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Symington, Stuart, 1901-1988

Truman birthday party

Former President Harry S. Truman (standing) views a signed birthday card which is being held by Margaret Truman. Senator Stuart Symington is on the far right, and an unidentified man is on the left. This took place at a birthday celebration dinner for Mr. Truman. An original negative in included. Donor: Dorothy Feeback.

Photograph of political figures, including Frank Pace, J. Howard McGrath, Alben W. Barkley, and Stuart Symington

Photograph of political figures including, from left to right, an unidentified man, an unidentified man, an unidentified man, Frank Pace, J. Howard McGrath, Alben W. Barkley, Stuart Symington, and another unidentified man. They are at the ramp of an airplane.

President Harry S. Truman Signing the Unification Bill for the Armed Forces

President Harry S. Truman signing the Armed Forces Unification Bill with guests. From left to right, Senator Richard B. Russell, unidentified admiral, General Omar Nelson Bradley, Louis A. Johnson, General Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg, Senator Styles Bridges, unidentified male, unidentified male, Fred M. Vinson, Stuart Symington, Stephen T. Early, and John W. Snyder.