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Symington, Stuart, 1901-1988

Former President Harry S. Truman chats with dignitaries prior to receiving a plaque from the U.S. Air Force

Former President Harry S. Truman and other sitting dignitaries chat with an unidentified female member of the U.S. Air Force prior to ceremonies awarding the former President a plaque honoring him as First Commander-in-Chief of the United States Air Force. (See also 2007-216.) Left to right (sitting) are: Orchestra leader Skitch Henderson, Toastmaster; Mr. Truman; Senator Stuart Symington; Hon. Eugene Zuckert, Secretary of the Air Force; and General Carl A. Spaatz. (Original photograph in oversize drawer.) The location is unknown.

Former President Harry S. Truman receives a plaque as First Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Air Force

On the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the United States Air Force, former President Harry S. Truman accepts a plaque from an unidentified female member of the U.S. Air Force, which reads, in part: "In recognition of his understanding and appreciation of the Aero Space Age and for providing the United States of America with an independent Air Force to meet the challenges of the future, this testimonial is presented to Harry S. Truman, First Commander-in-Chief, United States Air Force...." Others in the photo, left to right, are: Orchestra leader Skitch Henderson, Toastmaster; Mr.

Truman and Kennedy at Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman and others on stage in the Harry S. Truman Library auditorium, during a press conference. Seated at the table, from left to right are: Missouri Senator Stuart Symington, Senator Kennedy, former President Truman, and Senator Henry Jackson, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Others in the photo are unidentified.