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Symington, Stuart, 1901-1988

Groundbreaking ceremony for Truman Library

Left to right: Robert B. Landry, Senator Stuart Symington, former President Harry S. Truman, Edwin Pauley (seated), and Mike Westwood at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Harry S. Truman Library. The city of Independence donated Slover Park for the Harry S. Truman Library grounds. From: Copied from original photographs loaned to the library by Harry Barth. Originals were returned to Mr. Barth.

Johnson signing Medicare Bill

President Lyndon Johnson at the Harry S. Truman Library to sign Medicare into law. Seated at the table (l-r): President Lyndon B. Johnson; former President Harry S. Truman. Standing directly behind President Johnson is First Lady Lady Bird Johnson. Standing directly behind former President Truman is Bess Wallace Truman. Standing in the back row between Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Truman is Vice-President Hubert Humphrey. Standing directly behind Mrs. Johnson is Senator Stuart Symington. All others are unidentified. Same as 66-161.

Johnson signing Medicare Bill

President Lyndon Johnson at the Harry S. Truman Library to sign Medicare into law. Seated at the table (l-r): President Lyndon B. Johnson; former President Harry S. Truman. Standing directly behind President Johnson is First Lady Lady Bird Johnson. Standing directly behind former President Truman is Bess Wallace Truman. Standing in the back row between Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Truman is Vice-President Hubert Humphrey. Standing directly behind Mrs. Johnson is Senator Stuart Symington. All others are unidentified. Same as 66-159.

Mr. Truman and Party are Escorted to Awaiting Automobile at Eglin Field

President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, and their party are escorted by Major General William E. Kepner through an air police honor guard to an awaiting automobile at Eglin Field in Florida. The plane "Independence" can be seen in the background. From: The album, The U. S. Air Force presents Aerial Firepower Demonstration.