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Daily Appointments of Harry S. Truman

April 08, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's appointment calendar covers the dates from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Please select a date within that range.

(LUNCH at the Supreme Court) (Justice Minton called the President)
(Honorable Joseph Keenan, Secretary-Treasurer, A.F. of L.) (Mr. James L. McDevitt, Director, Labor's League for Political Education) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Keenan called Mr. Connelly)
Senator Harley M. Kilgore, West Virginia (Called Mr. Connelly)
Mr. James Patton, President, Farmers' Union (In city this week and requested appointment)
Honorable J. Russell Young, Commissioner for the District of Columbia (Came in to submit resignation. Called Mr. Connelly)
Senator Lister Hill, Alabama (Called Mr. Connelly)
(Honorable Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce) (Honorable John R. Steelman, Acting Director of Defense Mobilization and The Assistant to the President) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Address Before the National Conference on International Economic and Social Development]
The President addressed the nation over a coast-to-coast radio and television broadcast regarding the steel situation.
[Public Papers: Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Need for Government Operation of the Steel Mills]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Reporting on the Situation in the Steel Industry]
Honorable Francis E. Walter, Congressman from Pennsylvania (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Frederick Lawton, Director, Bureau of the Budget Brig. General Bernard L. Robinson, District Engineer Commissioner Honorable Joseph Donohue, Commissioner for the District of Columbia Colonel Thomas J. Hayes Honorable William Finan, Asst. Director for Admn. Management, Bureau of the Budget (One half hour. Discussed District Reorganization Plans)
Mr. Robert V. Fleming, President and Chairman of the Board, Riggs National Bank, Washington (Talked with Mr. Matthew Connelly)
Honorable Joseph S. Clark, Mayor of Philadelphia Honorable Francis J. Myers (Senator Myers requested the President to see the Mayor re CAB action on Philadelphia Trans-Atlantic Service Inter- national Airport. The Mayor wants airport to remain in operation)
Mr. Harold Russell, Past Commander of AMVETS, now with Worlds Veterans Foundation Fund Mr. Sherman Ewing, President of Worlds Veterans Foundation Fund Mr. Harold Weil, Treasurer (Requested and arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
Reverend Billy Hood, S.E. Church of Christ Reverend Tom Page, Falls Church Church of Christ Reverend Burton Coffman, 16th and Decatur Church of Christ Reverend Fred Walker, Arlington, Virginia Church of Christ Reverend Donald Anderson, Avalon Heights Church of Christ (Congressman Mills of Arkansas called Mr. Matthew Connelly and arranged for this. They are pastors of local Churches of Christ and wanted to present a bible to the President.)
Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior Dr. Fernos-Isrn, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico (Presented to the President an embossed Copy of the Constitution of Puerto Rico.)
Mr. Clark Griffith (Brought in the annual baseball pass to the President.)
(Judge Howard, Assistant to the Chairman, Democratic National Committee) (Miss Mary Howard, his daughter) (Miss Jo Francis Kelly) (Miss Barbara Dutchen) OFF THE RECORD
(LUNCH at the White House for the Members of the Commission on Renovation of the Executive Mansion at the President's invitation.) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable James McGranery, newly appointed Attorney General) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable Abraham Feinberg) OFF THE RECORD
Rabbi Rudolph Rosenthal, Cleveland, Ohio Jonathan Rosenthal, 13-yr.-old son of the Rabbi (Arranged by Congresswoman Bolton. The Rabbi had just returned from Israel and brought a gift for the President from the people in the town of Ksar-Truman. The son Jonathan made the presentation.)
Mr. Jacob Potofsky, Amalgamated Clothing Workers President (Phoned Mr. Matthew Connelly from New York)
Mr. Jack Kroll, of the CIO (In city this week and requested to see the President)
Honorable George H. Christopher (Former Congressman from Missouri. Was to leave on Friday for Missouri and not return until April 21st. Must decide by then whether or not he will run for his old seat in Congress.)
