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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 15, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

General Henry Bayard, of Miami, Florida (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly last week and asked for this; old friend of the President.)
Senator Guy M. Gillette, Iowa (Asked for this to talk about bill he is sponsoring with 24 others, S.2269, creating a commission to study relations between the United States and other North Atlantic countries.)
(President accompanied by General Harry Vaughan, Mr. Joseph Short, and Mr. Matthew Connelly left for Luncheon at the Capitol given by Commissioner Lowell Mason before the Opening Baseball Game.)
The President returned to the Executive Office and left the White House at 2:35 p.m. for Griffith Stadium and the Game.
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce) OFF RECORD WHITE HOUSE
(Mr. William Hillman) (Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD AT WHITE HOUSE
Trip of the President to The Mississippi and Missouri River Flood Areas
Lv. Washington...(USAF INDEPENDENCE) The Independence will fly direct to Rock Island, Illinois, thence northwestward over the Missisippi River passing over Dubuque, Iowa and La Crosse, Wisconsin; thence west- ward to Sioux City, Iowa, and south over the Missouri River to Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebr.
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of Defense on Voting by Servicemen]
Ar. Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebr.
Conference with Midwestern governors and luncheon at Offutt Air Force Base. Members of the party The President Senator Thomas Hennings, (Mo.) Congressman James E. Murray, (Mont.) Congressman James W. Trimble (Ark.) Raymond Foley, F.H.A. (return trip) James T. Nicholson, American Red Cross (going) Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President Joseph Short, Secretary to the President Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Army Aide to the President Major General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to the President David Bell, Administrative Assistant Irving Perlmeter, Assistant to Joseph Short Jack Romagna Official Reporter Captain Ray L. Miller, Physician Secret Service Agents Frank Cancellare (still picture pool)* Deon DeTitte, (Television newsreel pool)* John Horton, (newsreel pool)* *will fly out on Independence and return on Press plane.
PRESS SECTION Lv. Washington....(United Airlines DC-6)....6:30 a.m. Members of the party
Mr. Robert G. Nixon~International News Service Mr. Merriman Smith~United Press Association Mr. Ernest B. Vaccaro~The Associated Press Mr. Don Whitehead~The Associated Press (going) Mr. Jack Doherty~The New York Daily News Mr. Laurence H. Burd~The Chicago Tribune Mr. Robert Donovan~The New York Herald Tribune Mr. Edwin Darby~Time Magazine Mr. Clark K. Mollenhoff~Des Moines Register-Tribune ~and Minneapolis Star-Tribune Radio: Mr. Arthur F. Barricult~National Broadcasting Co. (going) Mr. Morgan Beatty~National Broadcasting Co. (going) Mr. Ray Scherer~National Broadcasting Co. Mr. John Edwards~American Broadcasting Co. Mr. William Costello~Columbia Broadcasting System Mr. Hollis Seavey~Mutual Broadcasting System Newsreels: Mr. Hugo Johnson~Paramount News Mr. Al. Oeth~Paramount News Television: Mr. John Langenegger~N.B.C. Television Mr. Irving Heitzner~N.B.C. Television Mr. Thomas Craven~Associated Press TV Mr. Arthur Lodovichetti~Associated Press TV Mr. Bernard Dresner~Associated Press TV Mr. Frank Koza~Telenews INS-INP TV Mr. George Gerlach~Telenews INS-INP TV Still Photographers: Mr. Henry Burroughs~Associated Press Photos Mr. Stanley Tretick~United Press Photos Mr. George Skadding~Life Magazine Mr. Carroll S. Linkins~Western Union
[Public Papers: Remarks in Omaha on the floods in the Upper Missouri and Mississippi Valleys]
Mr. Dewey E. Long Mr. R. A. McMullin Mr. Robert A. Duffy Mr. Harry Charnley Major Terrence Biggs, USAF Captain H. G. Dudley, USA Cpl. William Luker Cpl. Robert Mendoza Mr. J. R. Brennen, Office Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army will accompany the Press party as advisor on flood conditions. Secret Service Agents: Mr. Gerald A. Behn Mr. Stewart Stout Mr. Paul Doster Mr. C. Taylor Mr. Adolph M. Downing Mr. Gerald McCann Mr. John R. Ladas
United Airlines DC-6 crew: Captain~J. E. Sandow Co-Captain~C. W. White Engineer~J. E. Cole Stewardess~Martha Calkins Stewardess~Mildred McCarthy Mr. Dave Wilson~UAL Representative Mr. Alex Northrop~UAL Representative
Admiral Ross T. McIntire (Requested appointment)
Honorable Myron Taylor (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Dan A. Kimball, the Secretary of the Navy (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Mrs. Lyle W. Blakeley (Mrs. Blakeley is Regent of the Independence Pioneers Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Independence, Missouri. Mrs. Blakeley wished to extend greetings to the President from Independence Chapter. Mrs. Fielding L. Sincox, Corres- ponding Secretary of Chapter wrote the President requesting appointment.)
