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Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961

Truman Shaking Hands with Tom C. Clark

President Harry S. Truman shaking hands with Tom Clark in the White House Rose Garden, on the occasion of Clark's taking the oath of office as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. From left to right: Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer, Associate Justice Tom Clark, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Vice-President Alben Barkley, Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, President Truman, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, and Chief Justice Fred Vinson.

Tom C. Clark Sworn In as Associate Justice

Tom C. Clark (foreground, left) being sworn in as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson (foreground, right) with President Harry S. Truman (center) looking on. Standing in the background are, from left to right: Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer, Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson (partly obscured by Vinson), Vice-President Alben Barkley, and Postmaster General Jesse Donaldson.

Truman and Barkley at Democratic Convention

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Convention Hall is in hysteria as the two men who will carry the colors of the Democratic Party into the presidential race, President Harry S. Truman (left) and Senator Alben Barkley, shake hands on the speaker's platform. Sam Rayburn, permanent chairman, is on the right. (Same as 77-3548 except uncropped) This is a 14" x 16" oversize photo mounted on heavy card stock. From: Office of President Truman.

Former President Harry S. Truman and Others at the Sam Rayburn Library Dedication

From left to right, Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, former President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman, Representative Sam Rayburn and an unidentified man attend the dedication of the Sam Rayburn Library in Bonham, Texas. A young boy, Andrew Connor, is seeking an autograph from former President Truman. All others are unidentified.

Former President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman and others at the dedication of the Sam Rayburn Library

Former President Harry S. Truman, Bess Truman, and others sit and applaud the beginning of the ceremonies dedicating the Sam Rayburn Library in Bonham, Texas. Of those who can be identified, sitting in the front row, are (left to right) Ladybird Johnson, Texas Senator Lyndon Johnson, former President Truman, Bess Truman, and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn. From: Sam Rayburn.