(Mrs. Marge Eby) (Mrs. Louise Hibbs) (Mr. Matthew Connelly ran them in for a handshake.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Summarizing the New Reorganization Plans]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 2 of 1952]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 3 of 1952]
[Public Papers: Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 4 of 1952]
Press and Radio Conference [Public Papers]
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (One-half hour)
Honorable Dean G. Acheson, The Secretary of State (Usual semi-weekly appointment)
Honorable Raymond M. Foley Administrator, Housing and Home Finance (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
(Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., The Secretary of the Army) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly) OFF THE RECORD
The President received a group of Members from the Railway Editor's Organization (Mr. Edward Keating, Manager of LABOR wrote Mr. Matthew Connelly asking for appointment - they also wanted a picture) BAER, Mr. and Mrs. John M., Labor BOOKJANS, Mr. John, Catering CARTER, Mr. James, Railway Clerks CORWIN, Mr. and Mrs. E. J., Labor DOWNEY, Miss Marie, Electrical Workers GARBER, Mr. and Mrs. John R., Train Dispatchers GREEN, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M., Labor HOWARD, Mr. R. C., Signalmen HUGGINS, Mr. D. B., Carmen JENKINS, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H., Labor KEATING, Mr. and Mrs. Edward, Labor LANCASTER, Miss Mabel, Machinists LEVIN, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben, Labor MEYER, Mr. and Mrs.W. F., Yardmasters NEVILLE, Mr. and Mrs. W.P., Labor PICKARD, Mr. P.K., Telegraphers PLONDKE, Mr. and Mrs. E.J., Maintenance of Way RIVES, Mr. and Mrs. J.R.T., Conductors SCOTT, Mr. Ray, Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen SMITH, Mr. Paul, Locomotive Engineers SPRINGER, Mr. J.B., Train Dispatchers THOMES, Mr. and Mrs. L.O., Machinists WHITNEY, Mr. B.A., Trainmen ZIEGLER, Mr. Phil E., Railway Clerks
(Honorable Anna Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly)
The President presented a trophy baton to Representatives of the Third Infantry, oldest Infantry Regiment in the U.S. Army: BIGELOW, Sgt. Lyman W. EVANS, Pfc. Charles G. GRIMES, Warrant Officer Henry W., photographer HUMPHREY, Sgt. William R. JENNA, Colonel William W. LIPSCOMB, Lt. Col. Andy A. LOWERY, Pfc. Roy E. SIMMONS, Lt. Col. James E. URNESS, Sgt. Luther B. WEAVER, Lt. Col. Carl A. ZIEGLER, Cpl. Elam H. (Arranged by General Harry Vaughan)
(Honorable John W. Snyder, the Secretary of the Treasury) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Statement by the President on the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Leonardo da Vinci]
(Colonel Lou Holland) OFF THE RECORD (Wired Mr. Connelly - wanted to come in Off Record. East Entrance.)
(General W. Bedell Smith, Director, C.I.A.) (Honorable James E. Lay, Executive Secretary, National Security Council) OFF THE RECORD
Cabinet [Meeting] (Secretary Galvin for Labor; Acting Attorney General Perlman for Justice; all others present.)
H.E. Senor Dr. Luis Machado (Recently resigned as Ambassador of Cuba to the United States; In city rest of this week and requested appointment through State.)
(Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense) OFF THE RECORD
The President received the Members of the Executive Board of International Council on Archives: Honorable Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States Honorable Luther Evans, Librarian of Congress BASU, Purnendu, representing the National Archives of India BORN, Dr. Lester, General-Secretary of the International Council on Archives BRAIBANT, Charles, Director of the Archives of France, and Mrs. Braibant BUCK, Solon J., Board Member of the International Council on Archives, and Mrs. Solon CHUECOS, Garcia, Archivist of Venezuela LARSON, Honorable Jess LIVERMAN,Mr., State Department interpreter for group (Honorable Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the U.S. wrote to Mr. Lloyd stating group was meeting here April 9 to 11. This international organization was established under a sponsorship of UNESCO. Arrangements were made thru Mr. Crim for group to East Wing of White House at 11:30 for a tour of the House, then they met the President at 12:15 pm)