Honorable Chan Gurney, Member, Goethals Memorial Commission Major General Julian L. Schley, Member of Goethals Memorial Commission (Senator Gurney now a Member of the Goethals Memorial Commission. Stated that the Commission has now decided on kind of monument to be erected to the General in Panama. He wanted to come in with plans and drawings to submit for the President's considera- tion.)
Honorable Walter J. Donnelly, American Ambassador to Austria (In city through today before returning to post - requested appointment through State.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual semi-weekly appointment. Half hour.)
(The President left the South Grounds for the Natural History Building at 10th and Constitution Avenue to address the American Society of Newspaper Editors. The President spoke at 4:30 p.m. The President answered questions at the conclusion of his address.)
[Public Papers: The President's News Conference]
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce) (Honorable Roger Putnam, Director of Economic Stabilization) (Honorable Ellis Arnall, Director, OPS) (Honorable Nathan Feinsinger, Chairman, Wage Stabilization Board) (Dr. John R. Steelman, Mr. Charles Murphy, Mr. David Stowe, Mr. Joseph Short) OFF THE RECORD - CABINET ROOM
(Honorable Philip Murray) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Jack Gorrie, Chairman, National Secruity Resources Board (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(Mrs. Henry Chiles) (Mrs. James B. Robinson) OFF THE RECORD (In city this week and wished to pay respects. Came to see Mr. Matthew Connelly and saw the President OFF RECORD.)
Honorable Richard G. Patterson, Jr., American Minister to Switzerland (Here on consultation and asked through State to see President before leaving.)
Mr. William H. Kittrell Mr. Harry Seay Mr. John M. Fouts (Wrote to Mr. Dawson. They wished to speak with the President re Dallas Floodway. Mr. Fouts in charge of the Trinity River organization; Messrs. Kittrell and Seay are members of Dallas Chamber of Commerce Committee on Federal Relations.)
Honorable Philip B. Perlman, Acting Attorney General (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly. Half hour.)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Called Mr. Connelly)
At the White House in the Red Room: The Ambassador of the French Republic and Madame Bonnet (The Ambassador presented to the President an 18th Century musical clock and 2 candelabra for the White House. These are gifts from the President of the French Republic. Mr. David Finley felt these gifts should be placed in the Red Room and suggested to Mr. Crim that the presentation take place there. Arrangements made through State. Mrs. Truman also present.)
[Public Papers: Remarks Upon Receiving a Gift for the White House Presented by the french Ambassador]
[Public Papers: Remarks to Members of the Associated Church Press]
The President received a group from the Associated Church Press: Arline M. Albritten S. Ruth Barhett Louis H. Benes J. I. Bishop T. C. Braun Aubrey N. Brown James S. Brown Benjamin Browne G. W. Buckner, Jr. and Mrs. Buckner Betty Burleigh R. J. Cadigan L.L. Carpenter Mrs. L. L. Carpenter Mr. L. D. Cartwright Rachel J. Colvin Elsie T. Culver C. R. Dobbins Raymond L. Edie and Mrs. Edie R. A. Elfers Phillips P. Elliott Paul Erb R. E. Finney Mrs. F. A. Fortney V. E. Foster Goodrich, A. L. Ione Gray Mrs. Gribble Paul Griffith and Mrs. Griffith J. C. Gunst Alfred Hassler R. H. Heinze Chester P. Hensley and Mrs. Hensley J. W. Hoffman K. J. Holland Carl L. Howland and Mrs. Howland R. D. Hughes H. H. Hunt Miss E. J. Husted Edna R. Johnson Carl G. Karsch E. Keasling A. F. Klauser Mrs. G. Laey E. H. Lalone M. L. Leuschner W. B. Lipphard A. V. McCracken E. D. McKune and Mrs. McKune George Dugan John B. McNab Margaret McNab Juliette Mather Adolf F. Meyer P. W. Milhouse R. Miller E. W. Modean K. I. Morse B. J. Mulder and Mrs. Mulder Alyce M. Mullen R. H. Murray H. L. Phillips S. L. Pollard L. D. Reynolds G. Elson Ruff E. W. Schramm Ray Schreiner Miss Shannon G. E. Shipler S. E. Southland Albert P. Stauserman F. C. Stifler William Thompson and Mrs. Thompson R. G. Torbet Robert E. Van Deusen Sturley S. Warren Miss Alice Welke Mary E. Whale I. B. Whale and Mrs. Whale A. J. Wilson K. L. Wilson Theodore Wittrock and Mrs. Wittrock Richard R. Wood Alex Toth (The Associated Church Press was holding its annual meeting in Washington and asked, through Mr. Joseph Short, to have 60 or 75 editors of Protestant church papers call on the President.)
