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Schwellenbach, Lewis B. (Lewis Baxter), 1894-1948

President Truman and his Cabinet are shown seated around the Table in the Cabinet Room

President Harry S. Truman and his Cabinet are shown seated around the table in the Cabinet Room. Left to Right: Secretary of Interior Julius Krug; Secretary of Commerce Averell Harriman; Federal Works Administrator Philip Fleming; Assistant to the President John Steelman; Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwellenbach; Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson; Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson; Secretary of Defense James Forrestal; Secretary of State George C. Marshall; President Harry S. Truman; Secretary of Treasury John Snyder; Attorney General Tom Clark.

President Truman and his cabinet officers

President Truman is seated at a table with his cabinet officers. L to R, around the table: Julius Krug, Secretary of the Interior; W. Averell Harriman, Secretary of Commerce; Philip B. Fleming, Administrator, Federal Works Agency; John R. Steelman, Assistant to the President; Lewis B. Schwellenbach, Secretary of Labor; Clinton Anderson, Secretary of Agriculture; Jesse Donaldson, Postmaster General; James Forrestal, Secretary of Defense; George C. Marshall, Secretary of State; President Harry S. Truman; John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury; and Tom C. Clark, Attorney General.