The President presented the Medal of Honor to the following: M/Sgt. Harold E. Wilson, USMCR First Lieutenant Lloyd L. Burke, USA Corporal Rodolfo P. Hernandez, USA The following were guests at the ceremony: WILSON, Mr. James E., father WILSON, Mrs. James E., mother WILSON, Mr. William K., brother WILSON, Mrs. William K., sister-in-law WILSON, Mr. Thomas R., brother WILSON, Mrs. Thomas R., sister-in-law WILSON, Mr. Walter L., brother ADAMS, First Lt. N. L., USMC, (escort) BANNING, Lt. Col. V. W., USMC (Former C.O. Third Battalion, First Marines) BATTLE, Hon. L.C. M. C. DUNCAN, Admiral D. B. USN (Vice Chief of Naval Operations) HILL, Senator Lister KIMBALL, Hon. Dan A. (Secretary of the Navy) LaHUE, Lt. Col. F. C., USMC (Aide to Commandant) NEEDHAM, First Lt. R. C., USMC (escort) PATE, Brig. Gen. R. McC, USMC PATTERSON, Miss Juanita (Secretary to Congressman Battle) SITTER, Major C. L., USMC (Former C. O. Company G., Third Battalion, First Marines) SPARKMAN, Senator John J. THOMAS, Lt. Gen. G. C., USMC (Acting Commandant of Marine Corps) WEINSINGER, Maj. Gen. W. W., USMC BURKE, Mrs. Lloyd., wife BURKE, Master Gary L., son BURKE, Miss Betty F., sister EDDINS, Mrs. Howard C., sister BURKE, Mrs. Betty M., mother BURKE, Mr. Claude D., brother McLAURIN, Mrs. James E., sister BOWEN, W.H. HERNANDEZ, Mr. Thom, brother WILLIAMS, Col. E. A. ANDERSON, 1st Lt. William A. DeGIL, 1st Lt. Bernard F. TAYLOR, 1st Lt. Henry M., Jr. TRAVIS, 1st Lt. William H. BEISHLINE, Col. J. R. HESS, Lt. Col. Buie LOVETT, Hon. Robert A., Secretary of Defense BRADLEY, Gen. Omar, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff PACE, Hon. Frank, Secretary of the Army ALEXANDER, Hon. Archibald S., Under Secretary of the Army JOHNSON, Hon. Earl D., Ass't Secretary of the Army HULL, Gen. J. E., Vice Chief of Staff, U. S. Army BOLTE, Lt. Gen. Charles L., Deputy Chief of Staff, U. S. Army FULBRIGHT, Senator J. W., Arkansas McCLELLAN, Senator John L., Arkansas NORRELL, Representative W. F., Arkansas KNOWLAND, Senator William F., California NIXON, Senator Richard M., California HUNTER, Representative Allan O., California
[Public Papers: Remarks at the Presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor to 1st Lt. Lloyd Burke, USA, Cpl . Rodolfo Hernandez, USA, and T. Sgt. Harold E. Wilson, USMC]
(Judy Jones) (Ann Callahan) OFF THE RECORD
(Stanley Andrews - Department of Agriculture)
(Honorable Gordon Gray) OFF THE RECORD (Wrote Mr. Connelly and requested appointment)
Honorable Earle C. Clements, Senator from Kentucky
Mr. Lewis L. Strauss (Wrote Mr. Connelly that he would be here today presiding at meeting of the Panel which is advising Joint Committee of the Congress on Atomic Energy)
(Honorable Theodore F. Green, Senator from Rhode Island) (Requested appointment - EAST ENTRANCE) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Memorandum Requesting Agency Heads To Cooperate in an Inquiry by a Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary]
(Refitting of glasses) (In new Doctor's office at the White House)
(Mr. Joseph Short) (Admiral Robert Dennison) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Donald Dawson) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. Leo Bird) (Brother to Chaplain Bird - the President wrote him - also wired him - to come in. Mr. Bird arrived at the airport at 11:35 am, called from there)
(Mr. David Stowe) OFF THE RECORD
(The President and Mrs. Truman walked to St. John's Episcopal Church at 16th and H Streets, N.W. for 8:00 a.m. services.)
(Honorable Charles Sawyer) OFF THE RECORD
(Senator Tom Connally, of Texas) OFF THE RECORD
The President went to the Jefferson Memorial for a wreath-laying ceremony in celebration of the 209th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson.
(The President and Mrs. Truman entertained at tea for the Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. John Horton.) OFF THE RECORD
[Public Papers: Letter to the Secretary of Commerce on Highway Safety]
(Mr. Eben Ayers) OFF THE RECORD
(Honorable W. Averell Harriman) OFF THE RECORD
Mr. I. A. Smoot of Salt Lake City, Utah (Requested to talk re politics and Latter Day Saints Church.)