(Mr. Lewis Barringer) (Mr. Feeney) OFF THE RECORD
(General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs) OFF THE RECORD
Honorable Robert Ramspeck Admiral Ross T. McIntire Dr. Charl Williams Mr. Kenneth Bradley (DAV) Mr. Charles Keefer, Editor of PERFORMANCE Magazine Also the following essay winners: Isabel Brewster of Santa Monica, California (winner) Susan King, Lincoln, Nebraska Harry Rodney Hartman, Milltown, New Jersey (Miss King and Harry Hartman tied for 2nd place in contest.) Billy Jean Fuller, Eckman, West Virginia (4th place) (Admiral McIntire arranged to bring in this group of Senior High School Students who were winners of the Annual Essay Contest held by the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped. The essays were written on "Why you should employ the handicapped." This was the 4th year for the Contest. (The Spring meeting of the Committee being held at the Departmental Auditorium this date.)
(The President left for the dedication of the new AMVETS Headquarters at 1710 Rhode Island Avenue.)
[Public Papers: Address at the Dedication of the New AMVETS Headquarters in Washington]
(Immediately following this dedication, the President left for the USS WILLIAMSBURG.)
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project]
[Public Papers: Letter to the President of the Senate Concerning Government Operation of the Nation's Steel Mills]
(The President left the USS WILLIAMSBURG and returned to the White House.)
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico]
BIG FOUR Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Sam Rayburn, the Speaker of the House Congressman John McCormack, the Majority Leader of the House Senator Ernest W. McFarland, the Majority Leader of the Senate (Postponed from Monday to Tuesday.)
Honorable Archibald Alexander (Wished to say goodbye to the President.)
Congressman and Mrs. Walter Rogers, Texas and family (Children are: John Edward, Walter Edward, Susan Daly, Thomas Kelly, Robert Joseph, Mary Catherine. Mrs. Rogers told the President at a recent party that she wanted to bring the children in to meet him.)
Mr. Ward Canaday of Toledo, Ohio (Leaving soon for Caribbean Commission and asked to talk with the President before that time.)
Lt. General Raymond L. McLain, Comptroller of the Army (Called for appointment.)
H.E. Jacques Leger, newly appointed Ambassador of Haiti (Asked through State to be received by President as he is assuming duties of his new Office. Copy of the remarks which the Ambassador will hand to the President is attached to original appointment sheet given the President.)
Honorable George V. Allen, American Ambassador to Yugoslavia (Asked through State to be received by President before returning to his post.)
Honorable Robert D. Murphy, American Ambassador to Japan (Sworn in as Ambassador yesterday and asked to see the President before leaving.)
Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense (Usual weekly appointment. Half hour.)
(Honorable Maury Maverick) OFF THE RECORD (West Basement Entrance)
Honorable Maurice Tobin, the Secretary of Labor (Called Mr. Connelly)
(Mr. Walter Reuther) OFF THE RECORD
(The President attended meeting of the Defense Mobilization Board in the Cabinet Room.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Continuation of Aid to the Netherlands]
Honorable James M. Mead, Member, Federal Trade Commission (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this, stating he wished to discuss the vacancy on the Commission.)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior Senator Edwin C. Johnson, Colorado Mr. Robert Lilly, General Chairman, Golden Jubilee of Reclamation Mr. Raymond Gregg, representing Estes Park Chamber of Commerce Jean S. Breitenstein, representing Colorado Water Conservation Bd. Avery Batson, Regional Director, Region 7, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado William Welch, Secretary to the Regional Reclamation Association Congressman Wayne N. Aspinall Congressman Byron G. Rogers (Invited the President to speak at the National Observance of the Golden Jubilee of Reclamation, to be held in Northern Colorado June 16th and 17th, 1952.)
Congressman Joe L. Evins, Tennessee Judge R.W. Smart, of Tennessee (Congressman Evins called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Senator William Benton, Connecticut (Presented to the President volumes 2 and 3 of the forthcoming 54-volume set of "Great Books of the Western World"; specially bound and with Presidential Seal. Senator Benton is having bound two special sets of these "Great Books". one for the President and one for Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain.)
Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture (Asked Mr. Connelly to arrange.)
The President received a group of Baptist Missionaries and Members of the World Mission Week Committee of the D. C. Baptist Convention: Rev. John S. Anderson~Rev. James E. Lingerfelt Dr. James D. Belote~Miss Helen McCullough Dr. & Mrs. B. Frank Belvin~Rev. John Clough Martin Rev. Jesse L. Brandon~Dr. Lewis W. Martin Mrs. Homer A. Brown, Jr.~Rev. Velson L. Patten Rev. Carl M. Capen~Dr. W. A. Petzoldt & Mrs. P Miss Alma Bell Clifford~Dr. George W. Sadler Miss Inabelle Graves Coleman~Dr. D. C. Sparks Rev. Charles L. Conrad~Miss Evelyn Stanford Mr. B. M. Crain~Rev. Marcellus Williams Dr. Jesse R. Wilson World Mission Committee, D.C. Baptist Convention: Dr. Wilber F. Ripley, Chairman Mrs. Richard C. Palmer Dr. and Mrs. William Crowder Mrs. Will E. Ivie Rev. William Millar and Mrs. Millar Rev. and Mrs. Fred D. Bean Rev. and Mrs. Herbert W. Baucom Dr. M. Chandler Stith, Executive Secretary Mrs. M. Chandler Stith Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Ludwig Dr. and Mrs. Ira N. Patterson (Requested by Senator Johnson of Colorado.)
General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff, USA Honorable Frank Pace, Secretary of the Army (Called Mr. Connelly last week and asked for this.)
Mr. M. B. Zerwick, of the Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Chapman, President of Yale & Towne (Presented to the President a ceremonial key to the White House made of gold and inscribed with the President's name, reopening date of White House, etc. Arranged through General Edgerton and were told no pictures and no publicity.)
The President received the General Superintendents of the Postal Transportation Service at the request of Assistant Postmaster General Redding: Mr. Edward J. Kelly, General Supt., Boston Mr. William H. Lemmermann, Acting Gen'l. Supt., New York Mr. Nair G. Maxson, Gen. Supt., Washington, D. C. Mr. Edward D. Adams, General Supt., Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Lawrence E. Ernst, General Superintendent, Cincinnati Mr. Charles W. Reams, General Supt., Chicago Mr. Robert C. Young, General Supt., St. Louis Mr. John C. Livingston, General Supt., San Francisco Mr. Leo J. Garvin, General Supt., Cleveland Mr. Axel F. Palmquist, General Supt., St. Paul Mr. Henry K. Coale, General Supt., Fort Worth Mr. Byron B. Bordelon, General Supt., New Orleans Mr. Aubrey D. Lawrence, General Supt., Seattle Mr. Vladimir A. Klein, General Supt., Omaha Mr. Homer J. McCarty, General Supt., Pittsburgh Post Office Department Officials in Washington, D.C.: Hon. John M. Redding, Asst. Postmaster General, Bureau of Trans- portation Mr. August C. Hahn, Executive Director, Bureau of Transportation Mr. George E. Miller, Asst. Executive Director, Bureau of Transp. Mr. Andrew G. Threadgill, Director, Division of Railway Transp. Mr. Leslie O. Boles, Director, Div. of Highway & Contract Transp. (Post Office General Superintendents) Mr. Robert S. Burgess, Director, Division of Air Service Mr. Mallory E. Phillips, Assistant Director, Division of Air Mr. John J. Gillen, Asst. Executive Director, Division of International Service
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget Honorable F. Joseph Donohue, D. C. Commissioner Brig. General Bernard L. Robinson, USA, Engineer Commissioner Lt. Col. Thomas J. Hayes, 3rd, Assistant to Engineer Commission (Half hour)
(General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs) OFF THE RECORD
(National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Message to the Congress Transmitting the first Annual Report of the Federal Civil Defense Administration]
(Pre Press)
[Public Papers: Press and News Conference]
(Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arnold) (Came in to see Mr. Connelly and saw the President) OFF THE RECORD
Congressman Sidney A. Fine, New York (Called Mr. Connelly last week to ask for this)
Honorable James T. Nicholson, Executive Vice President, American National Red Cross (Mr. Nicholson accompanied the President to Flood Area last week, remained there, and came in to make his report now)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (Usual Thursday appointment)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of Budget
(Honorable Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air Force) (General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force) OFF THE RECORD
(O.E. Jennings, Missouri) (Jim Owens, Missouri) OFF THE RECORD