First Lady Bess W. Truman; Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark; and Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder watch the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Also pictured: General Harry Vaughan (standing behind President Truman); and General Robert Landry (seated, between President and Mrs. Truman). All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook

Acheson at Carillon Dedication

Secretary of State Dean Acheson (at podium) speaks during the dedication in Meridian Hill Park for the carillon given to the United States by the Netherlands. Also pictured: Queen Juliana of the Netherlands (left); President Harry S. Truman (second from left); and Mrs. Ann Chapman (right of podium). Seated behind President Truman is General Harry Vaughan. All others unidentified. From: Oscar Chapman Scrapbook