(Honorable Renah Camalier) OFF THE RECORD
H.E. Tage Erlander, the Swedish Prime Minister Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State (In city through April 16th and asked to pay respects to the President. Arranged through Mr. Simmons of Protocol.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable David K. Bruce, Under Secretary of State (Usual Monday appointment - asked for this special time as he wanted to bring in Mr. Pearson at 12:30 today.)
Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State The Honorable Lester B. Pearson, Foreign Minister of Canada The Honorable Lionel Chevrier, Canadian Minister of Transport H.E. Hume Wrong, the Canadian Ambassador Honorable Stanley Woodward, United States Ambassador to Canada
(Stag Luncheon at the White House for H.E. Tage Erlander, the Prime Minister of Sweden. The following guests attended the luncheon: The President The Prime Minister of Sweden Honorable Alben Barkley, the Vice President Honorable Fred Vinson, the Chief Justice Honorable Dean Acheson, the Secretary of State Honorable Oscar Chapman, the Secretary of the Interior Honorable Charles Brannan, the Secretary of Agriculture Honorable Charles Sawyer, the Secretary of Commerce Senator Theodore Francis Green of Rhode Island Senator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin Congressman Brooks Hays of Arkansas Honorable George W. Perkins, Asst. Secretary of State General Harry Vaughan, Military Aide to the President
(Honorable Robert A. Lovett, the Secretary of Defense) (Joint Chiefs of Staff) OFF THE RECORD (Secretary Robert Lovett called Mr. Matthew Connelly. Half hour.)
Mr. Josef Zylka, last of Displaced Persons Mr. Russell Bauer, Information and Editorial Division, DPC Dr. A. C. Baugher, President, Elizabethtown, Pa. College and Chairman of the Pennsylvania State Commission Mr. William S. Bernard, Director, Resettlement Campaign for Exiled Professionals, International Rescue Committee Mr. Robert J. Corkery, Frankfurt, Germany, European Coordinator, DPC Mr. Mitchell M. Duchich, Chicago, President, Serbian National Defense Council of America Dr. Walter Gallan, Philadelphia, Executive Director, United Ukranian American Relief Committee, Inc. Hon. John W. Gibson, Chairman, Displaced Persons Commission Jerry Griffin, Washington, D. C., representing Oklahoma Displaced Persons Commission Mr. Arthur J. Jazes, Executive Director, DPC Mr. William F. Laukaitis, Baltimore, Chairman, Maryland Displaced Persons Commission Mr. Thomas Leighton, Assistant Director, Information and Editorial Division, DPC Mr. George Mardikian, San Francisco, President of the American National Committee to Aid Homeless Armenians Mr. E. Tyson Matlack, Chief Accountant, General Foods Corporation, National Treasurer, American Federation of International Institutes Mr. James J. McTigue, General Counsel, DPC Mr. Leo J. Michaloski, Washington, D. C., representing the American Committee for the Resettlement of Polish Displaced Persons Mr. Gilbert Nickel, Wilmington, Delaware, Executive Secretary, Delaware Displaced Persons Committee Mr. James J. Norris, European Director, War Relief Services, National Catholic Welfare Conference Mr. Edward M. O'Connor, Displaced Persons Commissioner Mr. John Panchuk, Detroit, Chairman, Michigan State Committee on Displaced Persons Miss Ann Petluck, New York, Assistant Executive Director, United Service for New Americans, Inc. Mr. L. M. Peyovich, Chicago, Secretary, Serbian National Defense Council of America and Director, Serbian Resettlement Committee Mr. Arthur B. Rivers, Chairman, South Carolina State Advisory Committee on Displaced Persons Mr. Abraham Rockmore, Washington, D. C., Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Mr. Elliott Shirk, Resettlement Director, DPC Honorable Harry N. Rosenfield, Displaced Persons Commissioner Mr. Serge Tattykoff, New York, representing Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations in the United States Countess Alexandra L. Tolstoy, President, Tolstoy Foundation Reverend Robert Van Deusen, Washington, Secretary of National Lutheran Council Mr. Peter Wagner, Brooklyn, President, United Friends of Needy and Displaced People of Yugoslavia Mr. William R. Ward, Trenton, New Jersey, Chairman, New Jersey Displaced Persons Commission Dr. Gaither P. Warfield, Secretary, Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief Mr. Frederick J. Umhey, New York State Committee, DP Mrs. Oliver Cope, Massachusetts DP Committee Rt. Rev. Msgr. Burant, President of the Polish Immigration Committee Judge Zaleski, Vice President of the Polish Immigration Committee (Ceremony arranged by Honorable John Gibson. Josef Zylka is the last of 339,000 DPs. He presented to the President a silver-plated hand-crafted plaque on which is inscribed the Declaration of Independence. This ceremony signalizes the arrival of the last displaced person. Half Hour.
