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Stowe, David H., 1910-1997

President Truman on His Morning Walk at Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman on his morning walk to the beach during his vacation at Key West, Florida, flanked by Eric A. Johnston, head of the Economic Stabilization Administration (left) and W. Stuart Symington, Chairman of the National Security Resources Board (right). Also present are General Harry Vaughan (between Johnston and Truman, in sunglasses), Press Secretary Joseph Short (behind Truman, smoking cigarette), and Administrative Assistant David Stowe (between Truman and Symington). All others are unidentified.

Truman's Staff on U.S.S. Williamsburg

Members of President Harry S. Truman's party relaxing on the after deck of his yacht, the U.S.S. Williamsburg, as the U.S.S. William C. Lawe provides escort in the background, during a vacation cruise to Key West, Florida. From left to right: David Stowe, John Steelman, William D. Hassett, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Press Secretary Chares Ross, Brigadier General Wallace Graham, Major General Harry Vaughan (wearing plaid shirt), and Brigadier General Robert Landry.

Truman vacation party at Key West

Group shot taken at the 10th Presidential trip to Key West. [L to R] first row: Harold Enarson, John R. Steelman, First Lady Bess W. Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, William Hassett, Irving Perlmeter. Second row, left to right: Eben Ayers, David H. Stowe, Major General Wallace Graham, Major General Harry Vaughan, Joseph Short, Rear Admiral Robert Dennison, Brigadier General Robert Landry, Philleo Nash, and Charles W. Jackson. See also 67-3204, 67-3205, and 74-796

President Truman and Party on Williamsburg

The President and the presidential party on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg, with the USS William C. Lawe trailing as an escort. From left (foreground): Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President), and Brigadier General Robert B. Landry (Air Aide to the President). From left (background sitting): John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), William D. Hassett (Correspondence Secretary to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L. Dennison (Naval Aide to the President), and Charles G. Ross (Press Secretary to the President).

Truman's party on board the Williamsburg, en route to Key West

The President and the presidential party relaxing on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg en route to Key West, Florida. From left (standing): David H. Stowe (Administrative Assistant to the President), Charles S. Murphy (Special Counsel to the President), Brigadier General Wallace H. Graham (Personal Physician to the President), and Commander Donald J. MacDonald (Commanding Officer of the USS Williamsburg). From left (seated): John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), William D. Hassett (Correspondence Secretary to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L.

Truman and others on deck of Williamsburg

The President and members of the presidential party relaxing on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg. From left: David H. Stowe (Administrative Assistant to the President), John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), Charles S. Murphy (Special Counsel to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L. Dennison (Naval Aide to the President), Charles G. Ross (Press Secretary to the President), Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President), Commander Donald MacDonald (Commanding Officer of the USS Williamsburg), and Brigadier General Robert B.

Truman's staff on the U.S.S. Williamsburg

Members of President Harry S. Truman's party relaxing on the after deck of his yacht, the U.S.S. Williamsburg, as the U.S.S. William C. Lawe provides escort in the background, during a vacation cruise to Key West, Florida. From left to right: David Stowe, John Steelman, William D. Hassett, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Press Secretary Chares Ross, Brigadier General Wallace Graham, Major General Harry Vaughan, and Brigadier General Robert Landry. From: Robert L. Dennison.

Volleyball game

Game of volleyball among the members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party in Key West, Florida. From left to right: David Bell, David Stowe, Donald Dawson, Harry Vaughan, and Dr. Warden. From: Harry H. Vaughan.