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Schwellenbach, Lewis B. (Lewis Baxter), 1894-1948

Truman with Cabinet and Advisory Council

President Harry S. Truman is seen here with his Cabinet and Special Economic Advisory Council. L-R (seated): Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, President Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, and Attorney General Tom Clark. L-R (standing): Leon Keyserling, Postmaster General Robert Hannegan, John Steelman, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Dr. Edwin G. Nourse, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach, and General Philip Fleming.

Truman with President's Committee on National Employment of the Physically Handicapped

President Harry S. Truman (center) met with the members of The President's Committee on National Employment of the Physically Handicapped to discuss the employment of physically handicapped throughout the year. Front row, left to right: Secretary of Labor, Lewis B. Schwellenbach; Secretary of the American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Mildred Scott; Morris S. Frank of the Seeing Eye Dog, Incorporated, with his canine; President Truman; Vice Admiral Ross T. McIntire, Medical Corps U.S.

George C. Marshall takes the oath of office

George C. Marshall takes the oath of office to become Secretary of State. In the foreground is (left to right) George C. Marshall and Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson. In the background, from left to right: Senator Arthur Vandenberg, Admiral William Leahy, General Harry Vaughan, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Attorney General Tom Clark, President Harry S. Truman, General Walter Bedell Smith, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, unidentified photographer, James Byrnes, and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach.

President Truman at his Desk With Others

President Harry S. Truman stands at his desk. Standing behind President Truman, from left to right: Attorney General Tom Clark, General Walter Bedell Smith, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, James Byrnes, and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. They are in President Truman's office for the swearing in of George Marshall as Secretary of State.

President Truman and his Cabinet

President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet. From L to R: Secretary of Agriculture, Clinton P. Anderson; Secretary of Labor, Lewis Schwellenbach; Secretary of Commerce, W. Averell Harriman; Secretary of Interior, Julius Krug; Postmaster General Robert Hannegan; Secretary of War, Robert Patterson; Secretary of State, George C. Marshall; President Harry S. Truman; Secretary of the Treasury, John W. Snyder; Attorney General Tom Clark; and Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal.

President Truman with Cabinet and Family Leaving the Capitol

From left to right, Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, Attorney General Tom Clark, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, First Lady Bess Wallace Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, and Secretary of Labor Lewis B. Schwellenbach. They are leaving for the Capitol for President Truman to make his State of the Union speech to Congress. The photo is autographed by each person in the photo.

Truman and Cabinet going to State of the Union Address

From left to right: Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, Attorney General Tom Clark, Secretary of War Robert Patterson, Secretary of State James Byrnes, Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug, Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman, and Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach. President Truman is preparing to go to Congress to make his annual State of the Union speech.

President Harry S. Truman addressing a Joint Session of Congress, the Truman Doctrine speech

President Harry S. Truman addressing a Joint Session of the 80th Congress, requesting aid for Greece and Turkey (Truman Doctrine). On the front row, lower right foreground, from left to right are Cabinet Secretaries John Snyder, Dean Acheson, Robert Patterson, Tom Clark, James Forrestal, Clinton Anderson, W. Averell Harriman, and Lewis Schwellenbach.

George Marshall taking the oath of office as Secretary of State, with guests

George Marshall taking the oath of office with, pictured from left, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Admiral William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral James H. Foskett, General Harry H. Vaughan, John W. Snyder, Tom C. Clark, George C. Marshall, President Harry S. Truman, General Walter Bedell Smith, Clinton P. Anderson, Fred M. Vinson, Julius A. Krug, James F. Byrnes, and Lewis B. Schwellenbach. Autographed by all present.