[Public Papers: Remarks to a Group of Displaced Persons]
(Judge Eugene Worley, U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals) (Judge Joseph R. Jackson, U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals) (Called Mr. Matthew Connelly and requested this.) OFF THE RECORD
(Mr. David Noyes) OFF THE RECORD
(Dr. John R. Steelman) OFF THE RECORD
The President received a delegation of Ambassadors, representatives on the Council of Organization of American States on the occasion of Pan American Day at the White House. The following were present: Senor Don Enrique A. Abal, Acting Representative of Argentina H.E. Dr. Luis O. Boettner, Representative of Paraguay H.E. Dr. Hector David Castro, Representative of El Salvador Senor Don Alfredo Chocano, Acting Representative of Guatemala H.E. M. Joseph L. Dejean, Ambassador, Representative of Haiti Hon. John C. Dreier, Representative of the U.S. and Chairman of the Council H.E. Dr. Luis Fernando Guachalla, Representative of Bolivia H.E. Dr. Gonzalo Guell, Ambassador, Representative of Cuba H.E. Senor Roberto Heurtematte, Representative of Panama H.E. Dr. Alberto Lleras, Secretary General of the Organization of American States Senor Don Gabriel Lucio, Acting Representative of Mexico Honorable Edward Miller, Asst. Secretary of State for Inter- American Affairs H.E. Senor Dr. Alfonso Moscoso, Representative of Ecuador H.E. Felix Nieto Del Rio, Representative of Chile H.E. Don J. Rafael Oreamuno, Representative of Costa Rica Senor Dr. Emilio N. Oribe, Acting Representative of Uruguay Senor Dr. Jorge Mejia Palacio, Acting Representative of Colombia H.E. Dr. Rene Lepervanche Parparcen, Representative of Venezuela Mr. George Polas Senor Dr. Felipe Portocarrero, Acting Representative of Peru Senor Jayme Azevedo Rodrigues, Acting Representative of Brazil Senor Dr. Rene Schick, Acting Representative of Nicaragua H.E. Dr. Luis Francisco Thomen, Representative of the Dominican Republic H.E. Senor Dr. Rafael Heliodoeo Valle, Representative of Honduras and Vice Chairman of the Council
[Public Papers: Remarks on Receiving Members of the Council of the Organization of American States]
[Public Papers: Statement by the President Upon Signing the Treaty of Peace With Japan and Related Security Pacts]
The President signed S.1368, an act "Amending the Acts relating to exemptions and garnishments in the District of Columbia." Judge Milton Kronheim was present. (Judge Kronheim asked for this through Mr. Feeney. This is the legislation which the Judge worked hard to get through and he wanted the pen with which the President signed the bill.)
The President posed for pictures of the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty in his Executive Office.
Mr. Mordecai Namir, Secretary General of the Histadrut in Israel Mr. Joseph Schlossberg, General Chairman of the National Committee for Labor Israel Mr. Charles M. Segal, Director of Press and Special Events of the National Committee Honorable Oscar Ewing, Administrator of Federal Security (Arranged at the request of Mr. Ewing, through whom this group made their request. This is the organization which presented their 1951 Humanitarian Award to the President, October 25, 1951. The State Department recommended also that the President see them, and in reporting on Mordecai Namir said he is also a member of Israeli Parliament; was Israel's first Chief of Mission to Moscow, where he served from 1948 to 1951. Was born in Soviet Ukraine.)
Honorable Jess Larson, Administrator, GSA General Thomas B. Wilson, Retired (Mr. Larson asked for this stating General Wilson is going to be Regional Director in Western Europe of Defense Materials.)