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Stowe, David H., 1910-1997

Guests of President Harry S. Truman Aboard the USS Williamsburg During a Key West Trip

Guests of President Harry S. Truman (not pictured) on board the USS Williamsburg on its way to Key West, Florida. From left to right: David Stowe, John R. Steelman (seated, left), William Hassett, Admiral Robert Dennison, Press Secretary Charles Ross, General Wallace Graham, General Harry Vaughan (seated on right in checked shirt) and General Robert Landry.

Truman Walking to the Beach in Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman walking to the beach during his vacation at Key West, Florida, with Economic Stabilization Administrator Eric A. Johnston (left), Chairman W. Stuart Symington of the National Security Resources Board (right), and other members of his entourage. Also present is General Harry Vaughan (behind Johnston, mostly obscured), Press Secretary Joseph Short (behind Truman, wearing sunglasses, mostly obscured), Administrative Assistant David Stowe (behind Truman, right), and Correspondence Secretary William Hassett (behind Stowe, mostly obscured). All others are unidentified.

Truman Riding to the Little White House, Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman and members of his vacation party on their way to the Little White House in Key West, Florida. In the back seat, from left to right: President Truman, Administrative Assistant David Stowe, and Economic Stabilization Administrator Eric Johnston. In the front seat, from left to right: Special Counsel to the President Charles Murphy, Assistant to the President John Steelman, and Secret Service Agent D. B. Flohr. Unidentified officer on motorcycle.