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Symington, Stuart, 1901-1988

President Truman Meets with Mobilization Committee of the NSRB

President Harry S. Truman (center, seated) is shown meeting with the Committee on Mobilization Policy of the National Security Resources Board (NSRB). Seated, left to right: Stuart Symington, Chairman, NSRB; President Truman; Anna Rosenberg, Assistant Secretary of Defense on Manpower. Standing, left to right: William Green, President, American Federation of Labor; Albert J. Hayes, President of International Association of Machinists; Hershel Newsom, Master, Farmers National Grange; Frank P.

United States Delegation at the Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Members of a delegation of United States officials pose for a photograph inside the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, From left to right: Senator Hugh Butler; Postmaster General Robert E. Hannegan; Senator Allen J. Ellender; Mr. Stuart Symington, Assistant Secretary of War for Air; and Representative George P. Miller. This photo is from a trip made by several Congressmen and government officials to the Far East.

Joint Civilian Orientation Conference Held At Fort Benning, Georgia

A group of military and government officials are shown seated together while attending a fifth Joint Civilian Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia on November 4-5, 1949. Identification includes left to right: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations; Louis Johnson (holding gun), Secretary of Defense; General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Air Force Chief of Staff; and Secretary of the Navy Francis P. Matthews.

Joint Orientation Conference Held At Fort Benning, Georgia

A group of military and government official are shown seated together while attending a Joint Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia on November 4-5, 1949. Identification includes left to right: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force; Vice Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations; Louis Johnson, with gun in hands, Secretary of Defense; J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff of the Army; and Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Navy.

Military and Government Officials Arriving At Fort Benning, Georgia

A group of invited individuals are shown having just departed from a United States Air Force airplane. They include left to right: General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Louis Johnson, Secretary of Defense; unidentified; Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Navy; and W. Stuart Symington, Secretary of the Air Force. They are attending a Joint Orientation Conference held at Fort Benning, Georgia on November 4-5, 1949.